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Struggling With The Cost Of Living?

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You can't be serious. If you think it's normal for the average human to get to adulthood, and be unable to work out how to make mashed potatoes, there is little hope for humanity. What are the parents doing in that situation.


There is undoubtedly skill involved in fancy cuisine, but day to day meals is warming stuff up and chucking some salt on top.

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10 minutes ago, fools said:

You can't be serious. If you think it's normal for the average human to get to adulthood, and be unable to work out how to make mashed potatoes, there is little hope for humanity. What are the parents doing in that situation.


There is undoubtedly skill involved in fancy cuisine, but day to day meals is warming stuff up and chucking some salt on top.

If it's that easy, how do you explain the popularity of books by Delia Smith and Jamie Oliver which go through the basics of cooking?

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Like nearly all cooking books, they end up on the bookshelf for show, never read, unwanted Christmas presents. Or in the unused breadmaker/sandwich toaster cupboard.

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5 minutes ago, fools said:

Like nearly all cooking books, they end up on the bookshelf for show, never read, unwanted Christmas presents. Or in the unused breadmaker/sandwich toaster cupboard.

There's obviously a need for them, otherwise they wouldn't be written. 

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That doesn't compute. We live in a consumer society, where we work endless hours so we can buy extensive amounts of pointless consumer tat, which goes back to Anna's point about being time poor and working endlessly for little benefit.


You need recipes to bake, you don't need recipes to cook meat, veg, pasta.


If you wanna know how to do anything, it's on youtube. I haven't checked, but there may be a mashed potato video if you're struggling.


We currently send (ie fiddle unemployment stats) about 40% of the population to university. Are you suggesting it's beyond them to knock up some beans on toast, and without a deliveroo app, they'd starve to death. This is primary school level.


Re thick or lazy, what other explanation would you suggest. Being a responsible adult means you have to do adult things, that includes living within your means - more primary school maths. Offering to help those who might find it (budgeting/cooking) useful is a good approach imo, whilst forcing them to go on it is patronising.


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24 minutes ago, fools said:

That doesn't compute. We live in a consumer society, where we work endless hours so we can buy extensive amounts of pointless consumer tat, which goes back to Anna's point about being time poor and working endlessly for little benefit.


You need recipes to bake, you don't need recipes to cook meat, veg, pasta.


If you wanna know how to do anything, it's on youtube. I haven't checked, but there may be a mashed potato video if you're struggling.


We currently send (ie fiddle unemployment stats) about 40% of the population to university. Are you suggesting it's beyond them to knock up some beans on toast, and without a deliveroo app, they'd starve to death. This is primary school level.


Re thick or lazy, what other explanation would you suggest. Being a responsible adult means you have to do adult things, that includes living within your means - more primary school maths.


I'd say many have just not been taught the basics, or never learned. People get by with what they know, rather than learn something new. 

If the goal is helping people manage then not stigmatising them by calling them thick or lazy would be a start. And you still need recipes to cook the basics, learning what goes well with what. Beans on toast is fine for one meal, but like I said, if you're having to watch every penny, you can't afford to experiment. 

The vast majority do try to live within their means, however you'll be aware with the rising cost of food and energy, this is proving extremely difficult, if not impossible for many.


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There's a Japanese tv programme about sending toddlers shopping on their own.


When you move out of your parents care, you have to suddenly clean the toilet, and cut the grass, and arrange the insurance, and feed yourself, and pay the bills - didn't learn any of that at school.


What I am saying is the reverse of stigmatising. I'm suggesting that the vast majority of people are quite capable of the maths to do a household budget, and quite capable of cooking a meal for themselves, without any patronising tuition - they may just choose not to.


The increase in the cost of living isn't going to be any better for families who don't even try to live within their means.



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Lasted about 45 seconds, don't know how people listen to this stuff.


Guess confected outrage is a bit of a drug, once you're on the treadmill, it's hard to stop.


What happened to Elsie, that could have filled up endless hours of programming, it only lasted a day, hardly plebgate.


What's next weeks contrived "Fury as" headline going to be... my money's on the Bank of England or maybe Ofgem

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3 hours ago, fools said:

Lasted about 45 seconds, don't know how people listen to this stuff.


Guess confected outrage is a bit of a drug, once you're on the treadmill, it's hard to stop.

Its because they see it as real and not for what it is which is just cheap sensationalist entertainment to generate listeners and make a profit. Just think, if James O'Brien worked an extra hour he would net an extra £2500.


3 hours ago, fools said:

What happened to Elsie, that could have filled up endless hours of programming, it only lasted a day, hardly plebgate.

Another bit of cheap entertainment brought to you by a TV celeb who signed a contract for £1.5 million when she got the job as GMB presenter.


3 hours ago, fools said:

What's next weeks contrived "Fury as" headline going to be... my money's on the Bank of England or maybe Ofgem

Probably criticising Piers Morgan for saying Ukraine winning eurovision was just down to a sympathy vote.

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