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10 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

& we're back to 


See the source image - MPFC


Come on Cheekofit let it lie now 


All the best for 2023.

Rocker 8).

Can't let it lie that wanting to record your child's (or young woman)  public achievements is "creepy".


I mean, "be fair .... Pascal" = MPFC  :)


"What sickness lurks in the deep recesses of someone's mind?"

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47 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Question for HeHasRisen (from here) that is actually more relevant on here :


Just out of interest (bearing in mind that, statistically, road accidents are one of the things most likely to kill you) if you think someone doing 50mph on a 60mph road is "selfish", why do you think it is a good thing that cameras are banned from school performances or swimming galas when the chances of anyone dying as a result of that would be so low as to be incalculable ?

Find me a quote where I said it was a good thing (that exact wording) and I will give you £100.

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17 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Photographs are most often taken so an event in life can be recalled years later.

I have been told flash on a camera can fade a painting or can set fire to a tapestry !!!

Maybe in the days of flash bulbs with the potential to explode but those days are long gone.

Quite right, we've many photo's of the kids and more importantly most of my cars and bikes :blush:.


Keep safe out there

All the best for 2023 8).

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Can't let it lie that wanting to record your child's (or young woman)  public achievements is "creepy".

I mean, "be fair .... Pascal" = MPFC  :)

"What sickness lurks in the deep recesses of someone's mind?"

I doubt HHR has any kids, or if he does I would bet my house on the fact they do not compete at swimming galas.....


1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Find me a quote where I said it was a good thing (that exact wording) and I will give you £100.

Have I got the wrong end of the stock, and you think banning parents taking pics of their kids at school events (or swimming galas) is unjustified ?

If so, I apologise unreservedly.


1 hour ago, Rockers rule said:

& we're back to 


See the source image


Come on Cheekofit let it lie now 


All the best for 2023.

Rocker 8).

Like 90% of the threads on here (or any General forum) you mean ? ! ?

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8 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I doubt HHR has any kids, or if he does I would bet my house on the fact they do not compete at swimming galas.....

Nor do I live my life through a lens (or by holding a phone up constantly). Just like all those morons who go to concerts and watch it through their phone whilst recording it, you one of those people too?

Edited by HeHasRisen
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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

Nor do I live my life through a lens (or by holding a phone up constantly). Just like all those morons who go to concerts and watch it through their phone whilst recording it, you one of those people too?

You make a good point actually, surprisingly.

I certainly would not video a concert, but I admit usually I cannot resist the temptation to video a steam special as it goes by, and then frequently wish I hadn't as it affects how much one enjoys and experiences it as it is actually happening. The two Lancasters flying back in 2014 was an even better example. We went to see them a few times, incl at Stamford. At that display I deliberately only videoed the first pass so I could just "enjoy" the second, but guess what ? They only made one pass an flew off !

The same applies to videoing my lad in a swim race, even more so if one thinks some paranoid jobsworth may collar you. But the difference is I will often watch any vids of my lad racing, esp if he wins, and I get great pleasure from that. Plus I can point out coaching issues to him, e.g. your start was a bit slow or you started turning too early or whatever.

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23 hours ago, harvey19 said:

Photographs are most often taken so an event in life can be recalled years later.

I have been told flash on a camera can fade a painting or can set fire to a tapestry !!!

Maybe in the days of flash bulbs with the potential to explode but those days are long gone.

Last summer I was in Canada at a family gathering, and I sked my adult niece if she recalled scoring the winning goal for Colgate against their bitter rivals Princeton when she played collegiate hockey. She did, and the family were delighted when I told her I had saved a video of the moment.


So we cranked up the big TV and were able to watch it again.


Nobody thought it was invasive or "creepy"! I just put it on YouTube as a present for her birthday, so her kids will be able to see her 15 minutes of fame. (She's No.25)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's an amusing anecdote for those who think that videoing swim galas puts kids at risk if someone is after them (or the parent).

My lad was in a gala at PF at the w/e. My main interest was obviously in my lad's swimming but after him I was particularly interested in his friend at the club. I like him, he's nice to my lad and any parent likes anyone who is nice to their kid(s), that's how it works....

Anyway, this friend was in one race and I was following him and cheering him on but I didn't think he swam particularly well really. It was only when they finished I realised I had actually been looking at the wrong swimmer !

Such is the difficulty of recognising a child in a swim cap and goggles..... And I was actually there remember, not possibly watching some low res video on the internet !

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My 9 year old lad swam his first inter club gala on Sunday. He did well in the 25m Back (silver) with a big PB and even better in the relay. He swam the fastest leg and did a PB by about 1.5 sec which got his team a bronze. But his team’s swimmers starts and finishes were awful, they’d have got silver easily had they been even 20% better at them.
His individual 25m Freestyle was of interest. He came 3rd but his time was nothing special, only slightly under a PB set months ago. Why was the thing. He had an awful start, he was about 1.7 seconds behind the eventual winner (as they went under the back stroke flags) yet was only about 1.3 secs behind by the end, i.e. he was actually faster in the water.

Note : I only know all of the above because I have studied my video of the races, something that technically I was not supposed to have taken.

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