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Bbc : Biased Broadcasting Corporation

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3 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

They could take their placards and safely wander across the midland mainline .

Leaving the kids and school staff to peacefully get on with the task of education.

You are living in a fantasy world if you think that these protesters are either peaceful, or factually correct.

I would not encorage anyone to wander across a railway line, but, in actual fact, it is safer than wandering across pretty much any road.


>>Leaving the kids and school staff to peacefully get on with the task of education.<<


Technically they were not being educated at the time, so your point is ?


>>You are living in a fantasy world if you think that these protesters are either peaceful, or factually correct.<<


Dealing with the latter first. Anyone saying kids do not need to be vaccinated against Covid is factually correct. I would suggest you study it.

Obviously only peaceful protest should ever be allowed, similarly any protest significantly inconveniencing anyone else. But you appear to be saying that because some protesters over step the mark all protest should be banned.

No, any hostile protesters should be dealt with on an individual basis, that's how the law works, or should




7 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

I am merely using the exact same logic you are utilising. I am sure paedophiles want it legalising.

So then...which school?

Go away "Super Troll 2"

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15 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

If they really were "grabbing pupils" that is obviously unacceptable.

On the other hand standing across the road with their placards is a vibrant reaffirmation of our free society. Oh, sorry, we did not have a free society did we ? In fact many people seem to think we should not period.

They were photographing the kids  too 

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Just now, Chekhov said:


Obviously only peaceful protest should ever be allowed, similarly any protest significantly inconveniencing anyone else. But you appear to be saying that because some protesters over step the mark all protest should be banned.





I haven’t even suggested that protesters should be banned.


I’ll be generous towards you and suggest that you haven’t read my posts properly. Maybe you are busy, or something. 

Take a bit of time to think things through properly. Maybe take a train ride to get some fresh air.

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The BBC (and other media are supposed to report News backed up by facts.

More and more they now report Views backed up by opinion.


Opinion is not news and is extremely susceptible to bias. That's what makes it so dangerous. 

It would be less affective if the general public were better at separating fact from opinion, but often the context in which things are said and the way in which it's delivered make it much harder to tell the difference. 

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4 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The BBC (and other media are supposed to report News backed up by facts.

More and more they now report Views backed up by opinion.



Reporting on politics / economics etc is often going to be reporting on two (or more) different interpretations of the same facts.

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4 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The BBC (and other media are supposed to report News backed up by facts.

More and more they now report Views backed up by opinion.


Opinion is not news and is extremely susceptible to bias. That's what makes it so dangerous. 

It would be less affective if the general public were better at separating fact from opinion, but often the context in which things are said and the way in which it's delivered make it much harder to tell the difference. 

The BBC aren't News anymore.

They are just a mouthpiece who follow the narrative of the 'current thing' and slings mud at anyone who dares challenge it.

Anyone thick enough to watch them or worst still pay them via a licence fee is part of the problem. 



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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

The BBC aren't News anymore.

They are just a mouthpiece who follow the narrative of the 'current thing' and slings mud at anyone who dares challenge it.

Anyone thick enough to watch them or worst still pay them via a licence fee is part of the problem. 



I haven't watched terrestrial TV for years apart from the football coverage of major tournaments where I don't really have a choice, the bits I do see when the Mrs has it on make me want to kick the screen in, agenda driven, box ticking, sanctimonious garbage, unfortunately they're brainwashing the surprisingly large number of people who seem to have lost the ability to think for themselves as the covid thread proves.

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7 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I haven't watched terrestrial TV for years apart from the football coverage of major tournaments where I don't really have a choice, the bits I do see when the Mrs has it on make me want to kick the screen in, agenda driven, box ticking, sanctimonious garbage, unfortunately they're brainwashing the surprisingly large number of people who seem to have lost the ability to think for themselves as the covid thread proves.

That's why its called television programming.

People don't realise it's the television that's programming them.


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26 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I haven't watched terrestrial TV for years apart from the football coverage of major tournaments where I don't really have a choice, the bits I do see when the Mrs has it on make me want to kick the screen in, agenda driven, box ticking, sanctimonious garbage, unfortunately they're brainwashing the surprisingly large number of people who seem to have lost the ability to think for themselves as the covid thread proves.

So an impartial source of UK TV news is...................................................

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