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Bbc : Biased Broadcasting Corporation

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19 hours ago, Tyke02 said:

Perhaps, unlike you, he understood why the England/Scotland stuff proves nothing.  Failing to platform something for which there is not good evidence is also not bias.

You what !

This is cobblers.

The whole point of "More of less" is look into the accuracy of claims in the media !


>>the England/Scotland stuff proves nothing.<<



It was entirely consistent. There is no way masks (as worn in the real world) can have a significant effect. Scotland, Wales and England are three parts of the same country :


3 Dec 31

England : No mask mandate 19th July to 30th Nov 21, no vaccine passport until the 10th Dec (and then rather half arsed).
Scotland : Mask mandate in force throughout, vaccine passport since 1st Oct  21 (enforced since 18th Oct)
Wales : Mask mandate throughout, vaccine passport since 11th Oct 21


Patients in hospital with a positive Covid test per million popn (on 3rd Dec 21, the last date for which the change in England's mandate could have had any effect)
England : 103.7
Scotland : 118.5
Wales : 141.3


Deaths from any cause within 28 days of a positive Covid test
Last date for which full data was available is 26 Nov for Eng and Scot, and 25 Nov for Wales.
Number of deaths 7 day average / per million popn =
England = 95.4 / 1.69
Scotland = 10.6 / 1.93
Wales = 5.7 / 1.78


As at 11 Mar 22
England no mask mandate 19th July to 30th Nov 21, then none after 26th January 22
Scotland has still not rescinded its mask mandate


Patients in hospital with a positive Covid test per million population:
England = 166
Scotland = 302


Deaths in the last week within 28 days of a positive Covid test per million population (though I admit most will not have died of Covid)  :
England = 10
Scotland = 22

Edited by Chekhov
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9 hours ago, top4718 said:

Your just admitting with every post how you have zero idea how the likes of the BBC is influencing your thoughts, I should start doing classes on it, make a few see the light.

A good example of this is the interview I heard with the French politician (the one Tykes says never happened) :


French politician from Macron's ruling party was being asked about vaccine passports. She said "we need them to protect people if, for example, they are visiting a museum".

The BBC interviewer just accepted that and never asked her any questions, such as how do vaccine passports protect people if the vaccines do not actually stop transmission of Covid ? Nor did she ask her why vaccinated people should be concerned about catching Covid if the vaccines work ? Which, by definition, you must think or you would not have introduced vaccine passports. etc etc 


Note how the BBC interviewer did not actually say vaccine passports work or not, she just did not question the person making that statement. Thus implying she, and the Beeb, agree with it. Or, even worse, it is just taken as a given, like gravity.

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I got disillusioned with the news broadcasts before Brexit.

Commentators were giving their views on situations rather than reporting the facts in an objective way it seemed to me.

I keep mentioning GB news and it is worth trying as an alternative to the mainstream channels.

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

You miss the 500 pound gorilla in the room! 


BBC, like all public broadcasters, is depending on the government to fund it's huge operational reach at home and abroad.


Conservative's want to variously, privatize, cut funding, even defund them completely, and let them try to sell their product in a free market place!


Naturally they have no interest in seeing conservatives elected.


No conspiracy theories, just human nature.

An age old tale that is easy to turn on it's head, conservatives don't like the BBC because it is broadly accurate and balanced, meaning it does not always reflect the outcomes of their policies as positive.



Tell me who's not a biased when it comes to losing your job, or your funding! :)

Who's not biased when it comes to someone questioning their reputation, competency, honesty or the outcomes of the policies they championed? :)




But to head off the usual "what would you recommend as a news source, then?"


I'd say one of the most politically balanced in the material and opinions they publish, is RealClearPolitics.

Who, from your own links, have been shown to be wrong so many times... the claim is laughable.


Out of interest, where are those retractions over at RCP re: all that Sussman "evidence" that they made up?



As a "news aggregator" they publish ALL the polls, and the main news and opinion from both sides of the political spectrum.


And it's FREE!  :)

...advertising for Tucker and Fox News, which play regardless of whether you clicked on them or not!


Anybody who thinks RCP is balanced, has totally lost the plot!


You literally have to be  :loopy:, or so far down the rabbit hole you've lost any sense of reality, to make that claim with a straight face! :hihi:


Just laughable.



The BBC could package their comedies, dramas, soap opera's and excellent documentaries, and market them as is done in this 21st century, by many others profitably.

Exists already. The BBC commercial arm.




The money saved could go to the cash strapped gummint agencies, folks on here are always winging about, NHS, education, housing, et al.

The money could be saved by "putting up taxes" people have to pay... the "conservative" view! :loopy:


The lips are flapping, but the brain is not engaged. :roll:

Edited by Magilla
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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

I got disillusioned with the news broadcasts before Brexit.

Commentators were giving their views on situations rather than reporting the facts in an objective way it seemed to me.

...but then in hindsight, it turns out it was objective reporting based on fact and those commentators, on balance, were right!


Brexit is a disaster for the UK.


Even GB News can't spin it any other way...


GB News host left speechless as Brexit poll shows viewers now in favour of remain


...given the way the viewer base is going, you'll be a remainer soon! :thumbsup: :hihi:



I keep mentioning GB news and it is worth trying as an alternative to the mainstream channels.

GB news was setup specifically to be "Opinion news" with a conservative bias, it's literally the basis of their advertising for the channel.


The entire point of GB News, the reason for it's existence, is to NOT be objective!


So... you got disillusioned with a perceived lack of objective reporting over at the BBC (despite it being broadly accurate re: Brexit, after the fact), so now you're advocating a channel who's content is literally a stream of programs with "commentators giving their views on situations rather than reporting the facts"...


...you know how completely loopy that sounds... right?


Have you ever wondered if it's you, rather than the BBC, who is lacking in objectivity?

Edited by Magilla
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39 minutes ago, Magilla said:

... Anybody who thinks RCP is balanced, has totally lost the plot!


You literally have to be  :loopy:, or so far down the rabbit hole you've lost any sense of reality, to make that claim with a straight face! :hihi:


Just laughable. ...

New York Times article from 2020: A Popular Political Site Made a Sharp Right Turn. What Steered It?




As the administration lurched from one crisis after another — impeachment, the coronavirus, a lost election the president refuses to concede — Real Clear became one of the most prominent platforms for elevating unverified and reckless stories about the president’s political opponents, through a mix of its own content and articles from across conservative media.


In recent days, as Mr. Trump and his loyalists repeated baseless claims of rampant voter fraud and counting errors, Real Clear Politics gave top billing to stories that reinforced the false narrative that the president could still somehow eke out a win. Headlines on Monday — more than a week after Mr. Biden had clinched the race — included “There’s Good Reason Not To Trust Election Results” and “Trump Attorney Says Results in Several States Will Be Overturned.”


... Sometimes these have been stories that most other news outlets, including some that lean conservative, would not touch because the details were unsubstantiated or publication of them would raise ethical concerns.

What happened?  RCP's always conservative-leaning owners apparently fired a shed load of their journalists, replaced them with conservative writers, including some who had worked for the Republican Party, took up with The Federalist, and took in massive amounts of $$$$ from Republican mega-donors.


RCP is only 'politically balanced' post-2016 to those whose judgement has been blunted by  years of lapping up Tucker Carlson's and Sean Hannity's brand of political balance.

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

That story was in the London section , but there was a pictured link to it from the main news page (on the right) I complained about that and the BBC did not dispute that was the case because it was true (their full answer is here).

Not quite what you said then, OK.  I wonder if everyone sees the same stuff on that site, or whether there's an algorithm at work based on subjects you've looked at in the past.  It doesn't appear in the wayback machine snapshot for the relevant date, so that might be an explanation. Your response from the BBC doesn't mention the specific story you pointed out at all.

1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

You appear to be by giving me the definition of "hearsay".

Yes because this is what was said before:

  22 hours ago, Chekhov said:

My recounted story of the BBC interviewer and the French politician is not hear say, it happened, in fact I am pretty sure I'd have commented on it on here somewhere.

You giving me information but no means to verify it is, from my perspective, hearsay.
1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

(29 Sept 21) People also suffer 'long flu', study shows

Reports from 15 months ago have little relevance to the present; you seem to be ignoring what's been reported more recently.

Edited by Tyke02
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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

The whole point of "More of less" is look into the accuracy of claims in the media !

It is indeed. They looked at the "only 17,000 covid deaths" thing that was being touted around social media at the time, and found out that the claim didn't stack up. If your england/scotland mask thing had been circulating equally widely they might have looked at that too, with I can assure you similar results.


If you want to campaign about future policy, then you really need to put together more credible arguments, as the fact that you can't see the confounding factors in the england scotland comparison that mean it doesn't prove anything will have people disregarding the rest of your output.


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7 minutes ago, Tyke02 said:

Not quite what you said then, OK.  I wonder if everyone sees the same stuff on that site, or whether there's an algorithm at work based on subjects you've looked at in the past.  It doesn't appear in the wayback machine snapshot for the relevant date, so that might be an explanation. Your response from the BBC doesn't mention the specific story you pointed out at all.

The story did appear on the Beeb News front page. All of the featured items on there are just links to where the full story is.

E.g. a major story featured on the front page  today is :


Channel crossings: Dozens of Albanian child migrants go missing


The actual story is in Kent local news.


 >>or whether there's an algorithm at work based on subjects you've looked at in the past<<


I can only say that the Beeb never mentioned that in their reply to me, which would have been a good get out for them, so one would think either that that cannot be the case, or the Beeb's feedback department aren't doing their job properly.


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