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When Are We Going To Be Realistic, Nett Zero Is A Fantasy

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3 minutes ago, melthebell said:

if you think im jumping between threads on this ******** youve got another thing coming

You do what you want, but I would rather not divert this thread off into Covid.

All I would say is people will read your comment (that being able to meet your mates is not a basic human right) and think you're a bit bonkers, so you might want to defend it there.

Edited by Chekhov
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30 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

"One of my favourite rants", not really, compared to suppressing my freedoms (off and on) for nearly two years I'm really not that bothered. If I was poorer I'd be more bothered about what they are planning to try and prevent Climate change...... No, I'm probably more annoyed by closing roads for days at a time at the drop of  a hat whilst inconveniencing thousands of people and sod all is done on them.


And you misunderstand what I meant by the pandemic has made me cynical about climate change. During the last two years loads of scaremongering experts were taken as knowing what would happen and warning us what we cannot do (re the virus), and in almost every case they have been proved to be overly pessimistic, sometimes massively so *. Another parallel was anyone who contracted them was thought to be the anti-Christ, pretty much all the media accepted as fact what they said and so did the government up to July 2021/ Then they stopped believing them and it was shown these doomsters had no clothes.

Yes, there really are many parallels indeed. 


* my favourite, of many, was Jenny Harries, after all she is Head of UK Health Security Agency ! 

15 Dec 21 : "Omicron likely to be the biggest threat of Covid pandemic so far".


Again, this is about the pandemic which I was not discussing.

This thread, that  I was participating on is about climate change and so, if you are posting regarding the pandemic, which is an entirely different  subject,  then I have no wish to discuss that.


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6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Again, this is about the pandemic which I was not discussing.

This thread, that  I was participating on is about climate change and so, if you are posting regarding the pandemic, which is an entirely different  subject,  then I have no wish to discuss that.

I would rather discuss the pandemic on that thread, but it is entirely relevant to point out that my trust in politicians (pretty much all of them) and the mainstream media has plummeted after what happened during the pandemic and it has definitely affected my attitude to man made global warming.  What happened during the pandemic proves that just because pretty much all main stream media and almost all politicians say more or less the the same thing, that may not actually be true or the right thing to do. I question what these people say far more than I ever used to do. 

Remember the clamour for vaccine passports for ? Vaccines which were known as the time to do relatively little to prevent people catching Covid (esp after a couple of month s or so) ! A policy which has now been accepted as completely pointless, as well as a fundamental assault on our freedoms. Yet at the time it was "mainstream".

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