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Bbc : Biased Broadcasting Corporation

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8 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Maybe of interest to you is that Orla Guerin, a senior BBC Radio 4 correspondent is this week reporting from Haiti.

The first of several reports is Haiti: Inside the capital city taken hostage by brutal gangs

It's a sad mess jndeed. I continue to say, Haitians are the some of the best, and certainly the most hardworking people I have ever met!


I hope and assume the BBC will address the root causes of the mess in their later reporting!

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2 hours ago, Hecate said:

No link to the offending quotes then.

Made up, as usual.



I can assume then that you're going to stop misquoting me/accusing me of writing things I haven't, so I don't have to correct you for a fourth time, and this thread can get back on track. Excellent. 

Imagine having to spend 99% of your time doing damage limitation for the last completely made up ludicrous claim, or hilarious unforced gaffe! :thumbsup:

Edited by Magilla
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

I hope and assume the BBC will address the root causes of the mess in their later reporting!

One has to wonder, when they do (or did, even), what laughable and ridiculous, completely ignorance based, tenuous link will you make up with Biden? :roll: :hihi:


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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

It's a sad mess jndeed. I continue to say, Haitians are the some of the best, and certainly the most hardworking people I have ever met!


I hope and assume the BBC will address the root causes of the mess in their later reporting!

You will have to listen to what the BBC correspondent says then. Unlike the late Alistair Cooke she is not based in one country and can only report on what she sees and hears and from those who are willing to be interviewed in the time she is there.


It is not her job as a correspondent to "...address the root cause..." of anything, that would need the input of local, national  regional and international investigative and political journalists. 

As to whether the BBC produce yet another article on the "...root causes..." we shall see.

Haiti in a humanitarian catastrophe. 27 September

Haiti crisis: Clashes and looting as anger boils over. 11 October

Haiti: People will die as country nears breaking point. 14 October

Another 18 BBC reports since July.

It would be interesting to hear what it is like to be an immigrant on the other side of the border now (no Biden, Trump, Clinton, Obama please).



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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Fell free to "correct" me any time, dearie!  :)


So a troll as well as an arsehole then.  Jolly good.


Moving on...


It was fantastic to listen to the excellent Hadley Freeman on BBC Woman's Hour this morning talking about how she was prevented from writing about gender issues and the accusations of antisemitism of Corbyn's Labour party while at the Guardian, a role she's just left after twenty-two years. 


She described not only how pressure from lobbying groups, and the desire to not stray from the designated progressive line, apparently shaped editorial policy, but how friends and colleagues at the paper were too fearful to make public the support they offered to Hadley herself as well as of the issues she wanted to write about.


Although Woman's Hour asked the editor of the Guardian, Kath Viner, to appear, she declined the request.

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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

You will have to listen to what the BBC correspondent says then. Unlike the late Alistair Cooke she is not based in one country and can only report on what she sees and hears and from those who are willing to be interviewed in the time she is there.


It is not her job as a correspondent to "...address the root cause..." of anything, that would need the input of local, national  regional and international investigative and political journalists. 

As to whether the BBC produce yet another article on the "...root causes..." we shall see.

Haiti in a humanitarian catastrophe. 27 September

Haiti crisis: Clashes and looting as anger boils over. 11 October

Haiti: People will die as country nears breaking point. 14 October

Another 18 BBC reports since July.

It would be interesting to hear what it is like to be an immigrant on the other side of the border now (no Biden, Trump, Clinton, Obama please).



I found the link you posted to be quite in line my views of the situation, given my close proximity to the situation and experience with the Haitian immigrants who have escaped the horrors.


While looking forward the the continuing reporting, I would like to point out that while this may be "news" to the BBC audience, and people in the West, it has been widely reported for years in some quarters of the Media.


Let's hope that Haiti becomes a hot topic in the MSM!


The Haitians deserve to have their story told.

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57 minutes ago, trastrick said:


While looking forward the the continuing reporting, I would like to point out that while this may be "news" to the BBC audince, and people in the West, it has been widely reported for years in some quarters of the Media.



You don't need to point anything out to us in Britain. Since 2017 there have been nearly 60 reports and articles published and archived by the BBC and available without a search.

There are dozens more going back further which do require a search of the BBC.

This does not include the hundreds of news items, commentaries, opinion etc. broadcast on the home channels.

This does not include the output of the BBC World Service and other BBC channels and publications.


As for the 'West' I assume you are excluding the French and British media which report on their former 'interests' in the area as every disaster natural and manmade comes along. I suppose in America the issues would have been more to do with Cuba and more recently immigration.

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On 03/12/2022 at 17:59, Tyke02 said:

Yet none of them individually, or as a relay race, seem capable of carrying you to a conclusive argument.  Yet you still keep witching between them in hope that one of them eventually will.

In your biased / blinkered opinion.

On 03/12/2022 at 17:59, Tyke02 said:

Yeah, Harford covered that one in June2020: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000kdr6

It was you that said :


>>The programme said that 80-90% of deaths had been classified as covid being the underlying cause of death.<<

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