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Taxpayers' Funds Proposed To Be Wasted On Unwanted & Ineffective Parking Scheme

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A journalism student who signed the paper-based petition advised me to post here as his professor recommended this site.  But from what I can see, it’s just another place to invite digital abuse.  416 views and possibly 10 signatures [more likely (most of) these were from the canvassing I did on Saturday].  

What if no one had campaigned against the felling of the trees?  I am not saying putting yellow lines and marking meters in  residential streets is nearly as egregious as the tree debacle.  But would you want a parking meter in front of your house?  Do you want to see the residential streets of your beautiful city looking like parking lots? Isn’t it enough that so many of them have had their trees massacred?  When you walk on a street with no trees or little trees where once there were big beautiful ones, does it not make you a little sad to think what the road would’ve looked and felt like if the mature trees were there instead?  Do you honestly think it shouldn’t matter to us that our residential streets will have one more needless uglifying  Council scheme imposed on them?


And does the money involved really not matter to other Sheffield residents?  Is spending £600,000 of taxpayers’ funds on something local residents are against that won’t even solve the problem it’s supposed to address an effective use of taxpayers’ money?  That is almost £10,000 per street just to paint some yellow lines and install some parking meters. Does this seem like effective use of that money, or does it seem like another company’s got a “preferred contract” to be seriously overpaid to do something needless with YOUR tax money? Wouldn’t you rather see those funds be used for a more effective solution to the parking problem like providing better public transport, funding bicycle-encouraging programs, offering affordable  parking in the city centre.  Or simply used for other more worthy causes?  I don’t understand how that is not relevant to other Sheffield residents.

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1 hour ago, Allison R said:

A journalism student who signed the paper-based petition advised me to post here as his professor recommended this site.  But from what I can see, it’s just another place to invite digital abuse.  416 views and possibly 10 signatures [more likely (most of) these were from the canvassing I did on Saturday].  

What if no one had campaigned against the felling of the trees?  I am not saying putting yellow lines and marking meters in  residential streets is nearly as egregious as the tree debacle.  But would you want a parking meter in front of your house?  Do you want to see the residential streets of your beautiful city looking like parking lots? Isn’t it enough that so many of them have had their trees massacred?  When you walk on a street with no trees or little trees where once there were big beautiful ones, does it not make you a little sad to think what the road would’ve looked and felt like if the mature trees were there instead?  Do you honestly think it shouldn’t matter to us that our residential streets will have one more needless uglifying  Council scheme imposed on them?


And does the money involved really not matter to other Sheffield residents?  Is spending £600,000 of taxpayers’ funds on something local residents are against that won’t even solve the problem it’s supposed to address an effective use of taxpayers’ money?  That is almost £10,000 per street just to paint some yellow lines and install some parking meters. Does this seem like effective use of that money, or does it seem like another company’s got a “preferred contract” to be seriously overpaid to do something needless with YOUR tax money? Wouldn’t you rather see those funds be used for a more effective solution to the parking problem like providing better public transport, funding bicycle-encouraging programs, offering affordable  parking in the city centre.  Or simply used for other more worthy causes?  I don’t understand how that is not relevant to other Sheffield residents.

Hmmm... :huh:

I'm not surprised you've had such little response from the people on here.


Lots of people (quite often journalism students ;)) seem to just create a new account on the forum in a desperate attempt to try to drum-up support for their own agenda and then disappear as quickly as they popped up.


And they wonder why no-one is interested in signing their petition?


If these people had contributed to the forum more (for example, by posting help and advice for others first) then maybe more people would be prepared to listen to them?


I'd guess that the majority of viewers you've had are 'getting on a bit', and most of us have seen the outcome of these 'public consultations' with the council before.


You seem to be young enough (or maybe just naive?) to still believe that your efforts will affect any decision SCC have already made.


No-one listens!


Or perhaps, more accurately, if you get your 'consultation' with the council it'll be with some 'office junior' who has absolutely no authority to affect 'council policy', but who'll give you the impression that they're listening intently.


They'll then return to their office and write a report for their 'manager'...
... who'll then file it in the nearest bin along with all the other 'consultation reports'.


They know best after all...
... but at least they can then say that the public was 'consulted'. :hihi:


Anyway good luck with your petition and I hope you'll keep us all informed of your progress...
... but I won't be holding my breath! :thumbsup:

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4 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

So much for local politics.

Let the locals decide.

I hope the Council know how padded this petition is.

You are allowing he car owners from Dore, Nether Edge, Crookes etc, to override the needs of residents.

This should be a local issue not one decided by outsiders.


Sorry but you are incorrect once again! First of all anyone who resides in the area or is affected can sign. Such is the extraordinary size of this proposed scheme that not only does it include the residents of almost 70 roads but a large number of businesses,shops, cafes, community centres, schools, a college,sports facilities, a library, dentists, g p surgeries, a stroke rehab unit, special schools , Norfolk heritage park etc. The employees/ users etc of all these will have to find £6.50 daily to park . There are folk working at Sheffield wildlife trust for example who have noalternate means of car travel from out of Sheffield who will need to find an extra £32.50/ week or no job . Students at Sheffield college likewise. Where do you suggest they find this…..do not suggest public transport as we all know this is not fit for purpose! Neither does this proposal guarantee a space for anyone

The OP is correct this labour/ green party council will soon be coming likewise to a street near you and the money said to be in such supply must be better spent!!




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Tried to log in to sign the petition but my password is incorrect, chose the reset option twice now and still waiting. And no it's not in spam, though I could forgive my mail provider for marking anything from these clowns as spam.

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Mr Bloke, it takes less than 5 minutes to try, and I can’t see how that is 5 minutes wasted.  If it doesn’t succeed, in the same amount of time it takes to write a complaint, you’ve at least made an effort to make a point to them.

So many people are so disdainful of the Council.  I can understand why - with things like the felling of the trees - but they do also do positive things and is it not possible they learned their lesson with the tree debacle?  The Council do seem to have changed - they’ve formed the LACs, for example.  I believe in people’s positive nature - the Council included.  If that is the definition of naïveté, I am very happy for you to brand me with that label :).

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I have no particular views on the scheme either way, but I'll just point out that such schemes by their very nature have to encompass a much larger area than just the specific problematic streets. Otherwise the problem just gets shifted from those streets to the ones adjacent  to them.

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Perhaps a park and ride scheme. where you can park miles away from your house and get bussed in to where you live.


I'm a little lost.

On the inner edges of town I can sort of understand , Lansdown etc (but still don't agree with).

T's a long time since I worked around Norfolk park (tower blocks were still there), Blackstock, Arbourthorne etc, etc.

Has there been that much of a problem with 'parking' ?

So you pay yer car tax or what ever you want to call it & get stuffed with paying for something your already paying for. 


Worlds gone daft :huh:.





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16 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

Perhaps a park and ride scheme. where you can park miles away from your house and get bussed in to where you live.


I'm a little lost.

On the inner edges of town I can sort of understand , Lansdown etc (but still don't agree with).

T's a long time since I worked around Norfolk park (tower blocks were still there), Blackstock, Arbourthorne etc, etc.

Has there been that much of a problem with 'parking' ?

So you pay yer car tax or what ever you want to call it & get stuffed with paying for something your already paying for. 


Worlds gone daft :huh:.





Hmmm... :huh:

It's probably best you keep suggestions like this to yourself, Mr Rocker...


... or else we may have SCC coming up with a scheme where people will have to drive to Rotherham to park their car and then catch a bus back home! :roll:

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