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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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2 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:


Oh I very much DO know about the real world, and in particular risk probability.


Risk from a swimming gala being videoed = Almost zero.

Risk from me (or anyone else) putting out the blocks as the start of a swimming club session (particularly in the presence of all the swimmers, parents and coaches) = Almost zero.

Risk from a school activity being filmed = Extremely low, so low it would be statistically impossible to calculate.


Risk from death or serious injury falling down the stairs (at some point in ones life) = Very significant and worthwhile putting significant effort into lowering that risk.

Risk of death or serious injury from a road accident = Very significant and worthwhile putting significant effort into lowering that risk.

Risk to ones health from being over weight or smoking = Very significant and worthwhile putting significant effort into lowering that risk.


The last is particularly interesting. I wonder how many of the parents with obese kids are worried about people filming their little one at a school function ?


I'd read up on it if I were you.

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1 hour ago, sibon said:

Then you might think again about the frankly disgraceful line that you are peddling. You should be ashamed of yourself for seeking to enable abusers and paedophiles

Are you a farmer as well ? Where do you get all your straw from ?


"Sibon" guilty as charged :


But I am not suggesting DBS checks have no positive effect, I am questioning if their huge cost (both financial and in lost volunteer hours) make them worthwhile. To answer that we need to know how effective they have been at preventing whatever it is they are supposed to be preventing. That is a reasonable question, but, it seems, nobody knows the answer (or, even worse, thinks even asking it is abhorrent). So, what we get is the "you can't be too careful" argument. Well actually yes you can be too careful because all this stuff, just like Covid suppression, has a massive cost (and not just financial).

Edited by Chekhov
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10 minutes ago, sibon said:

Now, I know that you are unlikely to do this, but you could educate yourself by reading through some of this:


I know that real experiences of real survivors of abuse are no match for the horror of being banned from putting the floats out at the swimming club, but give it a go.

I would suggest the way to discourage paedos would be to educate kids as to their existence and, above all, emphasise to them they must tell their parents if anyone attempts to try anything like that, and NEVER keep it secret whatever the adult might say.

Arguably that would be more effective than DBS checks and definitely much much cheaper and less burdensome as well.

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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I would suggest the way to discourage paedos would be to educate kids as to their existence and, above all, emphasise to them they must tell their parents if anyone attempts to try anything like that, and NEVER keep it secret whatever the adult might say.

Arguably that would be more effective than DBS checks and definitely much much cheaper and less burdensome as well.

You need to read that report.

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On 24/01/2023 at 09:57, sibon said:

You do talk nonsense sometimes.


Here’s a question for you, well, two actually:


1. What sort of person seeks to remove, or undermine basic child protection measures?


2. Why would they do that?


Pick your side carefully.

Because some of what's considered "basic child protection" can be useless in dealing with the underlying problem of child sexual abuse, and may satisfy some people's idea it is being effectively dealt with.


It puts the entire onus on society to protect the children from predators, without addressing the reality of getting rid of the real problem the perpetrators of these crimes.


Modern society has accepted that pedophilia, and any number of societal blights is just a "fact of life".




Other more effective solutions, like swift, effective and massive penalties for pedophiles as a deterrent are bitterly opposed, probably by pedos and their social engineering support groups themselves :)


Why would people oppose eliminating child molesters, and other predatory criminals permanently from their midst, and just accept it as a fact of life?


DBS checks allow government to say, job done! while the scourge of child abuse continues as usual in all major institutions, schools, youth groups, and not the least of which is the cult known as the Catholic Church, for which their Dear Leader is always apologizing.


I equate serial pedophilia with murder except the victims of pedophilia have fewer opportunities, if any, to defend themselves.


I'm for REAL punishment of the perpetrators, not regulations against innocent civilians.


If the foxes are killing the chickens, I say killing the foxes is job 1.


Spending more on chicken wire and stronger chicken coops, is further down the list, in my opinion!





Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Oh I very much DO know about the real world, and in particular risk probability.


Perhaps regrettably,but understandably general rules cannot be tailored to suit individuals.

It would be impossible to frame the various circumstances and totally impossible to apply.

We all have to live with that and lines are drawn

Much discussion constantly surrounds gun ownership in the States

Just over 20000 deaths p.a in a population of 350 million so a 0.005% chance of being a victim.

So that makes it hardly a problem and consider the cost to the economy if gun and ammunition production is affected.!


Edited by RJRB
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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

I would suggest the way to discourage paedos would be to educate kids as to their existence and, above all, emphasise to them they must tell their parents if anyone attempts to try anything like that, and NEVER keep it secret whatever the adult might say.

Arguably that would be more effective than DBS checks and definitely much much cheaper and less burdensome as well.

    Can you rely on parents to provide that education and continuing reinforcement?

    Can you rely parents to recognise the signs?

    Can you rely on parents to listen to their children?

    Abuse is dealt as part of the curriculum with by state and state funded primary and secondary schools. The quality of the teaching and the range of ability and cognitive development of 30+ kids in a room needs to be considered.

    It is not the child's fault if circumstances combine to put them at risk. DBS/enhanced DBS can act to prevent/deter access to children and vulnerable people. It is also a check on how the organization/institution functions and protect and Ofsted can fail institutions on child and vulnerable people issues(Doncaster!).

    The majority of abusers of children are relatives, friends of the family or people trusted by their parents. This makes it very hard for children to to recognise that. In the case of 'trusted people',  awareness, DBS and child education has evolved over decades as the awareness of the scale of child abuse became recognised and not something unseen, tolerated or hidden under the carpet by families and those in authority.

    Abusers also focus on children and vulnerable people who have 'no voice' or would not be believed. Above all it seems the parents who need educating. The popular image of a 'paedo' in adult eyes makes us blind to the reality who is far more likely to be an abuser A cousin, a caretaker, a teacher, a husband, a boyfriend, a regular visitor, a family friend etc. is far more likely to be an offender than a stranger.  

     The abusers are finding it more difficult to find 'easy' targets because of education, child and parental awareness and DBS but they are still too successful.

      DBS cost:

  • Volunteers Free (Standard, Enhanced, and Enhanced with Barred Lists DBS).
  • Basic DBS and Standard DBS £18
  • Enhanced DBS and Enhanced with Barred Lists £38
  • The fee for the Update Service is £13 per year.



Edited by Annie Bynnol
removed part sentence
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Unless you have some divine paranormal ability to separate students into groups at an early age. the old "education", and more money, is ineffective in dealing with society's maladies.


You are merely educating a cross section of the population, including those who are the perpetrators of the future.


Early education should be limited to basic science, maths, history, literacy an d geography.


Political theory, racist theory, gender and religious studies can be offered the older students, and I repeat offered, but should never be mandated.


I'm not convinced that Teacher Union members are not biased towards certain worldviews.  :)


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