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Quran and Modern Science - Conflict or Conciliation?

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Be careful Artisan you could be in line for the gift of a "bespoke waistcoat"


You and your friend have got the wrong idea or maybe just you as Artisan only replied after you gave him an escape route.

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I would. All brain washing, from birth, has as much value as a Pot Noodle. But, at least, you can throw that away without fear of reprisal.
This is blasphemy surely! The idea of calling religious beliefs the equivalent of a Pot Noodle.:rant: Appalling. The Pot Noodle may be a bit naff, but it exists and hasn`t, as far as I know, caused the deaths of millions of innocent people in the name of a deity. All hail the Noodle. :hihi:
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You and your friend have got the wrong idea or maybe just you as Artisan only replied after you gave him an escape route.


Come on Im joking, as I am sure you are.

But how can anyone challenge these people when no one knows who they are.

Read a book 'The Base' it is obviously about Al Qieda, but it follows the life of the leader of the 9/11 attackers.

He and his main leiutenant were such good actors none of their closest workmates or friends could believe it.

It could be one of your, or my, closest friends who has this warped ideology, you cannot tell.


It is only natural that your faith should be shaken when you are asked to defend something as vague as faith itself.

The Koran was written when men thought the stars were coloured lights in the sky and the earth was the centre of the universe.

All religeon has now been shown to be bunkum, to keep denying this is not the action of an educated man.

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But how can anyone challenge these people when no one knows who they are.


My point was that you’re telling people who are not encouraging or condoning these acts and because I’m a Muslim it make me think that you’re trying so say that all Muslims are like this.


It is only natural that your faith should be shaken when you are asked to defend something as vague as faith itself.


When was my faith shaken?


The Koran was written when men thought the stars were coloured lights in the sky and the earth was the centre of the universe.

All religeon has now been shown to be bunkum, to keep denying this is not the action of an educated man.


How have all religions now been shown to be bunkum?


The most educated men at one time believed the world was flat. 1400 years ago the Quran showed the world to be the exact shape we know it to be.


From: http://www.thewaytotruth.org/theholyquran/propheticmiracles.html


At a time when people generally believed that the earth was flat and stationary, the Qur’an revealed in several different verses, explicitly and implicitly, that it is round. More unexpectedly still, it also tells us that the precise shape is more like an ostrich egg than a sphere.


"After that He shaped the earth like an egg, whence He caused to spring forth the water thereof, and the pasture thereof." (79:30-2)


The verb in Arabic (daha’) means to shape like an egg, the derived noun form (da’hia) is still used to mean an egg. Because the scientific fact may have appeared in their time to be contrary to sense-impression, some inter*preters misunderstood the meaning of the word, as stretched out, perhaps fearing that the literal meaning might be difficult to understand and so mislead. Of course, modern instruments have established quite re*cently that the shape of the world is indeed more like an egg than a perfect sphere, that there is a slight flattening around the poles and a slight curving around the equator.

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i can't be bothered to read all this but it looks interesting, would someone like to summarize it for me?


The Quran shows us 1400 years ago the exact shape of the earth as being the shape of an ostrich egg (not a perfect sphere but slightly flattened from the top and bottom and bulging from the waist) when people believed it to be flat.

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67:5 And verily We have beautified the world's heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame.


In this verse it’s claimed that stars were created by Allah to decorate the sky and also for him to throw at devils, this is hardly compatible with modern day scientific knowledge.

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