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4 hours ago, sibon said:

I was making no comment about anyone on here. But, over the years, I’ve learned that there are some very devious and dangerous people out there.

Yes there are.

But there are also a lot of good people too. Sometimes afraid to get involved, be helpful etc, because they are afraid of possibly infringing regulations which is rather sad.


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19 hours ago, sibon said:

I meant what I wrote, you don’t get to rewrite the question to your liking.

It is pretty pathetic of you to choose to answer a different question. Unsurprising though.

Your question was a Strawman, as I am sure you know.

I have been quite specifically talking about DBS checks, their massive cost and their negative effect on volunteering V how effective they are (or are not) .


So, I repeat, the question is (or should be) :


"Can anyone tell me how many lives they estimate would be saved by spending up to half a Billion pounds a year (and losing millions of hours of volunteers time) on DBS checks ?"


Now, do you know the answer or not ?

More to the point do you care ?

I suspect you do not.

Just with like masks, you feel  it is obvious DBS checks should make a difference (albeit so an indeterminate degree) so they are worthwhile, however much they cost.


14 hours ago, Anna B said:

Yes there are.

But there are also a lot of good people too. Sometimes afraid to get involved, be helpful etc, because they are afraid of possibly infringing regulations which is rather sad.

Like my wife for instance. She volunteered to help take the school class to Rotherham museum and was told that, despite having a DBS from work, that was not good enough, she needed another one.  It did not cost her anything (the school paid, so it cost them....) but you would not believe the amount of paperwork they wanted. From memory she even had to find our wedding certificate and take it in.

The punch line was it was only valid for a matter of months.

She resolved to never volunteer for anything again.

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17 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Maybe we all need a DBS doing to be able to post in this sorry excuse for a thread then.

It must be shocking for you to have all your preconceived ideas (about regulations and edicts and how effective they all are, how their cost is not worth worrying about and they have no negative effects) savaged to death.

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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Your question was a Strawman, as I am sure you know.

I have been quite specifically talking about DBS checks, 

It isn’t a straw man at all. You just don’t like to be confronted with the effects of the nonsense that you spout.


So, for the avoidance of any doubt, how about telling the three people still reading this ****show of a thread, your answers to these questions:


1. What sort of person seeks to remove, or undermine basic child protection measures?


2. Why would they do that?


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Just now, Chekhov said:

It must be shocking for you to have all your preconceived ideas (about regulations and edicts and how great they all are and how their cost is not worth worrying about) savaged to death.

I am just happy that paedos are stopped from working in nurseries and fondling kids. Clearly this irks you, which is odd.

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19 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Surely the amount spent is utterly irrelevant unless you are happy to run the gauntlet and have a paedo feel up your lad at a swimming gala.

There speaks the word of someone with no idea of the real world.


There is not much chance a paedo would feel up my lad or any other child as it is all very much more talked about these days. It is almost certain he would tell me or his mum and there would then be all hell to pay, as, I am sure, the Paedos know full well.

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4 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

I am just happy that paedos are stopped from working in nurseries and fondling kids. Clearly this irks you, which is odd.

Are you a farmer ? It's just you seem to have unlimited amounts of straw to make men out of.


I am simply pointing out all these rules, regulations and edicts have a significant cost, nay, a MASSIVE cost. Not only in terms of money but in terms of what innocent people are banned from doing.

You seem to get very upset when told the truth, why is that ?

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Just now, Chekhov said:

Are you a farmer ? It's just you seem to have unlimited amounts of straw to make men out of.


I am simply pointing out all these rules, regulations and edicts have a significant cost, nay, a MASSIVE cost. Not only in terms of money but in terms of what innocent people are banned from doing.

You seem to get very upset when told the truth, why is that ?

Why would I be upset? It has a cost to stop kids being nonced. How on earth could anyone think this is a bad thing?

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9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

There speaks the word of someone with no idea of the real world.


There is not much chance a paedo would feel up my lad or any other child as it is all very much more talked about these days. It is almost certain he would tell me or his mum and there would then be all hell to pay, as, I am sure, the Paedos know full well.

Now, I know that you are unlikely to do this, but you could educate yourself by reading through some of this:




I know that real experiences of real survivors of abuse are no match for the horror of being banned from putting the floats out at the swimming club, but give it a go.


Then you might think again about the frankly disgraceful line that you are peddling. You should be ashamed of yourself for seeking to enable abusers and paedophiles



5 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Why would I be upset? It has a cost to stop kids being nonced. How on earth could anyone think this is a bad thing?

There is a subset of the population who would disagree with your sensible point.

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