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Struggling With The Cost Of Living?

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42 minutes ago, sibon said:

Post of the week. Three gold stars.


Now. That free market. You know the one.

The one that has put the cost of domestic energy beyond the reach of, erm, domestic customers.


A bit like the free market that  caused the banking system to crash and have to be bailed out by big government.


Seems to be working swimmingly.

No, not THAT one, silly.


The one that had the U.S. energy independent. before the left  got in and screwed around with cancelling pipelines, and restricting the most productive leases for drilling.  And begging Saudi "murdering princes", South American Dictators, and even Russia to please, please produce more oil.


And the one that had the banks in good shape before a series of Government regulations, by first Carter, then Clinton (Community re-investment Acts.)told them how they MUST lend their mortgage money, to the poor in the inner cities, so they could buy homes. And told the banks, that the government, would insure the loans (FreddieMac/FannieMae) if the buyers folks defaulted. A win win scam?


Which of course happened, when the home market had a downturn, and left the poor folks holding mortgages that were more than the homes were worth. So they just walked away. Some of those urban houses are still vacant to this day.


Which guess what?


Left the government (read taxpayer) with the legal liablity to re-imburse the banks for their losses!  :)


Of, course, you'd have to look long and hard to get the real story. Revisionism being what it is, they blame the evil Republicans, like everything else.


But I happened to live through that one as it was happening.


Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

It's a major problem for a socialist system of government. Trying to sort out "equality", and who, besides a free market, decides who gets what.


Sports stars, rock stars, movie stars, artists, brain surgeons etc. Even successful small businesses naturally grow into Big Business. It's a system of merit, where talent, innovation, creativity and even empty celebrity (what the hell is a "presenter"?), is rewarded handsomely.


The only way to stop talented folks selling their services to the highest bidder, is to nationalize every part of the economic system like some other totalitarian States do.


But in all out communist countries, they simply "defect" to "freedom", first chance they get!


As long as there are free market countries in the world, it will go on.


Until communism is made compulsory all over the World, it will always break down.


Then it's just the top Party apparatchiks who get the palaces and mansions.


Workers of the World, Unite!  :)


You only get to choose your overseers!




Hang on, there is an alternative to the free market /'winner takes all' economic system that we have now, not just communism. There's a middle way that we used to have in Britain before Thatcher. It's  called - 'Responsible Capitalism


Responsible Capitalism  works for everyone because, decisions are made with care and consultation, in the public interest, and bearing in mind the possibility of unexpected consequences. They are not decided at the behest of the strongest, best funded lobbying group. Taxes are collected fairly and used wisely. There is a cap on executive pay: at a ratio of approx 5 to 1. 

Certain Utilities (for example those without  natural competition) are nationalised, as are certain essential services, this ensures the country can't be held to ransom in an emergency or otherwise, and gives us the security of a certain degree of autonomy and self sufficiency. Small Businesses are  encouraged  and nurtured with an emphasis on creativity and new innovations. Money for research and development is seen as a good investment. 


It worked before, it works in Scandinavian countries now, I don't see why it can't work again here.

Edited by Anna B
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31 minutes ago, trastrick said:

No, not THAT one, silly.


The one that had the U.S. energy independent. before the left  got in and screwed around with cancelling pipelines, and restricting the most productive leases for drilling.  And begging Saudi "murdering princes", South American Dictators, and even Russia to please, please produce more oil.


And the one that had the banks in good shape before a series of Government regulations, by first Carter, then Clinton (Community re-investment Acts.)told them how they MUST lend their mortgage money, to the poor in the inner cities, so they could buy homes. And told the banks, that the government, would insure the loans (FreddieMac/FannieMae) if the buyers folks defaulted. A win win scam?


Which of course happened, when the home market had a downturn, and left the poor folks holding mortgages that were more than the homes were worth. So they just walked away. Some of those urban houses are still vacant to this day.


Which guess what?


Left the government (read taxpayer) with the legal liablity to re-imburse the banks for their losses!  :)


Of, course, you'd have to look long and hard to get the real story. Revisionism being what it is, they blame the evil Republicans, like everything else.


But I happened to live through that one as it was happening.


It is broken. 

Quite clearly.


And quite unsurprisingly. Any system that prioritises greed is always likely to be brought down by …. Greed.


It is a good job that there are some socialist solutions to stop people from freezing to death this winter. I’m looking forward to Comrade Truss implementing her two year plan.

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

The one that had the U.S. energy independent. before the left  got in and screwed around with cancelling pipelines, and restricting the most productive leases for drilling.

Complete nonsense...


U.S. fossil fuel exports began to decline in 2020, before Biden took office.


Now the numbers are in, The U.S. is still energy independent:



The pipeline was years away from completion.

There are enough permits to last literally years! :?



And begging Saudi "murdering princes", South American Dictators, and even Russia to please, please produce more oil.




And the one that had the banks in good shape before a series of Government regulations, by first Carter, then Clinton (Community re-investment Acts.)told them how they MUST lend their mortgage money, to the poor in the inner cities, so they could buy homes. And told the banks, that the government, would insure the loans (FreddieMac/FannieMae) if the buyers folks defaulted. A win win scam?


Which of course happened, when the home market had a downturn, and left the poor folks holding mortgages that were more than the homes were worth. So they just walked away. Some of those urban houses are still vacant to this day.

Community Reinvestment Act, Why This 1977 Law Did Not Create the 2008 Financial Crisis



The Lie That Won't Die: 'Poor Borrowers Caused The Financial Crisis':



It's simply not true... 2008 was entirely down to the banks themselves.





Which guess what?


Left the government (read taxpayer) with the legal liablity to re-imburse the banks for their losses!  :)

Nope, there was no legal liability :roll:




"We got back every dime used to rescue the banks."



...with interest no less! :thumbsup:



Of, course, you'd have to look long and hard to get the real story. Revisionism being what it is, they blame the evil Republicans, like everything else.

Who's watch did it happen on again? :?


Edited by Magilla
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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

Hang on, there is an alternative to the free market /'winner takes all' economic system that we have now, not just communism. There's a middle way that we used to have in Britain before Thatcher. It's  called - 'Responsible Capitalism


The UK has never had anything like or called Responsible Capitalism. The phrase is a fairy new term and became popular after the 2008 financial crash when it became prominent and was coined mainly by Cameron and Cable who wrote about it. Socialists then also took it on board as something they wanted to replace the current system with as they knew socialism was dead as a dodo and free market capitalism had problems. Before Thatcher there were brief periods of lefty socialism with all its inherent problems that it caused but responsible capitalism has never been part of any political policy by any UK governments.


Remind me, which government of the UK before Thatcher had it?

Edited by Dromedary
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Had a walk round Ecclesfield Pk. today.

Right hand side at the far end is an orchard, It's just trees growing wild.

Apple trees, Pear trees, Plum trees, all of them with branches sagging under the weight of the fruit, there's also loads of Blackberries and Raspberries all going to waste...

Bloomin Ek, they wouldn't have lasted long when I was a kid.

Anyway thats me stocked up with fruit.

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19 minutes ago, Padders said:

Had a walk round Ecclesfield Pk. today.

Right hand side at the far end is an orchard, It's just trees growing wild.

Apple trees, Pear trees, Plum trees, all of them with branches sagging under the weight of the fruit, there's also loads of Blackberries and Raspberries all going to waste...

Bloomin Ek, they wouldn't have lasted long when I was a kid.

Anyway thats me stocked up with fruit.

The wild fruit is plentiful . Got a bucketful of sweet apricots few weeks back . People should use this natural resource 

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