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Are You Skint .

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5 minutes ago, Anna B said:

What do you call homelessness then?


In really genuinely poor countries not many people die of hypothermia.

In a vast majority of cases I suggest homelessness is far more due to mental health illness, drug or alcohol misuse, inability to manage one's own affairs, refusal to accept assistance from the support services, abuse victims or illegal immigrants.


I would like to see the stats of those who are genuinely Street Homeless simply because their job or benefits does not afford them a place to live.


I don't go for some simplistic position that  homeless = skint. There is far more to it.

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31 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:


I don't go for some simplistic position that  homeless = skint. There is far more to it.

Mental health issues are common, not forgetting divorce and addictions.

Benefits do not cure these things. Alcoholism can just carry on untill the person dies, they don't seek assistance if they carry on getting the PIP money.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

What do you call homelessness then?


In really genuinely poor countries not many people die of hypothermia.


what has hypothermia got to do with anything??

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All the Micky taking and slagging off on this thread when people are in desperate trouble with utility bills , food bills and rent is another indication of the  I'm alright Jack society that sadly we have become.

The original post was about BP making billions in profit from fuel supplies this has now been matched by Shell reporting that they also are making vast profits at the expense of the poorer sections in our Country .

A real change at the top level is needed in the UK  so as to stop this obscene profit making by these company's so as ordinary people have a chance to live a life where they do not have to worry if they turn on the electric , gas , eat or put fuel in a car to get to work .

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19 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

All the Micky taking and slagging off on this thread when people are in desperate trouble with utility bills , food bills and rent is another indication of the  I'm alright Jack society that sadly we have become.

The original post was about BP making billions in profit from fuel supplies this has now been matched by Shell reporting that they also are making vast profits at the expense of the poorer sections in our Country .

A real change at the top level is needed in the UK  so as to stop this obscene profit making by these company's so as ordinary people have a chance to live a life where they do not have to worry if they turn on the electric , gas , eat or put fuel in a car to get to work .

What change at top level would you like ?

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3 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Why do you keep banging on about hypothermia ?

Unaffordable gas and electricity leads to hypothermia and people die, as has happened in the past.


3 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

In a vast majority of cases I suggest homelessness is far more due to mental health illness, drug or alcohol misuse, inability to manage one's own affairs, refusal to accept assistance from the support services, abuse victims or illegal immigrants.


I would like to see the stats of those who are genuinely Street Homeless simply because their job or benefits does not afford them a place to live.


I don't go for some simplistic position that  homeless = skint. There is far more to it.

Certainly mental illness is a lot to do with homelessness, but don't you find that a disgrace? 

Where is the help for some of the most vulnerable in our society? They may well have shut down the asylums where once upon a time these people would reside, but what has happened to the replacement, 'care in the community' which was the promised other half of this equation? It's non existent, and these troubled souls have just been abandoned to the streets. Mental health problems are at epidemic proportions at the moment and getting worse.


As for the benefit system, it has a lot to answer for. People are unnecessarily put into debt from the very beginning, and Sanctions are inflicted for the slightest breech to meet imposed targets, to the tune of a million people at any one time, all trying to live on fresh air. Of course they are going to be made homeless. And once on that path there is almost no getting back. You may be clean at the start of the process but I assure you after a few weeks on the street sleeping rough, alcohol and drugs become medication to survive the horrors.


You're right in that there's nothing simple about being homeless. It kills people. And not just the feckless. But being without any means to survive is most certainly the deciding factor.   


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On 04/05/2022 at 20:05, Anna B said:

Indeed, but you forgot to mention the 12 years of Tory Austerity before covid and Ukraine. 

The Tories will find any excuse to cut, cut, cut. It's what they do, a deliberate part of their ethos. They call it 'rolling back the state,'   I call it removing the safety net.  

With all due respect they spent like money was literally going out of fashion (and it would never have to be paid back) during the pandemic. I was shocked because it was obvious to anyone with half a brain there was going to be a massive economic hit from it all :


Pumping  £70 Billion into the economy (and that was just furlough....) at the same time shutting down much of the economy for months on end.

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56 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

With all due respect they spent like money was literally going out of fashion (and it would never have to be paid back) during the pandemic. I was shocked because it was obvious to anyone with half a brain there was going to be a massive economic hit from it all :


Pumping  £70 Billion into the economy (and that was just furlough....) at the same time shutting down much of the economy for months on end.

The 10 years of  Austerity cuts meant we were in no position to deal with the pandemic, so the money spent was a sudden hit to try and make up some of the lost ground and redress the shortfalls. Also panic buying is never a good idea and was rushed and ill considered with money going to the wrong places and wasted. 


As I said, you repair the roof when the sun is shining, not in the middle of a hurricane. 

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On 06/05/2022 at 08:40, Anna B said:

The 10 years of  Austerity cuts meant we were in no position to deal with the pandemic, so the money spent was a sudden hit to try and make up some of the lost ground and redress the shortfalls. Also panic buying is never a good idea and was rushed and ill considered with money going to the wrong places and wasted. 


As I said, you repair the roof when the sun is shining, not in the middle of a hurricane. 

You borrow money for emergencies. When normal times return you pay it back.


Politicians, and the demanding public don't care about the last part. They won't be around anyway. :)


Give me that power and I can give everybody in the U.K. every thing they would like.


It's so easy! 


I just sign an unlimited IOU on behaf of all the taxpayers that will be stuck with the bill, after I'm gone.


Let them deal with this "austerity" nonsense!  :)


Edited by trastrick
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