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Happy World Tarot Day!

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Hmmm... :huh:

So, apparently today is World Tarot Day!

I'd never heard of it before, but Mr Google tells me it's been around since 2003!


It seems we have a 'day' for everything these... erm... days. :suspect:

Makes you wonder what day is on the cards next... :blush:

... and before any wit jumps in, yes in all probability it's very likely to be Thursday! :roll:

Happy World Tarot Day everyone! :thumbsup:


Apologies to anyone who might have been expecting a slightly longer post! :hihi:

Edited by Mr Bloke
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20 minutes ago, West 77 said:

A good opportunity for those selling Tarot cards to cash in. 

Hmmm... :huh:

The thing that gets me is...

... in the 'good old days', celebrating a 'special day' had some sort of significance and was relevant to the actual 'date' on which it was celebrated.

Nowadays it seems that anyone with an idea/agenda to promote just picks any convenient date that doesn't happen to clash with any other already existing big event.

You wouldn't get much publicity promoting your cause on say, Christmas Day, would you? :roll:

So celebrating today as a 'special day' is a bit meaningless.

It could quite as easily have been yesterday or last week...

... or not at all! :|

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2 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

So, apparently today is World Tarot Day!

I'd never heard of it before, but Mr Google tells me it's been around since 2003!


It seems we have a 'day' for everything these... erm... days. :suspect:

Makes you wonder what day is on the cards next... :blush:

... and before any wit jumps in, yes in all probability it's very likely to be Thursday! :roll:

Happy World Tarot Day everyone! :thumbsup:


Apologies to anyone who might have been expecting a slightly longer post! :hihi:

Bet the organizers make a fortune, which reminds me,

Many years ago when on a visit to Blackpool, I decided to have my fortune read by a certain Gypsy Rose Lee.


I was desperate to know my future, and she got the Tarot cards out..


She predicted my wife would die a violent and horrible death that year, I was visibly shaken, I stared at the Gypsy's lined face, then I looked at the single flickering candle, my hands were trembling, I took a few breaths to compose myself, and then I asked the question I needed to know "Will I get away with it?"


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12 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Those Tarot cards aren't cheap.  As it happens I dropped into a gift shop a few weeks ago because I know the couple who run it.  The bloke showed me the Tarot cards because he couldn't believe how well they were doing.  They looked liked a load of expensive tat to me.

Hmmm... :huh:

He couldn't believe how well they were doing? :confused:


Why didn't he think to just ask them? :suspect:

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Hmmm... :huh:

I've just tried the single Tarot Card reading on YouTube.

I picked the 'Fortune' section, shuffled the deck, and picked a card.

What card did I get?...

... 'The Fool'! :roll:

Absolute rubbish... :hihi:

... although it's a very relaxing website and I know there are some on here who like to have a nap in the afternoon! ;)


Seriously though, it's an entertaining bit of nonsense - give it a go! :thumbsup:

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44 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

I've just tried the single Tarot Card reading on YouTube.

I picked the 'Fortune' section, shuffled the deck, and picked a card.

What card did I get?...

... 'The Fool'! :roll:

Absolute rubbish... :hihi:

... although it's a very relaxing website and I know there are some on here who like to have a nap in the afternoon! ;)


Seriously though, it's an entertaining bit of nonsense - give it a go! :thumbsup:

I've fallen for it ☹️

I picked the Hierophant card ?

I'm on a tried and trusted path, I'm proven to be educated (as if I didn't know)

I must concentrate on school......

Any more big ideas Mr. Bloke, please keep em to your good self.

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padders when you where in blackpools gypsys rose lee office ,you didnt happen to put that crystal ball you gave me in your pocket and give it to me ,just in case the lads in blue gave you a knock at the door? odear someones at my door,its okay it was only the postman

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11 minutes ago, bassett one said:

padders when you where in blackpools gypsys rose lee office ,you didnt happen to put that crystal ball you gave me in your pocket and give it to me ,just in case the lads in blue gave you a knock at the door? odear someones at my door,its okay it was only the postman

Ruddy ell,

That crystal ball keeps coming back to haunt me, I've told you what to do with it, take a big sledge hammer to it....

On second thoughts, wrap it up and post it to Love Potion (free of charge) she's interested in the supernatural.


Good news Mr. Bassett, 

Owls get automatic promotion next season, (how do I know you ask)


The Tarot cards have informed me :thumbsup:

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