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24 minutes ago, altus said:

At small events, such as school plays, it isn't a given that they will be photographed. That people will want to photograph them yes, but it will be practical to enforce a ban so it's not a given that they will be.


It comes down to do you prioritise supporting an at risk child having as normal a childhood as reasonably practical or parents wanting to take their own photos of school events. I say 'take their own photos of school events' because a school could arrange for photos to be taken of an event and ensure that those released do not contain at risk children. Parents would still have a photographic record of the event, just not the one they took themselves.

Because of the use of cameras in phones nowadays photographs can be taken without attracting attention to the photographer which is different to when very noticeable flash was used.

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It’s a long time now but I never got on with school teachers or school policy, far too middle class Socialist for my liking. I used to leave my wife to deal with anything school, they couldn’t even work out who were the best sports persons, and before the usual subjects start shouting Tory, I gave up politics after falling for Bojo’s Brexit.

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19 hours ago, altus said:

At small events, such as school plays, it isn't a given that they will be photographed. That people will want to photograph them yes, but it will be practical to enforce a ban so it's not a given that they will be.


It comes down to do you prioritise supporting an at risk child having as normal a childhood as reasonably practical or parents wanting to take their own photos of school events. I say 'take their own photos of school events' because a school could arrange for photos to be taken of an event and ensure that those released do not contain at risk children. Parents would still have a photographic record of the event, just not the one they took themselves.

The problem with that is a parent wants photos / videos majoring on their own child, and a school's pics or videos will not do that. Thus they are not an adequate substitute.


Swim galas are a bit different, I want videos of my lad's races, mainly for my own interest but also to point out to him where his race needs work, it's what all advanced athletes and their coaches do so banning it affects the amateur competitor as well as the parents.

I would be more than happy for the swim club to video the races and provide us with a copy, but  they will not that for a few reasons :

1 - They'd have to get someone to spend the whole gala videoing all the races and then arranging for them to be made available.

2 - Some pools apparently ban all filming regardless of if it's a gala or not, despite the fact that galas are technically private events and banning photography is against Swim England's policy.

3 - It would still not placate those who are paranoid about any kids in swimming costumes (or who could potentially be identified) being photographed.

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19 hours ago, harvey19 said:

Because of the use of cameras in phones nowadays photographs can be taken without attracting attention to the photographer which is different to when very noticeable flash was used.

Exactly. Apart from it being a massive paranoid over reaction it is a waste of time. These infamous paedos could, I'm sure, if they were that bothered (which I do not think they are anyway), take pics using hidden cameras.


All of this also must have very damaging side effects of making our own kids scared of the world. What must they be thinking when told "Mummy and Daddy cannot take any pics of you because [basically] there are so many dangerous people out there"......  I don't want my lad bought up to fear the world.

Edited by Chekhov
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21 hours ago, altus said:

At small events, such as school plays, it isn't a given that they will be photographed. That people will want to photograph them yes, but it will be practical to enforce a ban so it's not a given that they will be.


It comes down to do you prioritise supporting an at risk child having as normal a childhood as reasonably practical or parents wanting to take their own photos of school events. I say 'take their own photos of school events' because a school could arrange for photos to be taken of an event and ensure that those released do not contain at risk children. Parents would still have a photographic record of the event, just not the one they took themselves.

How many "at risk" children, (with new ID's and addresses to protect them from dedicated pervs and abusive parents) children would likely to be performing in events, where strangers have cameras to photograph the event?


I think we all agree that those at risk parents and children, in fact all people in a similar "extremely rare"? should not expose themselves to any crowd of people who are literally guranteed to have a camera.


My simple solution is that they obey the potential life saving instructions they have received from the authorites, to stay out of the public limelight for an indeterminate time, until the threat has passed.


Or, you can have an enforced national ban of parents taking pictures at any school event.


Even if it doesn't stop assorted pervs and scofflaws from photographing, even videotaping them and their parents entering or leaving school premises, from the comfort of their cars in the parking lot.

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On 01/11/2022 at 15:30, The_DADDY said:

My bold.


A few years ago I wanted to snap some pics of my kids sports day event thing. 

"NO NO NO you can't take any pictures....Muh Privacy, But you can buy them from school".

In this instance it was clearly a money making scam.

I can understand why you might think that, but it could just be that the official video has been vetted, and all participants have actively given consent to being featured. I know it's ridiculous but these are the sort of constraints schools are under these days. It's a pain I'm sure teachers could also do without, but sadly it's the world we live in. You could take it up with the Parent/Teacher Association.


.....Or it could be a money making scam.... After all it's what the MS media do... 

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

I can understand why you might think that, but it could just be that the official video has been vetted, and all participants have actively given consent to being featured. I know it's ridiculous but these are the sort of constraints schools are under these days. It's a pain I'm sure teachers could also do without, but sadly it's the world we live in. You could take it up with the Parent/Teacher Association.


.....Or it could be a money making scam.... After all it's what the MS media do... 

My daughter left a few years ago but thinking about you're right I should definitely have done that.

I took the pictures and video regardless of the school's rule though and after a bit of huffing and puffing they allowed it, but only after around a dozen parents saw the scene and decided to record/photo it too.👍

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14 hours ago, Anna B said:

I know it's ridiculous but these are the sort of constraints schools are under these days. It's a pain I'm sure teachers could also do without, but sadly it's the world we live in.

And will continue to live in, as long as the voters put up with it it.


When the law enforcement agencies can't even prevent a home invasion of the billionaire husband of the third in line for U.S. President, and Republican lawmakers playing baseball, what chance do poor folks in the hood have?


As long as citizens are advised to meakly comply with robbers demands ("It's only property") and not encouraged to forcefully defend their homes and families from this human debris, by owning a weapon, criminals will always have soft targets. They are awarded a free kick!


(If our Pelosi victim had a gun handy, he likely wouldn't be struggling for control of a hammer).


As long as law enforcement focuses on regulations for entire populations,  that only law abiding citizens obey.


Instead of targeting the actual criminals who perpetrate these atrocities, and get them off the streets.


As long as power hungry politicians denigrate half the population (and maybe more) who prefer the foreign and domestic policies of one party over another, as "deplorables" (Hillary) and "fascists" (Biden)


As long as the President of the U.S. and the nation's oldest newspaper can be banned from social media.


As long as there is no really "free press", only partisan organs for political parties.


And as long as opportunistic politicians can bribe the electorate with "free stuff" that they can never pay for in their lifetime, which only adds to the spiralling, unsustainable National Debts piled upon piled onto generations yet unborn.


As long as opportunist politicians use external threats to divide populations, instead of promoting solidarity to confront them.


As long as racism and self loathing is taught in schools.


As long as opportunistic politicians adopt racist and mysogenistic policies that divide human beings, into unequal groups, based on skin color, sexual preference, or ethnicity, and encourage division and hate amongst its poulation.


A government, above all, should be color blind. Anything less is at the extreme, overt racism, and at best the "racial prejudice of low expections".


The World will continue to have civic hate and unrest, economic chaos and Wars.


The good news is, there IS a solution!


But the only hope rests with a few.


Hope that the last bastion of freedom, America, comes to its senses and leads the way, once again.


Or have they gone too far down the socialist path to turn back?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I extended my Canada visit to take in the 2020 mid term elections in the U.S.


Tomorrow I go back home to a place where it's a non event.


While here for 3 months getting some medical treatment for my post jab heart problems, I see that Canada has generated into a dysfunctional socialist state.


Elevators and ecalators in high end Office towers and apartment building are continually broken down. Homeless are living in 27 formerly luxury hotels, when they are not fouling up the mid town streets begging. It can take an hour to do a simple bank transaction.


Don't even think about trying to contact a government agency or public utility and expect to get though to a human being, "we are currently experiencing a higher than normal......".


Dogs are everywhere, and I got attacked by two off leash fighting dogs on a golf course, of all places,  resulting in fractured vertibrae, and another round of medical and legal red tape, not to mention the trauma and the pain.


Maybe I'll start a thread on dogs, and their owners.  :)


The PM is the starring attraction on the next "Drag Race" series on TV,  and that teacher is still in the classroom with his/her fake boobs and turgid nipples  :)


The former bastion of freedom, the U.S.,  is gradually becoming socialist, and it all starts in the schools where the unions have an iron grip.


The old "love it or leave it" option is still open though, and that's the route I took years ago!


Never looked back!


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14 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Well, I extended my Canada visit to take in the 2020 mid term elections in the U.S.


Tomorrow I go back home to a place where it's a non event.


While here for 3 months getting some medical treatment for my post jab heart problems, I see that Canada has generated into a dysfunctional socialist state.


Elevators and ecalators in high end Office towers and apartment building are continually broken down. Homeless are living in 27 formerly luxury hotels, when they are not fouling up the mid town streets begging. It can take an hour to do a simple bank transaction.


Don't even think about trying to contact a government agency or public utility and expect to get though to a human being, "we are currently experiencing a higher than normal......".


Dogs are everywhere, and I got attacked by two off leash fighting dogs on a golf course, of all places,  resulting in fractured vertibrae, and another round of medical and legal red tape, not to mention the trauma and the pain.


Maybe I'll start a thread on dogs, and their owners.  :)


The PM is the starring attraction on the next "Drag Race" series on TV,  and that teacher is still in the classroom with his/her fake boobs and turgid nipples  :)


The former bastion of freedom, the U.S.,  is gradually becoming socialist, and it all starts in the schools where the unions have an iron grip.


The old "love it or leave it" option is still open though, and that's the route I took years ago!


Never looked back!


Didn't mind using their health care though did you?  Quite happy to do that so couldn't have been too worried about their crumbling, woke, socialist, failing infrastructure.


How's the public healthcare system in the Dominican?  Beyond perfection I assume. You seem to purport everything else there is.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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