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Quran and Modern Science - Conflict or Conciliation?

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The same cannot be said of say the Bible. Which is chopped and changed every couple of years and has a list of versions longer than my street.




There are many versions of the the Bible Zafar, simply because it has been widely translated out of its original tongue.


Just like there are numerous English versions of the Qur'aan.


Pick up any two Hebrew versions of the Old Testament and they will be the same aswell.

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Is that the same Torah that the pharisee's used to blaspheme or the one Jesus defended when he said he had not come to change or alter the law but instead to complete it ?



Yes, 'complete' it being the operative word, therefore annulled.


There are three parts to the OT law, The moral, the civil, and the ceremonial.

He upheld the first, whilst fulfilling the latter two.

This can be evidenced in how He dealt with the woman caught in adultry.

He stopped the imminent stoning, but upheld the moral code - "Go away and sin no more..."


We now come to God through His once and for all sacrifice, not the sacrifice of an animal which was nessacery after breaking any of the laws commands.

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Why try to explain the trinity concept if to one will understand it or you yourself do not understand? Also the only reference to the Trinity was taken out in the Revised Standard Version as being a forgery (not present in the oldest most authentic scriptures). But then later this reference was reinstated. Why was that?


This reference to the trinity was first said by some Greek.


I agree with you Rzaa.

The 'word' Trinity just like the 'word' rapture are not in the Bible, they are words given by scholars to explain concepts of certain aspects of Biblical doctrine.


It doesn't mean that the concepts are un-biblical.

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There are many versions of the the Bible Zafar, simply because it has been widely translated out of its original tongue.


Just like there are numerous English versions of the Qur'aan.


Pick up any two Hebrew versions of the Old Testament and they will be the same aswell.


There are translations of the Quran (choice of words), The Bible has many versions.

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There are translations of the Quran (choice of words), The Bible has many versions.


Thats actually a good point.


if there is a god, would he blame a muslim for being a muslim if he wanted them to be a christian and vis versa?

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I agree with you Rzaa.

The 'word' Trinity just like the 'word' rapture are not in the Bible, they are words given by scholars to explain concepts of certain aspects of Biblical doctrine.


It doesn't mean that the concepts are un-biblical.


So then I think we agree on the Bible. It may have the word of God in it (gods message delivered through the prophet Jesus) but the whole thing is not the word of God.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Oh whatever Rzaa.

I refuse to get drawn in to 'nit-picking' of which your last two posts entirely consisted.

I'm sure we will meet again on some other thread.




His last post did ask a valid question, and I think as a courtesy you should answer it respectfully, indeed, in order to educate at the very least.

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Qu'ran and reality?


Pass me the pork scratchings.


Muslims are actually allowed to eat pork!!!


Yes it states somewere in the Qu'ran that if all is available to eat is a pig then it is acceptable rather than dying of starvation, not many muslims know this either.


The trouble is it has to be in a near impossible situation such as stuck in a desert with a pig.

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