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Bbc : Biased Broadcasting Corporation

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16 minutes ago, sibon said:


I’m saying that the form that you linked and subsequently attributed to Leeds Beckett is nothing of the sort.

Unlss Leeds Beckett has relocated to West Virginia. The form is clearly American. Quite possibly a spoof.

Maybe next time you want to get angry about something, make sure that it exists.

They do exist, I remember hearing it on the Beeb's news.

And I am not angry about them, why should I be ? If you're talking about being banned from taking pics of my own child's school performances, then yes I am angry about that.

Sexual consent forms will come (pun intended), it's absolutely certain. In fact I'd go further sooner or later, and it may be 100 years, they may even be mandatory, you only have to look at the trend of history.

From your pronouncements I suspect you wouldn't mind. Am I wrong ?


Edited by Chekhov
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Funny how nobody has answered this question yet :


What is worse, having your nose broken or your arse slapped ?


What awkward corners people get backed into when following PC group think......

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Funny how nobody has answered this question yet :


What is worse, having your nose broken or your arse slapped ?


What awkward corners people get backed into when following PC group think......

I don't know why you think the two are different. 


If I slapped anyone's arse I would fully expect a broken nose.

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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Chekhov said:
I think breaking someone's nose is much more serious than smacking someone on the arse, do you agree, or not ?

And you have avoided answering the question by bringing up an irrelevance. You should be a politician.

I am not talking about rape or anything else, I am specifically talking about getting smacked on the arse v a broken nose.

But the point you touch on is valid, the spread of what constitutes "sexual assault" is so broad it doesn't really mean anything anymore.


If your question is relevant ,in what situation might you be offered the choice of one or the other.

As for the one month prison sentence it was an assault on a police officer.

Furthermore if it was your wife or child who sustained the slap I am pretty sure that we would have a new Chekhov thread,and quite rightly.

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49 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Funny how nobody has answered this question yet :


What is worse, having your nose broken or your arse slapped ?


What awkward corners people get backed into when following PC group think......

How have you come to this?  What started out as a gripe about how, as a white middle-class male you're at the bottom of some pecking order or other, moved on to the inevitable tired old shout out to misandry, then to minimising the seriousness of domestic abuse (psychological abuse is worse because that's what women are more likely to do, apparently).  And now, in all seriousness, attempting to do the same for sexual assault - by doing some sort of SF members' poll , for ****'s sake - because, laws be damned, you don't think that particular example counts.   What on earth is wrong with you?




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  • 1 month later...

There is no doubt whatsoever that the media and particularly the Beeb are biased and pushing an agenda.


We'd recorded a couple of comedies, I think they were both off the Beeb because there weren't any adverts.


The first was  about a doctor in a hospital, he was gay.


The second had two couples who, lived opposite each other and, it seemed, might end up swapping partners. 

Neither were gay (so far) but the sister of one of the protagonists was in a lesbian relationship and was a major character.


This rather reminded me of an article on the BBC news website during the lockdowns about a couple whose wedding kept getting postponed, but guess what ? Yes you're right, a lesbian couple.


Statistically this cannot be chance as the great majority (about 95% ) of people are not gay and only about 3% of marriages are "same sex".



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You recorded two BBC programs out of…how many available on how many BBC channels?


You really should learn some basics about sampling size and statistical relevance.


It would save you a lot of needless aggravation.


Beyond that, do you have a problem with your national broadcaster fostering inclusivity in some of its programming? 


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41 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

There is no doubt whatsoever that the media and particularly the Beeb are biased and pushing an agenda.


We'd recorded a couple of comedies, I think they were both off the Beeb because there weren't any adverts.


The first was  about a doctor in a hospital, he was gay.


The second had two couples who, lived opposite each other and, it seemed, might end up swapping partners. 

Neither were gay (so far) but the sister of one of the protagonists was in a lesbian relationship and was a major character.


This rather reminded me of an article on the BBC news website during the lockdowns about a couple whose wedding kept getting postponed, but guess what ? Yes you're right, a lesbian couple.


Statistically this cannot be chance as the great majority (about 95% ) of people are not gay and only about 3% of marriages are "same sex".



How dreadful that the BBC show programmes representing the lives of people who are expected to pay the license fee. They'll be showing women playing football next.

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5 minutes ago, altus said:

How dreadful that the BBC show programmes representing the lives of people who are expected to pay the license fee. They'll be showing women playing football next.

I agree that it is good to show different life styles, but shouldnt the percentage be representative of the population?

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50 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

We'd recorded a couple of comedies, I think they were both off the Beeb because there weren't any adverts.

So... a couple of shows, out of the entire BBC output of thousands, that you can't even be bothered check are BBC shows...


...shows the BBC is biased! :loopy:



50 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

There is no doubt whatsoever that the media and particularly the Beeb are biased and pushing an agenda.

...or you are!


Sadly, given the repeated reports re: the Tory leadership campaign, an agenda that no-one other than a few wingnut obsessives really gives the remotest crap about! :roll:

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