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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Heaven forbid anyone should disagree with "someone in authority", like swimming pool attendants, and their "superiors".




Best accept the divine wisdom that flows down to you like manna from heaven!


Though it would end all strikes, I suppose, so there's that, at least!  :)




All societies have rules.

All organisations have house rules.

Thats why we do not descend into total anarchy where might is right.

There is much difference in questioning the wisdom or efficacy of rules and taking out your frustration on the policeman who stops you for speeding or the security man who says you can’t come in here wearing trainers.

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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

All societies have rules.

All organisations have house rules.

Thats why we do not descend into total anarchy where might is right.

There is much difference in questioning the wisdom or efficacy of rules and taking out your frustration on the policeman who stops you for speeding or the security man who says you can’t come in here wearing trainers.

You do that sort of thing?


How are you on illegal strikes? :)




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36 minutes ago, trastrick said:

You do that sort of thing?


How are you on illegal strikes? :)




I certainly do the first part but learnt that there is little to gain by venting my frustration on those who have the unenviable task of trying to apply whatever the rule is, e.g a swimming bath attendant.

Illegal strikes?

Please define.

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19 hours ago, RJRB said:

So there was no problems for you at all.

That’s good.

The only issue will be when you clash with someone in authority and escalate an argument to the point where you are the loser which seemed to be the outcome when you chose to try take on the swimming pool attendant and his superiors on the pool rules.


11 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I certainly do the first part but learnt that there is little to gain by venting my frustration on those who have the unenviable task of trying to apply whatever the rule is, e.g a swimming bath attendant.

Illegal strikes?

Please define.

You do not know what you are talking about RJRB, and I have PMed you to put you straight.

Edited by Chekhov
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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


You do not know what you are talking about RJRB, and I have PMed you to put you straight.

PM received.

What I did know was only what appeared on earlier threads whereby as I understood it a swimming bath attendant applied a rule concerning children in general that then seemed to escalate as you pursued it.

I don't know what the “lying cow “ said in further exchanges or what her view of the incident was.

So thanks to your PM I know more about your views,but my basic argument remains that like it or lump it ,parking attendants ,swimming bath supervisors etc.etc.etc. have a job to do and it is odds on that their employer will back them if they are only fulfilling their job description.

If they were not then please clarify.


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There were some silly unenforcible laws too numerous to recite here, with COVID and other societal behaviorable regulations.


It’s not against the law for a citizen to point that out to the poor sods that try in vain to enforce them.  I find they will often agree with you, but counter with a shrug, “I’m just doing my job!”


Thats the problem!


When the law supersedes common sense, all hell can break out in a society!


As for your request for a “definition” of illegal strike, I will leave it to you to define it in any way you like, lest I get caught up in another trip down a  semantic rabbit hole!  :)

Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

PM received.

What I did know was only what appeared on earlier threads whereby as I understood it a swimming bath attendant applied a rule concerning children in general that then seemed to escalate as you pursued it.

I don't know what the “lying cow “ said in further exchanges or what her view of the incident was.

So thanks to your PM I know more about your views,but my basic argument remains that like it or lump it ,parking attendants ,swimming bath supervisors etc.etc.etc. have a job to do and it is odds on that their employer will back them if they are only fulfilling their job description.

If they were not then please clarify.

>>if they are only fulfilling their job<<


That does not extend to lying, or perhaps it does in less professional / honest organisations.

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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

I certainly do the first part but learnt that there is little to gain by venting my frustration on those who have the unenviable task of trying to apply whatever the rule is, e.g a swimming bath attendant.

If you are talking about that ****er who shouted at me and my lad that he "should not be in the lanes pool", he hit all my buttons simultaneously, the most significant were :


1 - Any parent will react badly if they think their child is being  treated unfairly.

2 - I am particularly proud of my lad's swimming (esp when he was younger) and with good reason.

3 - Basic inconsistency, telling my lad he cannot swim in the lanes when he was a better swimmer (even at 5) than a good third of the adults in that pool. He didn't tell them to get out "because their stroke wasn't good enough".


And it was proven later anyway because the pool manager said my lad should be able to swim in the lanes.

As I said that pool attendant was a ****er, and provably so. I bet he's still not got to be a duty manager now, so at least indicated their HR dept know a bit about what they're doing.

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So after your principled victory are you still persona non grata at this facility.

42 minutes ago, trastrick said:


As for your request for a “definition” of illegal strike, I will leave it to you to define it in any way you like, lest I get caught up in another trip down a  semantic rabbit hole!  :)

You asked for my opinion as regards illegal strikes and I don’t know what you mean.

As far as I know none of the current strikes in the U.K. are illegal.As always there are some that I have  more sympathy with than others.

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Trouble is a lot of life’s losers gravitate to jobs where they can order other people around for a change!  :)


They are the ones to escalate an argument!


But most are average joes doing the best they can, and usually common sense wins the day!

Edited by trastrick
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