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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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The only hypocrite I can see in all this debacle is you.


A man notorious for huffing and puffing about bloody silly red tape and petty rules and overbearing health and safety bollix and woke nonsense curtailing people's freedoms and lack of common sense and lack of autonomy...... who is now seemingly raising lots of complaints and demanding that Google should "cancel" a legitimate and legal business organisation just because they fell victim to some clever marketing and failed to use some of that very same common sense.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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16 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

No it does not, you're trolling and coming as close to lying as it is possible to get, without actually lying.


This is the page they ask you to fill in :


No where on that page does it mention they are nothing to do with the Australian government

People can make their own minds up, yours is closed, as to what that business is trying to do.


>>why should Google block a legitimate business from advertising through their search engine<<


Because it makes out it is such a virtuous company, caring about society and the greater good etc. Doesn't it say "do no harm" or some equally puke inducing virtue signalling cobblers ?
E.g. removing Russell Brand's income stream from Youtube before he has been found guilty of anything, and banning Talk TV from Youtube in Jan 2021 because they were legitimately (and, it turned out, correctly) campaigning against lockdowns.

Russell Brand has been accused of a very serious crime and possibly even multiple crimes. They have suspended his ability to use the broadcast service to make money until such time as the investigation is completed 


Talk TV was suspended because they were allegedly reporting false information about a very serious global issue which again was a suspected breach of their service agreement.


Both suspensions are completely within Google's prerogative to do so because it's a private company. It is not a public broadcaster. It has no legal duty to display content. In fact like any sort of broadcast platform, it's boundaries are set far more on what it cannot be displaying.  It is therefore obvious that allowing a suspected serial rapist to make lots of money through your platform isn't a good look.


None of that crap of course has any comparison to your current misguided protesting and excuse making for your own failing to use some common sense by paying for a company to make an application on your behalf which you could do directly yourself for free.  


Like I said, sod all to do with virtual signalling.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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21 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

No it does not, you're trolling and coming as close to lying as it is possible to get, without actually lying.


This is the page they ask you to fill in :


No where on that page does it mention they are nothing to do with the Australian government

People can make their own minds up, yours is closed, as to what that business is trying to do.


>>why should Google block a legitimate business from advertising through their search engine<<


Because it makes out it is such a virtuous company, caring about society and the greater good etc. Doesn't it say "do no harm" or some equally puke inducing virtue signalling cobblers ?
E.g. removing Russell Brand's income stream from Youtube before he has been found guilty of anything, and banning Talk TV from Youtube in Jan 2021 because they were legitimately (and, it turned out, correctly) campaigning against lockdowns.


Why would it? It's the second page on the website which has already gone past all the detail about what the company is and their charges. 


Besides, even that form still contains a link to the terms of conditions which sensible people will have glanced at and thus have seen the references to the fact that they are not affiliated with the Australian Government and describing that they are a service which make applications on behalf of the applicant. Something I have just found within literally 10 second glance.


If you are silly enough to go clicking on a link and  filling in forms without looking at the website or even checking the terms and conditions how exactly is that the fault of the business? 

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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

Picked up one of the Grandkids from nursery for the first time today . I had to give a password to get access to him .  Outrageous.

Just out of interest, if you had forgotten the password would you have thrown a massive strop and started a thread on here, blaming everyone except yourself? 

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6 hours ago, Chekhov said:


This is the page they ask you to fill in :


No where on that page does it mention they are nothing to do with the Australian government

People can make their own minds up, yours is closed, as to what that business is trying to do.

I would just like to point out, I have no links to the UK government, I am posting as an individual and not on behalf of the government.

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