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Struggling With The Cost Of Living?

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29 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

I think your day is getting worse, Mr Padders. :(

According to this...

... Zero Carbon has decided to have a d/ay off and stay in his/her/its horse box! :hihi:

Now then Mr. Bloke, I was just wondering ?

I suppose I could revisit Paddy Power and explain my dilemma, but that would cost me petrol money.

So I'm wondering , hoping that as it's a non-runner they may stick it on the Fav.

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2 hours ago, Dromedary said:

The point being is that although many people from a cross section of society were demonstrating at the poll tax demos the ones that caused most of the problems were the young and it was the same in the London riots of 2011.


But looking back on the poll tax it was a much fairer system than the council tax which replaced it as with the poll tax every individual paid it which was actually more in line with socialist principles.


If they are not getting any coverage then how come you know about them? :huh:


Trouble is with the winter of discontent they couldn't take to the streets because they were full of rubbish from the bin strikes!


The laws do not prevent protest but put certain restrictions on them.


The millionaire and media grabber would though as he courts that media attention which you normally complain about.

Who was rioting etc depends very much on how the MSM chose to report it and place the 'blame' on.

Now they are simply not reported.

I disagree with you on the poll tax, and so did most of the country, but you are entitled to your opinion as am I.


I know about the protests because I use a wide variety of sources, including internet, social media, court reports, News International, Al jazeera, Russia today, and friends around the world (especially America, Australia, Germany,) who see more on their TV's about what's going on in England than we do. I also know some of the people who have been to the protests.


I like the way you sidestepped my comment about the Tories being responsible for more protests, riots and civil disobedience than was ever the case in their oft mentioned 'winter of discontent.' But then the Tories are the party of lies and propaganda, and they do own the MSM after all.....Nice swerve.


Edited by Anna B
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24 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Who was rioting etc depends very much on how the MSM chose to report it and place the 'blame' on.

Now they are simply not reported.

I disagree with you on the poll tax, and so did most of the country, but you are entitled to your opinion as am I.


I know about the protests because I use a wide variety of sources, including internet, social media, court reports, News International, Al jazeera, Russia today, and friends around the world (especially America, Australia, Germany,) who see more on their TV's about what's going on in England than we do. I also know some of the people who have been to the protests.


I like the way you sidestepped my comment about the Tories being responsible for more protests, riots and civil disobedience than was ever the case in their oft mentioned 'winter of discontent.' But then the Tories are the party of lies and propaganda, and they do own the MSM after all.....Nice swerve.


Jesus christ here we go with the media conspiracy tangent....   

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54 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I've got a lot of time for Martin Lewis. 

He genuinely cares about people, and doesn't like to see people being ripped off.




It's his business to portray 'caring' about people.   It's the prime reason of how he made his many millions.   Its the biggest reason how he keeps earning and building his profile all over the TV and papers.


He 'cares' about the people about as much as the lovely sweet actress playing TV's Lorraine Kelly does....  He 'cares' about people about as much  Jamie Oliver did when he was harassing the government about healthy food at the same time as making vast money from fronting Sainsbury's  adverts for a plethora of unhealthy goods.  He 'cares' about people about as much as Dr Doom, Hilary Jones does when he is wheeled out on the daytime tv circuit to do his weekly scaremongering piece...


Wouldn't know genuine if it smacked him in the face.  

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17 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Jesus christ here we go with the media conspiracy tangent....   

Or maybe just better informed....

The cost of living struggle is no conspiracy theory.

Edited by Anna B
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5 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:



It's his business to portray 'caring' about people.   It's the prime reason of how he made his many millions.   Its the biggest reason how he keeps earning and building his profile all over the TV and papers.


He 'cares' about the people about as much as the lovely sweet actress playing TV's Lorraine Kelly does....  He 'cares' about people about as much  Jamie Oliver did when he was harassing the government about healthy food at the same time as making vast money from fronting Sainsbury's  adverts for a plethora of unhealthy goods.  He 'cares' about people about as much as Dr Doom, Hilary Jones does when he is wheeled out on the daytime tv circuit to do his weekly scaremongering piece...


Wouldn't know genuine if it smacked him in the face.  

Look I can't see into Lewis's soul anymore than you can. But if someone takes the time to research what's going on in the world of business and finance, and says it as he sees it, that people are being ripped off, then good on him.

Would you have said the same about Esther Rantzen in her 'That's Life' role? I mean I didn't like the programme, and found it a bit puerile, but I don't think I'm as cynical about it as you are about Lewis.

I get the impression that if it came out that Lewis did a secret deal with a company to promote their products under the guise of the public getting a good deal, nothing would please you more. 


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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

I've got a lot of time for Martin Lewis. 

He genuinely cares about people, and doesn't like to see people being ripped off.

That's worth of a side splitting laugh!


1 hour ago, Mister M said:

And with regards to the Poll Tax, that was about as far removed from socialist principles as you could get. It was a flat rate tax which took no account of people's ability to pay.

So what is fairer, a flat rate tax that all should pay or a tax on the household that is a standard amount that does not depend on how many live at the property or their wealth. For example a mansion with 10 people living in it has 10 peoples rubbish etc and yet just one council tax bill gets paid which does not reflect on how many people actually live there. With the community charge (poll tax) everyone (within reason) would have been charged. It does not take much working out as to who benefits with council tax and that is those who are better off. It would have been better to tweak the community charge rather than just scrap it in favour of those who were well off.



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1 minute ago, Dromedary said:

That's worth of a side splitting laugh!


So what is fairer, a flat rate tax that all should pay or a tax on the household that is a standard amount that does not depend on how many live at the property or their wealth. For example a mansion with 10 people living in it has 10 peoples rubbish etc and yet just one council tax bill gets paid which does not reflect on how many people actually live there. With the community charge (poll tax) everyone (within reason) would have been charged. It does not take much working out as to who benefits with council tax and that is those who are better off. It would have been better to tweak the community charge rather than just scrap it in favour of those who were well off.



I've not researched different council funding means to any extent, but I do know that the Poll Tax was anything but fair, and to try and dress it up as socialism is just silly

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