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4 hours ago, trastrick said:

My apologies if my sarcastic comment offended you!


But you should see the stuff that passes fir adult discussion on this thread!😫


Much of the drivel emanates from your keyboard. 

You’re coming across as an over sensitive snowflake. You get pretty offended by people reacting to events in a different way to yourself. I think that you need to man up a bit, accept that people are all different and that they respond to events in different ways.

Acceptance of the complexity of human response will make you feel better, I’m sure.


Then you could get back to driving around your chosen place, helmetless and free to impact your head with whichever solid object comes it’s way.


God help the solid object.

Edited by Prettytom
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14 hours ago, RollingJ said:

I give up with you - no-one knows how they will react to killing someone,while doing their job, or how long the effects of doing so will stay with them and no amount of 'training' will ever make it go away - train drivers are human, just like you (if you are human) and I.

Don't forget to give a nod to the tommies, and the Spitfire and Lancaster pillots who knew they had little chance of coming back from the front, that saved the more "sensitive" population from the "trauma" of NAZI and Communist Dictatorships!  :)


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10 hours ago, Prettytom said:


Much of the drivel emanates from your keyboard. 

You’re coming across as an over sensitive snowflake. You get pretty offended by people reacting to events in a different way to yourself. I think that you need to man up a bit, accept that people are all different and that they respond to events in different ways.

Acceptance of the complexity of human response will make you feel better, I’m sure.


Then you could get back to driving around your chosen place, helmetless and free to impact your head with whichever solid object comes it’s way.


God help the solid object.

I'm no snowflake, Pal


The insults and patronizing crappola I get from anonymous trolls here (like your post above!) rolls off my back, like you know what!


The more the merrier!  :)


(In 14 years, never had a post deleted, a warning, complained to mods, flagged a post, or put anybody on ignore. I do chose not to waste  my time with certain posters, but even then only after I have engaged them at length!

Edited by trastrick
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11 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Don't forget to give a nod to the tommies, and the Spitfire and Lancaster pillots who knew they had little chance of coming back from the front, that saved the more "sensitive" population from the "trauma" of NAZI and Communist Dictatorships!  :)


A completely different scenario, and those that fought,  and lost their lives, have my utmost respect - even though I was born ten years after WW2 had finished.

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10 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

A completely different scenario, and those that fought,  and lost their lives, have my utmost respect - even though I was born ten years after WW2 had finished.

Sorry can't work up the same respect for our "traumatized" engine driver, home on benefits, who avoided an accident!


But that's just me!  :)


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18 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I'm no snowflake, Pal


You are. 

You get triggered by the simplest of things. You need to toughen up a bit and accept that people are entitled to be different to you.

Edited by Prettytom
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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Sorry can't work up the same respect for our "traumatized" engine driver, home on benefits, who avoided an accident!


But that's just me!  :)


(a) he didn't 'avoid' the first one, and no doubt it was still very fresh in his mind. (b) who said he was 'home on benefits', after the second one?

You are trying to come across as 'hard', but failing. You just come as totally insensitive and unthinking.

Time for me to ignore your posts entirely.

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4 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

You are. 

You get triggered by the simplest of things. You need to toughen up a bit and accept that people are by entitled to be different to you.

All opinions welcome!  :)


I'm a "to each his own" and a "live and let live" kind of guy, who believes in free (legal) speech.


"Vive la difference"!


I pay no attention to anonymous keyboard warriors who lecture me on what I "need"!

I'm doing OK, thanks. :)




7 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

(a) he didn't 'avoid' the first one, and no doubt it was still very fresh in his mind. (b) who said he was 'home on benefits', after the second one?

You are trying to come across as 'hard', but failing. You just come as totally insensitive and unthinking.

Time for me to ignore your posts entirely.

I'll miss you! (NOT)  :)


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53 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Sorry can't work up the same respect for our "traumatized" engine driver, home on benefits, who avoided an accident!

But that's just me! 

     This was no accident.

     The driver could  not do anything to avoid a collision.

     The driver was in a cab at the very front of his train.

     The driver was less than 3 feet from the person on the platform when he lunged forward.

     Having stopped and secured the train he, the guard and a medical person(a passenger) attended the clearly agitated man, it was at this point that the driver though that the man may have had suicidal intentions. As is typical in these cases human response to these situations is shock, which was clearly the case with the driver who was immediately taken  to Oban by the paramedics who arrived minutes late. 

     A person in shock does not need your political views. A person recovering recovering from shock/trauma does not need you political views or to be used in some ex-pat Britain is crap rant.

      Using the misfortune of an individual who through no fault of their own was involved in a traumatic incident is unfortunate.

What the purpose of invoking Spitfire pilots is bizarre?

What is the purpose of claiming without any evidence that he is on benefit?




Edited by Annie Bynnol
last sentence
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