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State Opening Of Parliament

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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

I doubt it would be done with all this fanfare....

God knows what it's costing

I don't think it sets the right tone for a working group.

All tradition, and living in the past. Is it really suitable for moving forward in the 21st century?


We, the people keep being told that we must move on.

Ordinary people with mobility problems use wheelchairs or even electric wheelchairs and they don't have butlers, maids, drivers and other servants,

Only the lovers of pomp & ceremony care who does it anyway so if she feels like retiring, that's fine.

Either way, it still needs modernising and cutting all the expensive, time wasting and silly, pantomime 

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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

Stop being silly 

It's not so silly.

Free Market Economics started by Thatcher and Regan and carried on eversince, has brought the ordinary mortals of this country to their knees.

Corruption in high places, Manufacturing replaced by Insecure, poorly paid work, worker's rights all but abandoned, productivity in the doldrums due to lack of investment, massive divide between North and South East, excess money in the system pushing up prices, health service up the spout along with operations, dentists and doctors, two tier education system, University fees at £9,000 a year with interest rates rising, house prices off the scale, prices going up while wages stagnate, computer systems that don't work and drive people mad, debt, poverty, food banks, homelessness and the biggest gap ever between the richest and the poor....  


Meanwhile we prat about with ceremonies like these just to make us feel important, in an ancient building that wasn't suitable for work 100 years ago let alone now, and we argue about who had a party, what, why and where. We have part time politicians who have so little to do, they can fit in a second job as long as it's a nice nice little earner they can do from the Cayman Islands, and who frankly don't give a dam about the people they're supposed to serve. 


Yeah, doing great aren't we....?

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I can’t understand why 90 odd year old woman is still clinging on to her “job”? Charles is well into his seventies and should have been crowned years ago when he was in his fifties. I’m not a royalist at all, it maddens me that most of the children of the hangers on, even Charles sons are multi millionaires, some of them not really working. Elizabeth should step down and stop taking the millions of pounds she gets every year, most of the land these so called royalty including the lord’s etc has been stolen from the real owners down the centuries, how come the Duke of Norfolk still owns vast tracts of land in and around Sheffield, it makes me dislike the royals even more.

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55 minutes ago, lazarus said:

I can’t understand why 90 odd year old woman is still clinging on to her “job”? Charles is well into his seventies and should have been crowned years ago when he was in his fifties. I’m not a royalist at all, it maddens me that most of the children of the hangers on, even Charles sons are multi millionaires, some of them not really working. Elizabeth should step down and stop taking the millions of pounds she gets every year, most of the land these so called royalty including the lord’s etc has been stolen from the real owners down the centuries, how come the Duke of Norfolk still owns vast tracts of land in and around Sheffield, it makes me dislike the royals even more.

This. Apart from the bit about Charles being crowned, abolish the whole outdated thing. Remove all Royals and hangers on from our palaces, let them buy their own house and fund their own life, open the houses and palaces to the paying public. No more royal tours or public engagements.

Edited by Bargepole23
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