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40 minutes ago, trastrick said:

In the interest of full disclosure:


The News Statesman




"Today, the magazine is a print–digital hybrid. According to its present self-description, it has a liberal and progressive political position.[3] Jason Cowley, the magazine's editor, has described the New Statesman as a publication "of the left, for the left"[4] but also as "a political and literary magazine" with "sceptical" politics.[5]

Well that's a bit of a non-sequitur. If you're trying to imply that the site I linked to has something to do with New Statesman magazine you'll have to explain.

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16 minutes ago, altus said:

Well that's a bit of a non-sequitur. If you're trying to imply that the site I linked to has something to do with New Statesman magazine you'll have to explain.

I was naturally curious as to the author of your linked quote. 


(from the article)



Katie Stallard-Blanchette
Global Fellow;
Senior Editor of China and Global Affairs, the New Statesman"

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

I liked his:


No new wars

Just massively increased the existing ones.



Record Jobs

Lowest unemployment on record, for whites, blacks and asians

The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.


Created way less jobs than Obama.



Permanently funding Black Colleges, at their highest ever level.

Matched the funding put in place by Obama :?





Establishing Commercial Investment Zones for inner cities.

How a Trump Tax Break to Help Poor Communities Became a Windfall for the Rich



Trump is touting Opportunity Zones as a huge success with no proof






Average familiy incomes rising above the inflation rate.

Household incomes grew more slowly in a majority of states under Trump – even before COVID-19:




Historically low inflation

Was not during Trumps tenure! :?



Low heating and gasoline prices.

So mismanaged they had to give it away, causing the biggest short term drop in US oil output in history.



One of the U.S. largest Tax cuts

That failed on every level, adding massively to the national debt.


The Great Failure of Donald Trump’s Big Tax Cut



The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.


Trump added more debt than the entire cost of the 2008 financial crash, in a time of peace and supposed prosperity!





School choice




Repeal of the Death Tax

Never happened.



Repeal of the Obamacare Mandate

The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.


Majority of US voters approve of Obamacare.



Strong borders, lowest illegal border crossing numbers.

Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% compared with 2016.


President Trump Reduced Legal Immigration. He Did Not Reduce Illegal Immigration:




U.S. Energy Independence

Most of the work and increases, happened under Obama.



Strongest Military



Desperate stuff! :hihi:



300 new conservative Federal Judge appointments
3 new young conservatives on the U.S.Supreme Court for life

Confidence in U.S. Supreme Court Sinks to Historic Low:




Improved Trade Deals with China, S.Korea, Japan, Mexico and Canada

The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.


Anatomy of a flop: Why Trump's US-China phase one trade deal fell short





Made In the U.S.A Manufacturing - Steel plants reopened and expanding.

Why Harley-Davidson Is Moving Production Overseas



Trump’s steel tariffs were supposed to save the industry. They made things worse:




Import duties for International Corporations that move manufacturing off shore.

Which didn't work :?



No new wars

You know it's bad when you start repeating yourself :hihi:



Peace Agreement and diplomatic recognition between UAE, Bahrain and Israel

How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis?



Does not appear to be working out so well for the Palestinians :?



Peace Agreement between Serbia and Kosovo

Was not a "peace agreement" :?



Peace Agreement between U.S. and the Taliban

An unmitigated disaster.



Lowering tensions between North and South Korea.

Didn't happen.



Getting the U.S. Embassy built in Jerusalem




Eliminationg the ISIS Caliphate

Who really defeated the Islamic State:


Trump’s claims are false. Objective history records that Obama launched and oversaw much of the victorious war that the current president claims for himself.



No more Russian Invasions of allies like Ukraine

Plenty of hand jobs though...


...and waiting for Trump to pull the US out of NATO. :?



Bringing the U.S. Service Men and Women home.

Achieved by Biden.



Getting the Socialist Paradises in Europe, who hate America, to pay what they agreed to for their own defense.

Trump got nothing.


They re-affirmed the commitment to increase spending they made in 2014, under Obama.


Putin has done more in this regard than Trump ever did.



No more "Death to America" chants and threats from Korea and Mad Mullahs in Iran

Didn't happen.



No more sending billions of dollars to Iran to finance terrorism

A misrepresentation...


...he cut funding for pro-democracy groups around the world.



No more $billions in fees, salaries, "donations" and investment portfolios, from Ukraine, Russia and China for the Biden and Clinton families, while in office!

...but for the Trump family and associates, party time!


Jared and Ivanka made up to $640 million in the White House



How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis?



To levels that make your misleading claims, pale by comparison!


 You forgot that, under Trump, the murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997!


Better luck next time! :thumbsup:

Edited by Magilla
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1 minute ago, Magilla said:

Just massively increased the existing ones.


Created way less jobs than Obama.





How a Trump Tax Break to Help Poor Communities Became a Windfall for the Rich



Trump is touting Opportunity Zones as a huge success with no proof




Household incomes grew more slowly in a majority of states under Trump – even before COVID-19:



Was not during Trump tenure! :?


So mismanaged they had to give it away, causing the biggest short term drop in US oil output in history.


That failed on every level, adding massively to the national debt.


The Great Failure of Donald Trump’s Big Tax Cut







Never happened.


Majority of US voters approve of Obamacare.


President Trump Reduced Legal Immigration. He Did Not Reduce Illegal Immigration:



Most of the work and increases, happened under Obama.




Desperate stuff! :hihi:


Confidence in U.S. Supreme Court Sinks to Historic Low:



Mostly flops :?


Anatomy of a flop: Why Trump's US-China phase one trade deal fell short




Why Harley-Davidson Is Moving Production Overseas



Trump’s steel tariffs were supposed to save the industry. They made things worse:



Which didn't work :?


You know it's bad when you start repeating yourself :hihi:


How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis?



Does not appear to be working out so well for the Palestinians :?


Was not a "peace agreement" :?


An unmitigated disaster.


Didn't happen.




Who really defeated the Islamic State:


Trump’s claims are false. Objective history records that Obama launched and oversaw much of the victorious war that the current president claims for himself.


Plenty of hand jobs though...


...and waiting for Trump to pull the US out of NATO. :?


Achieved by Biden.


Trump got nothing.


They re-affirmed the commitment to increase spending they made in 2014, under Obama.


Putin has done more in this regard than Trump ever did.


Didn't happen.


A misrepresentation...


...he cut funding for pro-democracy groups around the world.


...but for the Trump family and associates, party time!


Jared and Ivanka made up to $640 million in the White House



How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis?



To levels that make your misleading claims, pale by comparison!


Better luck next time! :thumbsup:

You prefer Biden?


A vegatable

Edited by Jack Grey
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2 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I was naturally curious as to the author of your linked quote. 


(from the article)



Katie Stallard-Blanchette
Global Fellow;
Senior Editor of China and Global Affairs, the New Statesman"

People often work for lots of different organisations throughout their careers. Stallard-Blanchette used to be a foreign correspondent for Sky News.


As for The Wilson Center, if you look at the about page for the site you'll see:


The Wilson Center, chartered by Congress in 1968 as the official memorial to President Woodrow Wilson, is the nation’s key non-partisan policy forum for tackling global issues through independent research and open dialogue to inform actionable ideas for the policy community.

That page even has a quote from Mike Pence:


It’s an honor to be here at the Director’s Forum with the members and friends of this well-respected institution, an institution of independent research, open dialogue, and actionable ideas – truly a bipartisan stalwart here in Washington.


1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

Thedy threw all that away for this......

And Trump needed to take Theresa May's arm to walk down a slope.


Perhaps they should decide the next US president by an obstacle course race between Biden and Trump. They are both old men so don't make it too taxing. First to complete a 200 yard course, under their own steam and without assistance wins.

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4 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

You prefer Biden?

Given his current job approval and favourability ratings it's clear, at least for now...


...most people do!


4 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

A vegatable

Compared to what?


A president who's physically incapable of doing anything but standing still, or sitting... who famously can't understand anything without pictures, stay focused for more than 20 seconds and who can't construct a cohesive sentence on any topic without waffling about something else?

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22 minutes ago, altus said:

People often work for lots of different organisations throughout their careers. Stallard-Blanchette used to be a foreign correspondent for Sky News.

I just think it's important to know what an author's current job is, when reading  their cited "opinions".


Didn't Reagan and Trump used to be Democrats?  :)

Edited by trastrick
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23 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I just think it's important to know what an author's current job is, when reading  their cited "opinions".


Didn't Reagan and Trump used to be Democrats?  :)

Trump is an aberration that has hijacked  Republican Party faithful for his own ends

He will become an increasingly marginalised character.


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5 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Trump is an aberration that has hijacked  Republican Party faithful for his own ends

He will become an increasingly marginalised character.


The only person being "marginalised" is one Joseph Robinette Biden. :)


Online sports betting has Trump favored to win in 2024, followed by De Santis.



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