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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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On 25/06/2023 at 08:58, HeHasRisen said:

Can I ask Chekhov a question. Clearly he thinks it's fine to take photos of whatever you please (children) on private land... Would he mind if I spent 20 minutes in his shop taking photos of everything? It's exactly the same surely so I can't see the issue. 

Why should I object ?

When do you want to come down ?

I'll obviously have to charge for my time though.


On 21/06/2023 at 17:29, steve68 said:

We've all done it in our time, either upset Chekov or photographed a few hundred kids 


Save the Children World record Attempt


My lad swam at a gala over the W/E, but Ponds Forge is a bigger pool with a bigger crowd (= harder to intimidate).

Loads of people, incl me obviously, were videoing their kids racing and it was very good to see.


To be fair to PF I doubt they're really that bothered about parents videoing their kids racing, and neither should they be.

They just put up the signs ("no cameras") which are in fact there all the time, just to cover there ****s.


At the time I did wonder about sending Steve69 a PM, so he could get down and tell all those parents (and grandparents) they were weirdos and they should put away their cameras. I'm sure they'd have listened to him and obliged.

Well possibly.

Edited by Chekhov
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19 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Why should I object ?

When do you want to come down ?

I'll obviously have to charge for my time though.



Why on earth would you do that?Its a retail shop is it not? Ive just been into Asda, did the staff charge me for going in?

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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Did they do much of that during Covid ?

You know all those "experts" making predictions which, it turned out, were nearly always wrong ?

And if they did use "peer review" does that not just prove that "peer review" means nothing ?

What sort of peer review would you expect them to do for an unknown virus with unknown health consequences, an unknown infection rate, an unknown susceptibility profile and an unknown mutation rate?

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51 minutes ago, altus said:

What sort of peer review would you expect them to do for an unknown virus with unknown health consequences, an unknown infection rate, an unknown susceptibility profile and an unknown mutation rate?

Well that sounds catastrophically bad, but while that may be true of the Black Death in 1353, medical science has progressed quite a lot since then.


The first thing a government (or anybody else for that matter) when confronting a major challenge, needs to do is be calm, don't panic, and don't promote panic and fear, amongst the great unwashed. That only makes things worse.


We've managed to to keep the worst ones from wreaking that kind of havok, due to remarkable advances in medicine.


And some scientists, and Health Care Workers, and some of the public, (no names mentioned) refused to be panicked by Official Dispatches like, "The virus is indiscriminate!" and "Shut down everything, businesses and schools"! "Anyone who questions these Extreme Mandates, is a "Far Right Conspiracy Theorist!, and worse!


Back in May 1, 2020,  There were such scientists who discussed the matter in an adult manner, but they didn't get on telly! 



Coronavirus outbreak likely to go on for two years, scientists predict.


"The coronavirus pandemic is likely to last between 18 and 24 months, scientists from the University of Minnesota have predicted.

In a report published Thursday, researchers from the university’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) stressed that Covid-19 was more contagious than the flu and was likely to continue circulating after a first wave this spring.

The new coronavirus has a longer incubation period than the flu, meaning it takes longer for symptoms to appear after a person has been infected, they said, noting that the coronavirus may be at its most contagious before symptoms appear. It was also pointed out that Covid-19 has displayed a higher rate of asymptomatic transmission, as well as a higher R0 rating than influenza.


Based on the most recent flu pandemics, and the rate at which the coronavirus is able to spread, the report projected the Covid-19 outbreak would last between 18 months and two years.


“Whichever scenario the pandemic follows — assuming at least some level of ongoing mitigation measures — we must be prepared for at least another 18 to 24 months of significant Covid-19 activity, with hot spots popping up periodically in diverse geographic areas,” scientists said.


They added that even as the pandemic wanes, it was likely the coronavirus would continue to circulate in the human population. The virus would “synchronize to a seasonal pattern” with less severity over time, the report predicted.



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19 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Why on earth would you do that?Its a retail shop is it not? Ive just been into Asda, did the staff charge me for going in?

I assume you have a good reason for wanting to photograph my shop, surely you aren't just a time waster just trying to make a point ? And if you're paying me to accompany you around my shop, £30 an hour for my time is reasonable, so why not ?


16 hours ago, altus said:

What sort of peer review would you expect them to do for an unknown virus with unknown health consequences, an unknown infection rate, an unknown susceptibility profile and an unknown mutation rate?

Ahh, so you're agreeing with me ! They didn't know much about it, it was all guesswork. The latter being more than enough reason to suppress society......

Though in actual fact be mid March they knew most of what they needed to know, i.e. Covid was anything but indiscriminate and the survival rate rate per infection was around 99% :



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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I assume you have a good reason for wanting to photograph my shop, surely you aren't just a time waster just trying to make a point ? And if you're paying me to accompany you around my shop, £30 an hour for my time is reasonable, so why not ?


I dont need accompanied to walk around a shop, mate. Just like with any other shop. I am not an invalid.

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20 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I assume you have a good reason for wanting to photograph my shop, surely you aren't just a time waster just trying to make a point ? And if you're paying me to accompany you around my shop, £30 an hour for my time is reasonable, so why not ?

Hmmm... :huh:

If I was to organise a day trip for a small group of forummers, Mr Chekhov...

... is there any chance you could do a special discounted rate for Mr Risen's fan club members?

And do you have any secure facilities where my tranny could be safely left unattended while we peruse your emporium? ;)

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10 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

If I was to organise a day trip for a small group of forummers, Mr Chekhov...

... is there any chance you could do a special discounted rate for Mr Risen's fan club members?

And do you have any secure facilities where my tranny could be safely left unattended while we peruse your emporium? ;)

Mr Risen's fan club members would be charged double.

Mr Blokes fan club ? Half price.


30 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

I dont need accompanied to walk around a shop, mate. Just like with any other shop. I am not an invalid.

No you do. We do not generally work in the shop we're in the back taking and packing orders.

Whilst in my shop a member of staff needs to pull off working in the back to come and accompany you in case you want to nick an aerial or a  wall bracket.

I think £30 an hour is more than fair, payment up front please (cash only if £5 or less - equals 10 minutes - receipt provided). 

When are you coming ?

Edited by Chekhov
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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Mr Risen's fan club members would be charged double.

Mr Blokes fan club ? Half price.


No you do. We do not generally work in the shop we're in the back taking and packing orders.

Whilst in my shop a member of staff needs to pull off working in the back to come and accompany you in case you want to nick an aerial or a  wall bracket.

I think £30 an hour is more than fair, payment up front please (cash only if £5 or less - equals 10 minutes - receipt provided). 

When are you coming ?

Do you charge everyone for coming into your shop? A rather odd way to operate.

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Mr Risen's fan club members would be charged double.

Mr Blokes fan club ? Half price.

If you want to start a price war Mr. Chekhov.

All drinks in "Padders Bar" will be charged at double the normal price for your good self.

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