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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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26 minutes ago, sibon said:

I think it ended about twenty years ago, when schools started to prevent parents from photographing kids who weren't their own.


In the meantime, a subset of entitled "adults" have had kids of their own and are staggered to find that the same rules still apply.


Who'd have thought that. 

Happy days and a institutional right to pull the old photo album out to embarrass your offspring,

 the first time they brought there first girlfriend / boyfriend home 🤣 🤣 🤣.


This question reminds me of the pillocks who used to spout the ' we shouldn't be bringing children into this world' while spreading it about like it was going out of fashion. :suspect: :huh: :suspect: .


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4 hours ago, sibon said:

I think it ended about twenty years ago, when schools started to prevent parents from photographing kids who weren't their own.

In the meantime, a subset of entitled "adults" have had kids of their own and are staggered to find that the same rules still apply.

Who'd have thought that. 

Did you not see that stuff that was posted ? There are no laws preventing people taking pics of their kids school performances. So you are wrong about "it was 20 years ago".

But even if it was, so what ? If it makes you feel better  make it "more modern life is rubbish". 


>>In the meantime, a subset of entitled "adults" have had kids of their own and are staggered to find that the same rules still apply.<<


I am absolutely certain that when my parents were taking pics of me in the school performances they did not think they were "entitled" by doing so. They, and every other parent, just assumed it was normal, which it was (and still should be).


You come across as someone only too happy to follow, and indeed apply, any number of rules regardless of if they are actually proportionate.

Are there any rules edicts or laws "to keep us safe" you think are disproportionate ?

How about the H&S ruling that there can be no windows on trains that open wide enough to put your head through ? Is that proportionate ?


PS I thought you'd withdrawn from this discussion ?

Edited by Chekhov
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Guest sibon
1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Did you not see that stuff that was posted ? There are no laws preventing people taking pics of their kids school performances. So you are wrong about "it was 20 years ago".

But even if it was, so what ? If it makes you feel better  make it "more modern life is rubbish". 



You don't need laws. If the school asks you not to, you shouldn't. Good schools have been making this request for over 20 years. Sorry if you missed it. I didn't because I was in schools as a parent and professionally.


Incidentally, this is a criminal offence:




As Rockers would say, be careful out there.

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It was always going to happen, Modern Life is rubbish, and will get more and more so :



'Tamagotchi children' who don’t exist could 'solve population problem'
Virtual offspring could become fully accepted in society, would be cheap to raise and don't even have to grow up.

They will cuddle you, play with you and, of course, resemble you. They will require minimal resources and will cost next to nothing to bring up....


For those who think this is ludicrous nonsense which will never happen, we are already in a  situation where my lad's school has stopped face to face parents evenings, they are now Online (i.e. "virtual") only.

Who needs to meet anyone anymore ? Some people really do think it is sufficient to live your life through an 'effin computer screen.

The trend is obvious and if people don't fight against this "virtual children will become "accepted" as (almost) normal.

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28 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


For those who think this is ludicrous nonsense which will never happen, we are already in a  situation where my lad's school has stopped face to face parents evenings, they are now Online (i.e. "virtual") only.

Who needs to meet anyone anymore ? Some people really do think it is sufficient to live your life through an 'effin computer screen.

He said whilst using an "effin" computer screen to discuss with other virtual only people.

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17 hours ago, sibon said:

You don't need laws. If the school asks you not to, you shouldn't. Good schools have been making this request for over 20 years. Sorry if you missed it. I didn't because I was in schools as a parent and professionally.

In your "over cautious" opinion......

Why would "good schools" want to stop parents doing what they have been doing since photography first became mainstream ? You say I am selfish because I want to take pics of my child's school performances, so logically, you are saying all those parents, over the last 100 odd years were also being "selfish" ?

What a load of inconsistent BS. I am surprised you cannot see how ridiculous you sound


1 hour ago, Hecate said:

Careful.  If you reach any more strenuously from that high horse you're going to do yourself an injury.

Thanks, you have just implied you agree with my position.


2 hours ago, Delayed said:

He said whilst using an "effin" computer screen to discuss with other virtual only people.

How else can we fight this ludicrous nonsense ?

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12 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Thanks, you have just implied you agree with my position.

Your inference is laughable, but at least it's consistent.



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Guest sibon
23 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


What a load of inconsistent BS. I am surprised you cannot see how ridiculous you sound



Ever since it became possible to share photos via the internet, parents have been told not to take pictures of school events.


I'm sorry that the modern world comes as a surprise to you. It is, however, a very good job that the rest of us understand the need for robust child protection. 


Can I suggest that you take a bit of time away from the thread to consider how trolling on such a serious subject reflects upon you. Maybe spend the afternoon driving up and down the M1 observing German cars.



2 hours ago, Delayed said:

He said whilst using an "effin" computer screen to discuss with other virtual only people.

Its worse than that. I'm not even a real virtual person. I'm an experimental holographic intermediate entity, sponsored by the Daily Mail.


I'm also malfunctioning and there is nothing that you can do about it.



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