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Angela Rayner : 'Misogynist' Comments

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3 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I think it depends on the sincerity of the apology. 

Speaking to the MoS to slag of a colleague, accusing her of flashing is a low point. 

Perhaps if the MP was identified, therefore suffered the same embarrassment that Angela Rayner has been subjected to, then maybe that's punishment enough. 

If identified then it's the call of the PM, and the whips what sanctions this MP should face.

If they were identified and apologised would that be enough for you ?

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9 hours ago, Anna B said:

She has been subjected to a lot of very unpleasant, intimidating and derogatory tweets apparently, for something that didn'thappen, or was deliberately misinterpreted to stir up trouble.

Well I'm sure she knows all about making unpleasant, intimidating and derogatory remarks when she was mouthing off calling people scum.


Didn't seem to bother her too much when she was dishing it out on other people, now the media attacks her it's play the victim.


Corbyn syndrome all over again. Stir it up and manipulate the media whenever it suits but when the tables get turned it's all woe is me.


Just what exactly does she want. It was a newspaper article from a well-infamous publication for pot stirring, uncorroborated opinion and speculation.  Dozens of her fellow MPs from both sides of the house have condemned the article. Even the prime minister has criticised the article. The Speaker of the House is taking action calling out the editor of the newspaper. She herself can choose to take action against the newspaper.


For goodness sake.   Time to toughen up and move on.  It's nothing more than chip wrapper now.  The quicker she stops drawing attention to it the quicker the Twitterati will find something else to gossip about.


As others have said, she is certainly not the first or only female MP to get Media articles criticising her looks or mocking her behaviour. Nor are a vast amount of the male MPs immune from such similar barbs on a regular basis.  We have all seen the photographs, captions, memes and satire over Boris and his scarecrow haircut, those infamous jogging shorts, the jokes regarding his sleeping around and supposed illegitimate children piled up everywhere.  We have seen the Jacob rees-mogg Dracula comparisons and the barbs regarding his Victorian outfit styles.  We remember the Tony Blair sweat patches, John Prescott fat jokes....


Rightly or wrongly it is the price that you pay when you have any sort of high-profile public role. She's not special or unique in such circumstance.


Edited by ECCOnoob
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Let's face it this is just manufactured outrage, in fact it's a storm in a  tea cup, or should that be a storm in a B cup ?

And I'm sure Ms Rayner has enough of a sense of humour to find that amusing.

Or maybe not.....

Edited by Chekhov
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18 hours ago, Mister M said:

Angela Rayner has publicly apologised for calling a Tory MP 'scum'. Has the Tory MP who made this remark publicly apologised to her for making a scummy comment?

He (or she) has nothing to apologise for. Rayner should get a sense of humour transplant.



The latest news is Paddy Power are offering even money that Angela Rayner will be wearing trousers at PMQ's tomorrow.  The big money is on Ian Blackford wearing a kilt which is a big worry for Boris.

More so for Conor Burns I'd have thought....

18 hours ago, Mister M said:

Is Connor Burns Scottish?

No, he's gay.



20 hours ago, Mister M said:

There's a big difference between judging an MP on what they wear, to accusing a female MP of flashing her crotch to putting off members of the opposition.

Nobody has done that as far as I know, that really would be in bad taste (and highly unlikely).

Edited by Chekhov
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