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On 19/01/2023 at 09:18, Chekhov said:

How ****ing arrogant is that ? ! ?


>>Far more experienced people than you have decided so<< 


Defer to those who apparently know what they're talking about ?  Like during Covid do you mean ? That went well didn't it ? They certainly knew what they were talking about and were right almost every time (not).


But let's just stick to the known facts shall we ?


1 - DBS checks cost between a quarter and half a Billion pounds a year (depending on if you make an allowance for the time needed by the applicants).


2 - The requirement for regular DBS checks (or a check for a one off event) is definitely putting people off volunteering, I suspect millions of hours in volunteers time is lost every year, but we do know for a fact it will be substantial. 


3 - Unless you know different we do not actually know what they are achieving, I mean objectively/statistically, not just "they will be preventing abuse".


4 - At the moment an adult does not need a DBS check to go into a changing room full of kids, therefore the whole DBS requirement is, at best, inconsistent.


A DBS check is a just a snapshot in time.


Because someone has had a DBS check, does that mean he/she will never a danger to kids?


Could some pedos consider it a necessary permit to be in charge of impressionable children? I don't know, but a good question to ask maybe, is have incidents of child abuse in certain fields be shown to have declined since they were introduced?


The old CBI (cost/benefit analysis for you none business types).

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10 minutes ago, trastrick said:

A DBS check is a just a snapshot in time.


Because someone has had a DBS check, does that mean he/she will never a danger to kids?


Could some pedos consider it a necessary permit to be in charge of impressionable children? I don't know, but a good question to ask maybe, is have incidents of child abuse in certain fields be shown to have declined since they were introduced?


The old CBI (cost/benefit analysis for you none business types).

Sooner or later there will be real time DBS checks. ANYTHING to "keep us safe", however much it costs (or however many people it puts off volunteering).

I was truly shocked when I worked out that DBS checks cost the country between a quarter and half a  Billion pounds a year (depending on it the time of the applicants is included).

And you are right, I would bet all the tea in China that no Cost Benefit Analysis was done before they were introduced (or for the bans on cameras at schools or swimming galas).

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12 minutes ago, trastrick said:

A DBS check is a just a snapshot in time.


Because someone has had a DBS check, does that mean he/she will never a danger to kids?


Could some pedos consider it a necessary permit to be in charge of impressionable children? I don't know, but a good question to ask maybe, is have incidents of child abuse in certain fields be shown to have declined since they were introduced?


The old CBI (cost/benefit analysis for you none business types).

It is just a snapshot. That is a huge drawback, I agree.


An enhanced DBS tells you if someone is convicted of a crime, any crime. In some circumstances, it also tells you if someone has been arrested,  questioned and released.


That allows people making appointments to risk assess potential employees. It isn’t perfect, but it is certainly helpful.


You can’t get a job working with kids without one. So to that extent, it weeds out a proportion of potential abusers. You’d hope that there would be other safeguards in place too. But nothing is perfect.

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6 hours ago, sibon said:

It is just a snapshot. That is a huge drawback, I agree.

An enhanced DBS tells you if someone is convicted of a crime, any crime. In some circumstances, it also tells you if someone has been arrested,  questioned and released.

That allows people making appointments to risk assess potential employees. It isn’t perfect, but it is certainly helpful.

You can’t get a job working with kids without one. So to that extent, it weeds out a proportion of potential abusers. You’d hope that there would be other safeguards in place too. But nothing is perfect.

Can anyone tell me how many lives they estimate would be saved by spending up to half a Billion pounds a year (and losing millions of hours of volunteers time) on DBS checks ?

I'll bet nobody can tell me that because the research has never been done. I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I'm fairly confident I won't be.

One thing is for absolutely certain, if they'd have spent that half a Billion on the NHS far  far more lives would have been saved......

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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Can anyone tell me how many lives they estimate would be saved by spending up to half a Billion pounds a year (and losing millions of hours of volunteers time) on DBS checks ?

I'll bet nobody can tell me that because the research has never been done. I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I'm fairly confident I won't be.

One thing is for absolutely certain, if they'd have spent that half a Billion on the NHS far  far more lives would have been saved......

Two different things :huh:

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18 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Can anyone tell me how many lives they estimate would be saved by spending up to half a Billion pounds a year (and losing millions of hours of volunteers time) on DBS checks ?

I'll bet nobody can tell me that because the research has never been done. I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I'm fairly confident I won't be.

One thing is for absolutely certain, if they'd have spent that half a Billion on the NHS far  far more lives would have been saved......

Why don’t you tell us.


It is fairly self evident that the enhanced DBS system prevents convicted sex offenders from getting jobs working with kids.


You seem unable to grasp simple, effective, child protection measures. There are a great many people who would like to see them done away with. Mostly, people who make my flesh crawl.

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14 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Can anyone tell me how many lives they estimate would be saved by spending up to half a Billion pounds a year (and losing millions of hours of volunteers time) on DBS checks ?

I'll bet nobody can tell me that because the research has never been done. I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I'm fairly confident I won't be.

One thing is for absolutely certain, if they'd have spent that half a Billion on the NHS far  far more lives would have been saved......

So are you suggesting we have no checks. Would you be happy with a convicted sex offender working as your sons swimming coach?

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16 hours ago, sibon said:

It is fairly self evident that the enhanced DBS system prevents convicted sex offenders from getting jobs working with kids.

What like it is fairly self evident that masks must work in preventing Covid infections?


You appear not to have answered my question, so I'll just repost it in case you forgot it :


"Can anyone tell me how many lives they estimate would be saved by spending up to half a Billion pounds a year (and losing millions of hours of volunteers time) on DBS checks ?"


2 hours ago, Zinger549 said:

So are you suggesting we have no checks. Would you be happy with a convicted sex offender working as your sons swimming coach?

The question should be how often did  that happen before the DBS checks became mandatory ?


But I am not suggesting DBS checks have no positive effect, I am questioning if their huge cost (both financial and in lost volunteer hours) make them worthwhile. To answer that we need to know how effective they have been at preventing whatever it is they are supposed to be preventing. That is a reasonable question, but, it seems, nobody knows the answer (or, even worse, thinks even asking it is abhorrent). So, what we get is the "you can't be too careful" argument. Well actually yes you can be too careful because all this stuff, just like Covid suppression, has a massive cost (and not just financial).

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16 hours ago, hackey lad said:

>>Chekhov said : Can anyone tell me how many lives they estimate would be saved by spending up to half a Billion pounds a year (and losing millions of hours of volunteers time) on DBS checks ?

I'll bet nobody can tell me that because the research has never been done. I'd be happy to be proved wrong, but I'm fairly confident I won't be.

One thing is for absolutely certain, if they'd have spent that half a Billion on the NHS far  far more lives would have been saved......<<


Two different things :huh:

Don't know what you mean.

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36 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

What like it is fairly self evident that masks must work in preventing Covid infections?


You appear not to have answered my question, so I'll just repost it in case you forgot it :


"Can anyone tell me how many lives they estimate would be saved by spending up to half a Billion pounds a year (and losing millions of hours of volunteers time) on DBS checks ?"


The question should be how often did  that happen before the DBS checks became mandatory ?


But I am not suggesting DBS checks have no positive effect, I am questioning if their huge cost (both financial and in lost volunteer hours) make them worthwhile. To answer that we need to know how effective they have been at preventing whatever it is they are supposed to be preventing. That is a reasonable question, but, it seems, nobody knows the answer (or, even worse, thinks even asking it is abhorrent). So, what we get is the "you can't be too careful" argument. Well actually yes you can be too careful because all this stuff, just like Covid suppression, has a massive cost (and not just financial).

You do talk nonsense sometimes.


Here’s a question for you, well, two actually:


1. What sort of person seeks to remove, or undermine basic child protection measures?


2. Why would they do that?


Pick your side carefully.

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