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Thatcher Statue In Grantham

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4 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Only reporting real true facts which were made public at the time.  I'm not the one who brought homosexuality or gay footballers  into the discussion about the Margaret Thatcher statue in Grantham. 

Ok , was he found guilty ?

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On 15/05/2022 at 20:17, West 77 said:

What I'm saying is I oppose the abolition of clause 28.  Acceptance and promotion of homosexuality are two different things.

Why be mealy mouthed? 

You've said that you don't agree with 'promotion of homosexuality' (though how you do that is beyond me); but you don't even agree with the acceptance of it either.

I mean it is a real contrast isn't it: a 17 year old footballer coming out as gay, and someone on the internet who nobody knows, being disingenuous about his antipathy toward gay people.

Edited by Mister M
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Guest sibon
6 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Why be mealy mouthed? 

You've said that you don't agree with 'promotion of homosexuality' (though how you do that is beyond me); but you don't even agree with the acceptance of it either.

I mean it is a real contrast isn't it: a 17 year old footballer coming out as gay, and someone on the internet who nobody knows, being disingenuous about his antipathy toward gay people.

Antipathy is far too kind a word to use about Westy's views on homosexuality.


He's a full blown homophobe. A proper relic of a revolting past.

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11 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I stated I hoped things work out better for the footballer who you told us about than what happened to Justin Fashanu which is not an unkind comment. Unlike you I haven't felt the need to edit  any posts  about this issue because I'm in full control and rational. 

Calling gay men 'teapots' like you did in this post:

On 01/02/2022 at 19:18, West 77 said:

Yes you were. Yesterday you mentioned the teapot Ian Dale was talking about the postponed phone call which you wrongly said had been cancelled.

and other snidey comments about gay people is hardly the mark of someone who's in full control and rational. 

Rather bigoted and childish I'd say. 

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Thatcher might have been a high achiever being our first female Prime Minister but I don't think she was a very good one. I remember reading that one of her classmates said that even at school, she always saw things in black and white with no shades of grey in between, which isn't a good quality for a Prime Minister to have. Her legacies aren't anything to celebrate. It was her privatisations of the utility companies which have led to us paying extortionate amounts for water, gas and electricity ever since. Forcing councils to sell their housing stock meant they had to pay private landlords extortionate rents to house people on low incomes which sent the cost of housing benefit soaring. It was during her reign that the burden of taxation began to be switched from direct taxation i.e. income tax and NI which are the fairest forms of tax because the more you earn, the more you pay, to the indirect or 'stealth' taxes which are the unfairest forms because they're regressive. Every body pays the same but everybody doesn't earn the same. A multi millionaire pays the same duty on a litre of fuel as somebody earning £12,000 a year but it takes a bigger bite out the poorer person's income than the richer person's. The more you earn, the smaller the % of your income goes on that duty whilst it's the opposite for people on low incomes.


Labour could have reversed that trend but didn't, as they probably realised that disguising the amount of tax we're paying was a good ploy to pull the wool over our eyes. I expect somebody will investigate her family tree and find out that one of her ancestors once knew somebody who once had a cup of tea with the third cousin of a slave trader so down it'll come and into the nearest river it'll go.

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9 hours ago, despritdan said:

It was her privatisations of the utility companies which have led to us paying extortionate amounts for water.



You get your household sewage and rainwater taken away and exchanged for potable water for less than a quid a day. Bargain.


They pay tax on profits like any other company.

Edited by fools
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28 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

It beggars belief how a middle aged man in a responsible job can act in such a manner as throwing an egg at a statue of our past Prime Minister.


I don't think holding a responsible job comes into the equation.....There are Members of Parliament who've broken much more serious laws.

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