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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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Semi-naked man in thigh high boots performs in front of tots https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11810305/Fury-Drag-act-BABIES-Semi-naked-man-thigh-high-boots-performs-bondage-routine.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton



And we have the brass nerve to preach to other countries what they should and shouldn't do.



Edited by Al Bundy
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Update on the weird clown teacher in Canada.


Seems he/her/it/them have  been suspended from his/her/its/their classroom. finally!


But is still on the payroll, thanks to the staunch support from the Teacher's Unions.


I won't repost the photos from the news item, but it's not a good look, if you are trying to get the World to accept the West's New Liberal World Order in places like China, Russia, India, Middle East, S. America and Africa!  :)






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On 25/02/2023 at 09:10, Annie Bynnol said:

While waiting at Connel Ferry railway station two summer ago a member of the public appeared to be about to step out in front of an approaching train travelling at about 5mph. The driver was visibly shaken and needed medical treatment. All train services on this single track route were cancelled while a replacement driver was found. 

Typical of the modern over reaction, just like Covid and many many other examples.

They wouldn't have done that back in, say, the 1930s would they ?

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On 25/02/2023 at 09:10, Annie Bynnol said:


    A forty year old at a railway station would be far less likely of discerning the direction of the source of train noise than a ten year old. An eighty year old would not be able to

    A forty year old at a railway station would be far less likely to hear the noise of a distant train over that of the other trains at the station, or on other tracks, announcement, people, weather etc. than a ten year old. An eighty year old would not be able to.

The reaction, processing and action time of a forty year old is three times slower than a ten year old. An eighty year old would not be able to often be unable to react.

A forty year old needing 10 seconds to get back on the platform could need to see/hear a train five football fields away in both directions if the trains were travelling at 120mph. 

If people sense really are that poor it's amazing they aren't getting mown down pretty much every time the cross the roads isn't it ?


Listen AB, say what you want, I think it's all ballcox, particularly coming from someone who thinks it's "really dangerous to have carriage windows which open far enough to put your head out of" (like they did for about 190 years before they were banned).

I could perfectly safely cross the ECML, as indeed I do via the occupation crossing with my lad when we go to Scrooby.  I agree it's slightly safer as the 4ft andf 6ft are filled in with planks, so there's less chance of tripping over, but it's not hugely different, risk wise.

I am certain Network Rail are doing their best to get that closed (for no proportionate reason). As this thread makes plain, I do not like modern life. I am sick of them banning more and more stuff for more and more disproportionate reasons.

Edited by Chekhov
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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Typical of the modern over reaction, just like Covid and many many other examples.

They wouldn't have done that back in, say, the 1930s would they ?

    I don't know, I was not around then, but I do know that instead of just being a single track it then Connell then had 5 platforms, being then  a railway junction, turntable and sidings shunter, drivers and firemen available locally it would have not have caused such disruption. Your reaction is as ignorant as some of the passengers who until they were told that by the guard that the  driver had only just returned after a fatality Helensburgh a few weeks earlier, had no sympathy for a man who was visibly in a state of shock and in no way capable of looking after himself let alone be responsible for train loads of people over three hours. 

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42 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

If people sense really are that poor it's amazing they aren't getting mown down pretty much every time the cross the roads isn't it ?


Listen AB, say what you want, I think it's all ballcox, particularly coming from someone who thinks it's "really dangerous to have carriage windows which open far enough to put your head out of" (like they did for about 190 years before they were banned).

I could perfectly safely cross the ECML, as indeed I do via the occupation crossing with my lad when we go to Scrooby.  I agree it's slightly safer as the 4ft andf 6ft are filled in with planks, so there's less chance of tripping over, but it's not hugely different, risk wise.

I am certain Network Rail are doing their best to get that closed (for no proportionate reason). As this thread makes plain, I do not like modern life. I am sick of them banning more and more stuff for more and more disproportionate reasons.

     To make it very clear I have not said "...  "really dangerous to have carriage windows which open far enough to put your head out of"...". 

     Usual inaccuracy re 'the ban'.

     Carriage design moved away from the need to open windows so that doors could be opened by passengers,  decades ago with the last vehicles going out of service years ago. No need for a ban.

     Heritage railways have been asked to review their safety practice. No need for a ban.

     A few 'heritage' railway companies operate especially upgraded and maintained vehicles on our 120 mph mainlines. A modification that prevents people from leaning out is now required. The ban.


    There are thousands of foot crossings on the ECML and elsewhere on our railways. They are designed and maintained with your safety in mind, use them as thousands of legitimate pedestrians do each day. 




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On 25/02/2023 at 05:10, Annie Bynnol said:

While waiting at Connel Ferry railway station two summer ago a member of the public appeared to be about to step out in front of an approaching train travelling at about 5mph. The driver was visibly shaken and needed medical treatment. All train services on this single track route were cancelled while a replacement driver was found. 

Joke of the month?


Or further proof that (no longer "Great") Britain has finally lost all its marbles!


Imagine trying to get an army together to defend the country from real threats!  :)



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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Joke of the month?


Or further proof that (no longer "Great") Britain has finally lost all its marbles!


Imagine trying to get an army together to defend the country from real threats!  :)



Why do you think an account of someone attempting suicide would be a joke? 


And how does that reflect on the countries ability to defend itself?

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