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State Opening Of Parliament

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4 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Not a case of money grabbing women, he was  connected and will always be rememberd as part of Epsteins peodo group and no flippin wonder he wasn't present yesterday, he should be locked away in the Tower and I don't mean the  Blackpool tower tempting young girls with candy floss.  :hihi:  You need to live in the real world and open your eyes to this lot instead of wearing blinkers.

Oh dear,

I don't mind a bit of misery,

But you do seem to overdose on it Mr. P.

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39 minutes ago, West 77 said:

It's a statement of fact that Prince Andrew hasn't been found guilty of any criminal act.  The truth is he was only targeted by the money grabbing women because he's a member of the Royal family.  Another fact is Prince Andrew took no part in the state opening of parliament yesterday.  His name was brought into the discussion by a member of the anti monarchy mob.  Another fact is it was King George III who gave the Royal assent to abolish slavery.


Long Live The Queen and Long Live The Monarchy

George was a supporter of slavery, it was Pitt who was against it and most probably he who was responsible for it’s abolition during the kings deep dementia days.

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

When was Pope Benedict queen?

I think Westie's referring to Pope Benedict resigning when popes normally don't. Given Benedict's actions in covering up child sexual abuse by priests was becoming an increasing embarrassment to the church I suspect he was given the choice of jump or be pushed.


Tim Minchin wrote a song about him. I won't link to it as it's a bit sweary and this is a family friendly forum but those interested can find it easily enough.

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9 minutes ago, crookesey said:

George was a supporter of slavery, it was Pitt who was against it and most probably he who was responsible for it’s abolition during the kings deep dementia days.

Indeed. We had a constitutional monarchy at the time, to not sign it would have been to disobey parliament. "Man signs bit of paper to avoid losing job, and possibly head" isn't the ringing endorsement of abolishing slavery Westie tried to imply.

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17 hours ago, Anna B said:

It's not so silly.

Free Market Economics started by Thatcher and Regan and carried on eversince, has brought the ordinary mortals of this country to their knees.

Corruption in high places, Manufacturing replaced by Insecure, poorly paid work, worker's rights all but abandoned, productivity in the doldrums due to lack of investment, massive divide between North and South East, excess money in the system pushing up prices, health service up the spout along with operations, dentists and doctors, two tier education system, University fees at £9,000 a year with interest rates rising, house prices off the scale, prices going up while wages stagnate, computer systems that don't work and drive people mad, debt, poverty, food banks, homelessness and the biggest gap ever between the richest and the poor....  


Meanwhile we prat about with ceremonies like these just to make us feel important, in an ancient building that wasn't suitable for work 100 years ago let alone now, and we argue about who had a party, what, why and where. We have part time politicians who have so little to do, they can fit in a second job as long as it's a nice nice little earner they can do from the Cayman Islands, and who frankly don't give a dam about the people they're supposed to serve. 


Yeah, doing great aren't we....?

I know a great many “ ordinary mortals “ and none are on their knees   . The rest of your post sounds like a Union leader’s rant 

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13 minutes ago, West 77 said:

History tells us George III was the first British monarchy to oppose slavery. It's well documented that George III never owned, bought or sold a slave.

That's like saying I'm a great driver and never had a crash.

Despite the fact I can't drive and never had a car

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56 minutes ago, West 77 said:

History tells us George III was the first British monarchy to oppose slavery. It's well documented that George III never owned, bought or sold a slave.

History also tells us that he suffered from dementia, hence Mad  King George, and he never opposed slavery, despite what happened during his reign.


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9 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Very well, if it makes you happy carry on cherry picking the pieces of history you like to believe and the pieces you don't want to believe. 

I believe or disbelieve on my interpretation of history, please tell me that George supported the abolition of slavery, and didn’t suffer from dementia and then prove it, a simple search shows that it is you that cherry picks,

Edited by crookesey
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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

History tells us George III was the first British monarchy to oppose slavery. It's well documented that George III never owned, bought or sold a slave.

Apparently George was pro slavery and he and his son the Duke of Clarence supported the West India plantations hence slavery was  put back  and wasn't abolished for a  further 20years complety agaisnt the will of Pitt.

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