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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

What exactly were they doing for you to use the term "intimidate" ?


If you want to talk about nutters I would say vaccinating kids against a virus which is of almost zero danger to them (and which doesn't even stop transmission anyway) would appear to fit that bill admirably.

Try these for starters.




That’s the sort of people that you are endorsing.



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6 minutes ago, RJRB said:

That is just so wrong.

Vaccination for adults was and is optional.

Choice of vaccination for minors is the responsibility of parents and guardians.

I cannot believe that any right minded person would accept anyone pushing their views whether pro or anti at the school gates.


I can’t imagine where your lad gets that from.(I do have a 😀 on my face as I type).

The teenage years should be fun.

Tell me RJ, where are these kids going to get the alternative view (I would call it facts) on if they should be vaccinated ? Because they weren't going to get it from the BBC or the rest of the MSM, or, I would wager, their parents.


>>Vaccination for adults was and is optional.<<


Are we already forgetting ?

NHS staff and care staff get jabbed or get sacked.


MPs back Covid passes in England despite huge Tory rebellion

So NHS Covid passes, showing a recent negative test or full vaccination, must be shown to get into many large venues, including nightclubs, from Wednesday.



A pass, BTW, for a vaccine which did not, and does not, stop Covid transmission. I would not have supported vaccine passports even if it did (certainly not for a virus which 99% of unvaccinated people were surviving and had an average age of death in the 80s), but bearing in mind it did not anyone supporting their must have been deluded.

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7 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

Try these for starters.




That’s the sort of people that you are endorsing.



If they really were "grabbing pupils" that is obviously unacceptable.

On the other hand standing across the road with their placards is a vibrant reaffirmation of our free society. Oh, sorry, we did not have a free society did we ? In fact many people seem to think we should not period.

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

If they really were "grabbing pupils" that is obviously unacceptable.

On the other hand standing across the road with their placards is a vibrant reaffirmation of our free society. Oh, sorry, we did not have a free society did we ? In fact many people seem to think we should not period.

Ok, so for a second time, tell us what school your kids go to so any paedophiles reading can go and peacefully protest across the road. Surely you have no issue with that?

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

If they really were "grabbing pupils" that is obviously unacceptable.

On the other hand standing across the road with their placards is a vibrant reaffirmation of our free society. Oh, sorry, we did not have a free society did we ? In fact many people seem to think we should not period.

They could take their placards and safely wander across the midland mainline .


Leaving the kids and school staff to peacefully get on with the task of education.


You are living in a fantasy world if you think that these protesters are either peaceful, or factually correct.

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8 minutes ago, Tyke02 said:



Given the nature of google, you may not get exactly the same search results that I did

Thanks for that T.

I do not have time to read them all at the moment, but just looking at the top ten search results on page one, seven mention arrests or other negative stuff about the protesters, in their headlines.


3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Ok, so for a second time, tell us what school your kids go to so any paedophiles reading can go and peacefully protest across the road. Surely you have no issue with that?

This is a ludicrous post (I'd say it was trolling) because paedophilia is illegal in this country, and rightly so, obviously. In fact I am not aware of even a significant minority who want it legalised.


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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Thanks for that T.

I do not have time to read them all at the moment, but just looking at the top ten search results on page one, seven mention arrests or other negative stuff about the protesters, in their headlines

This is a ludicrous post (I'd say it was trolling) because paedophilia is illegal in this country, and rightly so, obviously. In fact I am not aware of even a significant minority who want it legalised.


I am merely using the exact same logic you are utilising. I am sure paedophiles want it legalising.

So then...which school?

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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Thanks for that T.

I do not have time to read them all at the moment, but just looking at the top ten search results on page one, seven mention arrests or other negative stuff about the protesters, in their headlines.


This is a ludicrous post (I'd say it was trolling) because paedophilia is illegal in this country, and rightly so, obviously. In fact I am not aware of even a significant minority who want it legalised.


Free speech. Innit.


Interestingly, you seem conflicted. The people arrested in the search you refer to in your first paragraph were breaking the law. That’s why they were arrested. You seem a little upset about that.


But, in your second paragraph, you invoke the law of the land to dismiss HHR and his paedophile scenario.


You can’t have it  both ways. Although, I’m sure that you will try to.

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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Tell me RJ, where are these kids going to get the alternative view (I would call it facts) on if they should be vaccinated ? Because they weren't going to get it from the BBC or the rest of the MSM, or, I would wager, their parents.

On such a complicated and divisive  issue I would call it opinions .

In a functional family I see no alternative at all to the prime responsibility being that of    the parents and guardians.

The kids might be totally compliant or totally anti their parents views (or totally apathetic and uninterested) but that’s a family matter.

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