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Monkeypox Madness

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9 minutes ago, pattricia said:

I think in around ten years time we will all be saying “ Can you remember when the Coronavirus and Monkey Pox virus were rife ? 

Monkeypox rife?

It is not new having been isolated and identified in the 1950s.

Monkeypox is transmitted by direct contact and the current cases are suspected to be associated with close physical  human-to-human contact.

Its biology is very different to that of coronaviruses and does not kill.


The American Far-Right have not yet jumped on the bandwagon and have not yet provided our resident Conspiracy Theorists with anything to copy. As evidenced by their ridiculous attempts so far. 

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Guest sibon
14 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Oh aye, we were all going to die of SARS once upon a time werent we?


How did that pan out?

It was beaten by a combination of hand washing, distancing, mask wearing, school closures and tracking and tracing.



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12 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Ta, interesting read, people should take note it mentions 2 other times it arrived on British shores so is neither new or a conspiracy in the aftermath of covid, both other cases were pre covid

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