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On 30/04/2022 at 19:40, LovePotion said:

We need to boycott all "cashless" businesses or else your cash paid nights out coild become a thing of the past. The New World Order wants a cashless society and that is very bad for you and your children and their children. We must resist and stand against it. Cash allows freedom.

In the US state of New Jersey in 2021 a lot of businesses started operating cashless, then the State of New Jersey government stepped in and told them they  had to offer customers a cash alternative.

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56 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

I wrote to Olivia Blake Member Of Parliment about protecting the right to use cash. She acknowledged my letter. If everyone writes to their MP, then surely we can push for a bill to make it unlawful not to accept cash. A cashless society is a very bad thing.

My bold. 


And is she going to take it up on your behalf or not? 

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28 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


And is she going to take it up on your behalf or not? 

I doubt it. It's probably just the standard response to a letter.  I can't see how the government can force a business to accept cash.  I don't think cash is going away anytime soon. It's just another thing for the tin foil hat brigade to get worked up about. When they start talking about the new world order you know to take the post with a pinch of salt. 

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1 minute ago, LovePotion said:

The cashless nonsense is part of the New World Order. If people only use bank cards they can control what we buy and implement a social credit system. Our grandparents fought for our freedom in the war, we can't let it be taken away from us. 


@Baron99 To answer your question, her response was ambiguous but she did say she relays concerns from residents to parliment. The more concerns she receives, the more pressure on parliment to do something.

You're talking rubbish. They're not going to try and control what people spend their money on. It would be bad for the economy.  It's the businesses that decide weather to go card only.  If a coffee shop noticed that most people pay with card then they might decide to get rid of cash payments. The fact is some people don't like walking around with a load of notes/change on them.

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21 hours ago, Zinger549 said:

I doubt it. It's probably just the standard response to a letter.  I can't see how the government can force a business to accept cash.  I don't think cash is going away anytime soon. It's just another thing for the tin foil hat brigade to get worked up about. When they start talking about the new world order you know to take the post with a pinch of salt. 

Well I agree with you.  It's down to the retailers as to how they want paying.  If a shop wants paying in nuts & bolts, then its nuts & bolts or nothing.  We've been into a number of eateries, (& a few bars), since he end of lockdown & when I've tried to pay by card, it's "Sorry, we're only taking cash."    I can understand why, the retailer wants to make a bit of additional profit by not declaring it.  When they take my money, I have no idea how much they're going to ring through their till?


As you state, the MP, (it won't have even been her, just one of her staff), will just have issued a standard reply letter & expect that will be enough to pacify that they really care about this 'important' issue.  The original letter will at the bottom of the recycling bin. 


With more & more purchases online, good luck trying to send cash & who now walks into a shop to buy high value goods & pays with cash? For a start, you have additional consumer protection when paying by card.  

Edited by Baron99
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3 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

So many things annoy me about the above post but I will try to un-pick. Eateries & bars do make more profit by taking cash but not by tax evasion. They make it by not paying transaction fees to process the payment. For example, if a customer buys a doughnut at £1.70, said doughnut cost them 60p to make, 20% VAT brings it up to 72 pence, 60 pence goes to staffing costs and 30 pence goes to rent and overheads. That leaves 8 pence profit. With cash, the business keeps all of that 8 pence profit. If the customer pays buy card, then the business is charged by the terminal provider around 5 pence for this transaction amount, leaving only 3 pence profit, less than half of the profit they would get with cash.


FYI, I make all of my purchases with cash, the tablet I am typing this post on was bought with cash.

Businesses get to deposit their cash into their bank accounts for free do they?

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1 minute ago, LovePotion said:

They have safes where they deposit in to on the premises. This is where the wages come from.

All businesses pay wages in cash do they?


I respectfully suggest you have little knowledge of how a business operates. 

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Which is why some dont take Amex.


Please go back to the last page and factor into your calculations a) the fees banks charge businesses for depositing cash b) the time taken for the business to handle the cash, and c) the time taken for someone to go down to the bank and queue up and pay it all in.


Once you do that, we can discuss further.

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