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When Are We Going To Be Realistic, Nett Zero Is A Fantasy

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:


You also seem to share Checkhov's  line of thought in assuming that we can all go to live wherever we please.

It's predicted that there will be wars simply to claim land that is capable of sustaining growth of crops and feeding of animals.

It's estimated that China would lose half of their land mass.

No, I believe we should try to slow climate change, but 90% of the population are doomed.

The UK imports 50% of its food and we need to clear even more rain forests in the future. The lack of biodiversity and the pollution in the oceans  will kill many of us, if climate change turns out to be over played.

But not for another decade or so 🤣🤣


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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

No, I believe we should try to slow climate change, but 90% of the population are doomed.

The UK imports 50% of its food and we need to clear even more rain forests in the future. The lack of biodiversity and the pollution in the oceans  will kill many of us, if climate change turns out to be over played.

But not for another decade or so 🤣🤣


why do we need to clear more rainforest?

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47 minutes ago, melthebell said:

yeah, but why do we need to?

Because there is an ever greater need. The third world countries need to bring their living standards up, so they will waste resources like the developed countries.

There have been agreements at climate summits, but I don't think the agreements mentioned the bombs dropped on Ukraine or Russia.

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Chekhov said:
Mr Meltman thinks being able to meet who you want when you want (excepting those in prison, obviously) is not a basic human right.

His list of what is a basic human right must be short, very short indeed.

20 hours ago, melthebell said:

the clues in the title...basic

It doesnt include meeting your mates in the pub, or somebody in Australia

Most people would say it did, especially the first one. 
They certainly would have done up to March 2020, the fact they may have changed their minds is possibly the most frightening and insidious result of all this Covid suppression. A virus which, even pre vaccines, 99% of people survive and the average age of death is 83.....

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6 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Chekhov said:
Mr Meltman thinks being able to meet who you want when you want (excepting those in prison, obviously) is not a basic human right.

His list of what is a basic human right must be short, very short indeed.

Most people would say it did, especially the first one. 
They certainly would have done up to March 2020, the fact they may have changed their minds is possibly the most frightening and insidious result of all this Covid suppression. A virus which, even pre vaccines, 99% of people survive and the average age of death is 83.....

here we go, your OBSESSION with Covid and lockdowns, its NOT a BASIC human right to go wherever you want, and meet who you like, you can live pretty comfortably without, just because you think you can, again its purely a selfish attitude

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20 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It might well indeed. As I said, I won't shed tears if you decide to emigrate there.

The Pandemic has nothing to do with climate change, it's just one of your favourite rants.

You have made it more than clear that  you know more about all of these different subjects than the experts that most of us rely on.

In that case, feel free again to discount everything that they have said and go forth in the knowledge that your wisdom will see you through.

Will that be in Siberia?

Don't upset Mr Putin. 

"One of my favourite rants", not really, compared to suppressing my freedoms (off and on) for nearly two years I'm really not that bothered. If I was poorer I'd be more bothered about what they are planning to try and prevent Climate change...... No, I'm probably more annoyed by closing roads for days at a time at the drop of  a hat whilst inconveniencing thousands of people and sod all is done on them.


And you misunderstand what I meant by the pandemic has made me cynical about climate change. During the last two years loads of scaremongering experts were taken as knowing what would happen and warning us what we cannot do (re the virus), and in almost every case they have been proved to be overly pessimistic, sometimes massively so *. Another parallel was anyone who contracted them was thought to be the anti-Christ, pretty much all the media accepted as fact what they said and so did the government up to July 2021/ Then they stopped believing them and it was shown these doomsters had no clothes.

Yes, there really are many parallels indeed. 


* my favourite, of many, was Jenny Harries, after all she is Head of UK Health Security Agency ! 

15 Dec 21 : "Omicron likely to be the biggest threat of Covid pandemic so far".


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13 minutes ago, melthebell said:

here we go, your OBSESSION with Covid and lockdowns, its NOT a BASIC human right to go wherever you want, and meet who you like, you can live pretty comfortably without, just because you think you can, again its purely a selfish attitude

I have answered your point on the Covid thread : here

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