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Bbc : Biased Broadcasting Corporation

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Just now, Prettytom said:


Maybe you would like to answer my question now.

Tops answered that pretty well earlier.

I have no regular source I use, partly because I take bits from many places and look at the whole picture rather than being told what to think and how scared I should be and partly because most sources I've used are no longer there.  They've been cancelled,  silenced, scrubbed. I posted link after link and link but stopped bothering when it became apparent the links weren't clicked and instead labelled 'dangerous' buy some of the pro maskers.

It simply wasn't worth the effort.


6 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

That’s a lot of questions.


In order:






Cool. Maybe I misjudged you?

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9 minutes ago, top4718 said:

There's a whole manner of things posted on social media, stop pretending to be naive, you know exactly what I mean, it just suits your purpose not to.

I really don't, and if you want me to understand you'll need to explain.  

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16 minutes ago, Tyke02 said:

But we are back to remembered stories about what was on the radio, and can't now be verified.

Sorry, just to clarify, you appear to be saying that if that did happen it was an unacceptably biased interview ?

Therefore, to me,  if nobody else (who knows it did occur as stated) Tyke02 admitting the Beeb - certainly that interview - are biased is worth at least something !


But anyone who listened to the Beeb during Covid will know that was the kind of interview that went on day in day out. It was so rare for a Beeb interviewer to ask real searching questions about Covid policy that when they did I was surprised !


6 minutes ago, Delayed said:

You have said on numerous threads that MSM can't be trusted and you describe the BBC as MSM. You've dismissed everything from Chris Whitty so I'm using your logic.

Whitty and Van Tam gave briefings which were broadcast by the BBC. By your logic we can dismiss them both because the BBC reported it

They were broadcast by the Beeb with no, or very little, adverse comment from the (so called) journalists.

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:



They were broadcast by the Beeb with no, or very little, adverse comment from the (so called) journalists.



Probably because everyone accepted that as Chief Scientific Officer and Chief Medical Officer they would be experts in their field. 

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

The Beeb were very biased in their coverage of Covid, they repeated everything the government and "the experts" said like it was gospel and rarely reported people / groups / organisations who were angry with it all, or, indeed, some of the experts who disagreed with lockdowns..


In particular, I remember vividly the day facemasks became mandatory. The Beeb did a load of Vox pops (crap journalism anyway,  but there we go) and nobody they chose to interview said "I hate wearing a facemask and I do not want to do so", despite most people saying that at the time and since. The nearest they came was one woman stating "I don't like it but if it'll help I don't mind". Quite apart from anything that was implying that facemasks were a proven effective means of suppressing Covid, which has never been  the case. Even the Beeb now admit that, far too late though :


(6 Jan 22) Covid: Evidence on face masks in schools 'inconclusive'


Sorry, what bit did I "make up" ?


 >>You can't substantiate anything, and it's patently clear none of your claims stand up the most basic of scrutiny.<<

There are none so blind as those who will not see.......

You remember what you want to remember in remarkable detail at times.

The article that you quote is the BBC reporting on a Government ministers findings.

It is not a BBC report on the efficacy of masks.

I find some phone ins can be interesting depending on the subject.

Rest assured that whether the subject be Brexit or Covid or any other contentious issue all shades of views can be represented with the host certainly far more neutral,or posing as Devils Advocate than appears to be the case with some influencers available via You Tube,TikTok etc who have an agenda to drive.


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