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20 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


People who don't want their bank accounts spammed up with poxy £1 transactions don't want it. Nor do those with business accounts who have to pay for every transaction, no matter how small. 

I spoke to the landlord of my local pub about this because I wouldn't want him to lose money based on my payment preference, and he said he's not bothered as he pays 0.2% on card transactions versus 0,15% for paying in cash to bank, and it saves having cash on the premises overnight.


Maybe you haven't got the best deal?

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Just now, Tyke02 said:

I spoke to the landlord of my local pub about this because I wouldn't want him to lose money based on my payment preference, and he said he's not bothered as he pays 0.2% on card transactions versus 0,15% for paying in cash to bank, and it saves having cash on the premises overnight.


Maybe you haven't got the best deal?

Good point, but I never pay in cash from my business as most of out transactions are fairly large (over £30 av ?) and/or online purchases. Both are almost always paid by card. If I ever get too much cash in my till I make a cash back transaction with my personal debit card.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying cash good card bad, I am saying horses for courses, for me small purchases (under £10 for me) with cash, larger ones by card.

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7 minutes ago, Tyke02 said:

I spoke to the landlord of my local pub about this because I wouldn't want him to lose money based on my payment preference, and he said he's not bothered as he pays 0.2% on card transactions versus 0,15% for paying in cash to bank, and it saves having cash on the premises overnight.


Maybe you haven't got the best deal?

Hang on, hang on. Hang on. 


Some people on here would have you believe there are no charges for dealing in cash. Are you saying they are talking, ahem, Cobblers?

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13 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Good point, but I never pay in cash from my business as most of out transactions are fairly large (over £30 av ?) and/or online purchases. Both are almost always paid by card. If I ever get too much cash in my till I make a cash back transaction with my personal debit card.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying cash good card bad, I am saying horses for courses, for me small purchases (under £10 for me) with cash, larger ones by card.

Don’t worry we won’t, what a bizarre post.

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9 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Hang on, hang on. Hang on. 


Some people on here would have you believe there are no charges for dealing in cash. Are you saying they are talking, ahem, Cobblers?

Sorry, who said that, can you supply the quote ?

I certainly never said that, but all businesses are different.

Many people may not know but a bank charges a business to deposit cash, but the business can minimise that charge by using the cash itself. As an example which I mentioned above, if I need any cash myself I will "buy it" out of my own till. Alternatively if we need to go and buy anything and we do that with cash out of the till we save bank fees twice, once on having to pay to deposit the money (either in cash or on a card payment), and secondly the fees the bank charges any business for any purchase transaction.

Obviously if the business turns over large amounts of cash that's not so practical, but these days not many businesses do that as most people, particularly for purchases over £10 to £20, pay by card.

Having said that, it is perfectly possible for a small one man band cash rich business to pay himself in cash.

The problem there is the temptation for a dishonest businessman to try and avoid paying all his income tax, but that is a separate issue.

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'Man, I wish online financial transactions were less secure' said no one ever.  Apart from Chekov, naturally.

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On 10/08/2023 at 18:27, ECCOnoob said:

"entitlement syndrome"

Here, of course, is the big difference between Libertarians and Authoritarians.


 A Libertarian thinks people, as in everyone, not just them, should not be restricted from doing anything unless there's a soddin' good reason for it. They do not automatically think any rule or restriction is "right" just because it's there. That is not to say they will not comply, but they are more likely to question it, and a very good thing that is to.

If you want to put it like that Libertarians think that freedom is everyone's "entitlement".


On the other hand an Authoritarian tends to think rules and restrictions are a good thing because "the powers that be" have introduced them for the betterment of society so they are happy to accept them, even support them, and they tend to adhere to them unquestioningly.

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43 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Here, of course, is the big difference between Libertarians and Authoritarians.

 A Libertarian thinks people, as in everyone, not just them, should not be restricted from doing anything unless there's a soddin' good reason for it. They do not automatically think any rule or restriction is "right" just because it's there. That is not to say they will not comply, but they are more likely to question it, and a very good thing that is to.

If you want to put it like that Libertarians think that freedom is everyone's "entitlement".

On the other hand an Authoritarian tends to think rules and restrictions are a good thing because "the powers that be" have introduced them for the betterment of society so they are happy to accept what they support them and adhere to them unquestioningly.

    If life was that simple that you could divide everything up into chunks.

    There may be a  few thousands who call themselves 'Libertarians' and a  few thousands who call themselves 'Authoritarians'.      There may be millions who know nor care. There are billions who have suffered at the hands of  'Authoritarians' Libertarians'

   Those of us who consider that the messy hotch-potch that is democracy is a better way, have to prioritize and make real and difficult decisions, push for change etc. unlike in your world of extremes. 


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