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Matt Handcock Should Be In Jail.

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11 hours ago, Anna B said:

Move on? 

The biggest disaster to befall this country with 50,000+ dead, and we should just 'move on.'


We pay these people a great deal of money to work in our best interests, and part of that generous renumeration is also for them to take responsibility for their actions.


Does it take someone with degrees coming out of their backsides, and an army of medical advisors, to know that putting a load of sick people into care homes full of the most vulnerable elderly people, during a highly infectious epidemic without testing them first is a bad idea? And yes tests were available and being used in many other countries. We shut the entire country down on the say so of these 'experts.'


So infectious was it that the very same people in the care homes were not allowed to see loved ones even if they were dying.  

I have maligned some of the experts. According to Jeremy Vine  several of the experts including Patrick Valance strongly advised the government not to do it and predicted the consequences. 


So the government followed the science only when it suited them.

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2 hours ago, SFBeca said:

@hackey lad @The_DADDY seriously both, this is tedious for everyone and not remotely relevant to the thread conversation. comments removed, and suggest you both ignore each other. 

I tried that remember?

It didn't work and I got tired of his constant rubbish.

All he has to do is ignore me, I'm happy to do the same.

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1 hour ago, cressida said:

Criticism - too much of it can be tedious,  like the same old tune being played,  move on and suggest solutions instead

Thirty nine people, including my father in law and staff died at a home in East Cheshire after some residents with Covid were ordered to be returned from their local general hospital.

The staff and management of the home begged the local NHS trust for the resources and organization to be able to separate the infected patients from the uninfected who were now locked in with them. Many had dementia and could not protect themselves.


Just try and think how terrified the residents, the staff and families were as the events unfolded. 


I do not regard this as a 'criticism'.

I do not think it 'tedious'.





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17 hours ago, Delayed said:

But they won't because no crime has been committed. Not in regard to covid at least. 


He handed out a lot of dodgy contracts to friends of his during the pandemic. With some digging its hard to believe something cannot be pinned on him.

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My ex-husband - the father of our children,  died in hospital with Covid,  he caught it after visiting his wife who died of cancer in hospital,  of course comments need to be made,  it's just that once it starts getting repetitive it boils down to a 'yes it is/no it isn't'  conversation.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

I tried that remember?

It didn't work and I got tired of his constant rubbish.

All he has to do is ignore me, I'm happy to do the same.

I'm telling you BOTH it is ridiculous and ruining threads for others. 

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1 minute ago, alchresearch said:

I don’t expect cabinet ministers to be expert in all the fields that they represent, however I do expect them to be expert in presenting the findings of those who are to parliament. 

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12 minutes ago, cressida said:

My ex-husband - the father of our children,  died in hospital with Covid,  he caught it after visiting his wife who died of cancer in hospital,  of course comments need to be made,  it's just that once it starts getting repetitive it boils down to a 'yes it is/no it isn't'  conversation.

Nothidng to do with the events that led to the deaths of so many in our residential homes.


The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care was in charge of the decision making process that led to the instruction given to the NHS to remove patients from hospitals and return them to their residential homes.

I am awaiting the Public Inquiry to look into the events and the role of the Government and Hancock (as the person in charge) which led to so many deaths.


It may well be the given the situation and availability of data that no other decision was possible.

It may well be that the preparations for a pandemic were complete and a plan was in place.

What we do know is that the 2016 simulation exercise carried out to estimate the impact of a hypothetical H2N2 influenza showed that the NHS would have collapsed in the seventh week.

The full report is classified.

 Matt Hancock said (April 2020) on record that officials informed him that "everything that was recommended has been done".

This is a lie or he had dangerously poor grasp of the recommendations or he was incompetent or he was too weak and was swamped by Treasury demands for cuts or he was kept in place as a convenient fall guy.


A this point it is appropriate to point out that successive Governments had failed to recognize and act on a known threat that will be the cause of 200 000+ deaths of British people.  




Making 'comments' will not be sufficient to oblige a Government to get their act together to implement changes that will protect you from the next pandemic.


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1 minute ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Nothidng to do with the events that led to the deaths of so many in our residential homes.


The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care was in charge of the decision making process that led to the instruction given to the NHS to remove patients from hospitals and return them to their residential homes.

I am awaiting the Public Inquiry to look into the events and the role of the Government and Hancock (as the person in charge) which led to so many deaths.


It may well be the given the situation and availability of data that no other decision was possible.

It may well be that the preparations for a pandemic were complete and a plan was in place.

What we do know is that the 2016 simulation exercise carried out to estimate the impact of a hypothetical H2N2 influenza showed that the NHS would have collapsed in the seventh week.

The full report is classified.

 Matt Hancock said (April 2020) on record that officials informed him that "everything that was recommended has been done".

This is a lie or he had dangerously poor grasp of the recommendations or he was incompetent or he was too weak and was swamped by Treasury demands for cuts or he was kept in place as a convenient fall guy.


A this point it is appropriate to point out that successive Governments had failed to recognize and act on a known threat that will be the cause of 200 000+ deaths of British people.  




Making 'comments' will not be sufficient to oblige a Government to get their act together to implement changes that will protect you from the next pandemic.


I think they/ we will learn by their mistakes 

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