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Elon Musk Buys Twitter.

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9 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I think a lot of people are starting to question the financial dealings of BLM


We've known for a while now that the founders have become very wealthy from George Floyd's death


But its been swept under the carpet

Some people in the BLM movement are accused of doing what Trump and his kids have already taken plea deals to settle for doing, repeatedly...


...wasn't even swept under the carpet, you don't care.



Even Sharon Osbourne said yesterday that she wanted her $900,000 back


But i doubt anything will happen.....its too embarrassing for too many important people 

I'll widen the context of my question then, is anything Hunter is accused of doing worse than the alleged actions of the founders of BLM, or stuff Trump and his kids have already had to settle for doing?


Edited by Magilla
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28 minutes ago, Magilla said:

I'll widen the context of my question then, is anything Hunter is accused of doing worse than the alleged actions of the founders of BLM, or stuff Trump and his kids have already had to settle for doing?


What has Hunter Biden got to do with Elon Musk buying Twitter?

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  • 3 weeks later...
53 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:




Elon Musk Fires Twitter Execs as Platform Braces for Donald Trump's Return


Interesting times ahead?


A valuable source of information or a useful vehicle for pushing an agenda to the gulliblehttps://www.makeuseof.com/how-many-bots-on-twitter/

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:




Elon Musk Fires Twitter Execs as Platform Braces for Donald Trump's Return


Interesting times ahead?


Why would Trump return to Twitter if - as he claims - Truth Social is doing much better than other social media platforms.




"Trump, for his part, said months ago that he would not return to the platform even if Musk reversed the ban. He began his message Friday by touting Truth Social and claiming without evidence or specifics that the platform “had bigger numbers” last week “than all other platforms, including TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and the rest.”


Or he could be just telling porkies again...................................



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2 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Why would Trump return to Twitter if - as he claims - Truth Social is doing much better than other social media platforms.




"Trump, for his part, said months ago that he would not return to the platform even if Musk reversed the ban. He began his message Friday by touting Truth Social and claiming without evidence or specifics that the platform “had bigger numbers” last week “than all other platforms, including TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and the rest.”


Or he could be just telling porkies again...................................



I've no idea.

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23 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Looks like Elon will be reinstating James O'Keefe's account.

So he's off to a good start then. 

He's not even begun to realise the implications about what he's so expensively bought: Welcome to hell, Elon


Twitter is a disaster clown car company that is successful despite itself, and there is no possible way to grow users and revenue without making a series of enormous compromises that will ultimately destroy your reputation and possibly cause grievous damage to your other companies.


What I mean is that you are now the King of Twitter, and people think that you, personally, are responsible for everything that happens on Twitter now. It also turns out that absolute monarchs usually get murdered when **** goes sideways.

Here are some examples: you can write as many polite letters to advertisers as you want, but you cannot reasonably expect to collect any meaningful advertising revenue if you do not promise those advertisers “brand safety.” That means you have to ban racism, sexism, transphobia, and all kinds of other speech that is totally legal in the United States but reveals people to be total assholes. So you can make all the promises about “free speech” you want, but the dull reality is that you still have to ban a bunch of legal speech if you want to make money. And when you start doing that, your creepy new right-wing fanboys are going to viciously turn on you, just like they turn on every other social network that realizes the same essential truth.

Actually, there’s a step before trying to get the ad money: it turns out that most people do not want to participate in horrible unmoderated internet spaces full of ****ty racists and not-all-men fedora bullies. (This is why Twitter is so small compared to its peers!) What most people want from social media is to have nice experiences and to feel validated all the time. They want to live at Disney World. So if you want more people to join Twitter and actually post tweets, you have to make the experience much, much more pleasant. Which means: moderating more aggressively! Again, every “alternative” social network has learned this lesson the hard way. Like, over and over and over again.


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