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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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3 hours ago, Mister M said:

Go swimming with him then! - when he's not in a race or whatever

You won't need to video it as you'll be in the pool enjoying yourself.

I hate going to pop / rock concerts and not being able to see, as people in front of me have both arms up in the filming the concert. Selfish sods.

I am talking about videoing him racing. What parent wouldn't want a video of their child racing, esp if they were winning.

I sincerely doubt there is any parent in the land who would not want a video of their child winning any race, swimming, or running or cycling or whatever. Why would they not want one ?

2 hours ago, Delayed said:

I hate modern life too when things like this are deemed to be big problems 

You obviously haven't got any kids, or certainly none who might be winning any races......

See above.

39 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

My god.  Over 100 pages in and you have still not got over being debarred from filming boys in speedos without consent.  

Go find a different hobby to obsess over.

You obviously haven't got any kids, or certainly none who might be winning any races......

See above.


You are definitely trolling, but also sailing very close to the wind. We can be sure you wouldn't say that to my face, so why do it from the safety of your anonymous keyboard ?
You are pathetic, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Edited by Chekhov
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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

I am talking about videoing him racing. What parent wouldn't want a video of their child racing, esp if they were winning.

I sincerely doubt there is any parent in the land who would not want a video of their child winning any race, swimming, or running or cycling or whatever. Why would they not want one ?

You obviously haven't got any kids, or certainly none who might be winning any races......

See above.

When my daughter was 13 she had a fight on a show. The opponent was changed on fight day and in walked a girl at least 3 inches taller and a stone and a half heavier. 

It was only her 3rd fight and I was worried but filmed it anyway. I'm glad I did because from about the 30 second mark she never took a step back and stopped the other girl in the 3rd round.

I watch this and other fights I filmed regularly and I enjoy them as much now as I always have. 

In fact I'll probably watch a few tonight 👍

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

When my daughter was 13 she had a fight on a show. The opponent was changed on fight day and in walked a girl at least 3 inches taller and a stone and a half heavier. 

It was only her 3rd fight and I was worried but filmed it anyway. I'm glad I did because from about the 30 second mark she never took a step back and stopped the other girl in the 3rd round.

I watch this and other fights I filmed regularly and I enjoy them as much now as I always have. 

In fact I'll probably watch a few tonight 👍

What a parent wanting a video record of their child's sporting achievement ? 

Surely not.


But there are additional reasons for videoing sporting performances, they are essential for training purposes.

On A N Other forum a coach from down Kent way was saying they video pretty much all their swimmers races and go over their performance with the swimmers afterwards.

His advice if one sees any signs saying "no cameras" ?

Ignore them, loads of parents and coaches are videoing and hardly anyone is stopped anyway.

But it's all a load of extra stress and, contrary to appearances, I don't actually like arguing with people if I can avoid it.

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In spite of some overarching big issues like the cost of housing etc. 

I think life in many respects has improved since I was younger in the 1980s.

Certainly the development and availability of digital technology, information technology and the WWW has made life so much more easier for many. For me, being able to learn online, and that learning being self directed has improved my life and my horizons.

I know technology can bring problems; however some problems are unavoidable due to unsavory / antisocial people.

I think things feel much more convenient now - supermarkets staying open late is a great thing for me with my working pattern being all over the place. 

It does feel like there is more flexibility so you can fit things around your life, rather than the other way round.

On a human level, I think society feels a bit more tolerant, I wonder if that is due to the declining influence of the tabloids. I know in the 1980s some newspaper editors / columnists had some really vile opinions, and used their papers as vehicle for disseminating their hate. Or perhaps people have just grown up.

I think the one thing about modern life which has definitely got worse is pop music / the charts. It is truly awful what passes for pop music nowadays. When I was growing up, particularly in the late 1970s / early 1980s the creativity and songwriting ability of musicians was streets ahead of what's on offer today. 


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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

I am talking about videoing him racing. What parent wouldn't want a video of their child racing, esp if they were winning.

I sincerely doubt there is any parent in the land who would not want a video of their child winning any race, swimming, or running or cycling or whatever. Why would they not want one ?

You obviously haven't got any kids, or certainly none who might be winning any races......

See above.

You obviously haven't got any kids, or certainly none who might be winning any races......

See above.


You are definitely trolling, but also sailing very close to the wind. We can be sure you wouldn't say that to my face, so why do it from the safety of your anonymous keyboard ?
You are pathetic, you should be ashamed of yourself.

I treat your posts as a joke because that's what I feel they deserve.  


How can it be taken seriously when you are still bringing up the exact same rant about filming your son's swimming 10 months on from your first rant all about it. 


Since May last year, people have tried to explain why these rules exist. Why they are so strictly enforced by the organisations who are under legal obligations. They've tried to discuss the genuine concerns that can be raised by other parents, particularly regards where the pictures may end up and social media risk but you continually dismiss it and suggest if you have no problem with it, neither should anyone else.  An image of You are right and anyone opposing is just some OTT pathetic hysteric.  


As someone who has had to deal with the aftermath when things go wrong both on the victim side and advising the organisations themselves, these rules and regulations didn't happen on a whim.


You only have to watch the news to see the fallout and understand why they get put in place. Despite what many think, it is not some modern day fad. Elements of safeguarding and protections have been continually evolved since the turn of the century.  If they weren't, we would still have kids being sent up chimneys, the disabled or mentally infirm being sent to 'special' institutions and abused by their carers, school teachers beating the crap out of kids as discipline, factory workers continually dying of poisoning because they are not given any PPE....


Is all too easy to be blase about things until it happens and then suddenly everyone is  demanding something be done. Demanding rules are tightened. Demanding answers to why nothing was done before. Clogging up the law courts demanding compensation....


Out of interest, if some parent objected to your filming, would you be so vocal in your stance face to face?  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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2 hours ago, Mister M said:


Certainly the development and availability of digital technology, information technology and the WWW has made life so much more easier for many. 

On a human level, I think society feels a bit more tolerant

One of my friends had a hissy fit because I liked another person's Facebook post, the things that we get upset about now 🤣

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6 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

This conversation is heading towards the gutter. Seems like some are attempting to paint Chekhov as a nonce.

Not cool....



Let's face it there are plenty of nonces about in especially in sports coaching, I would suspect anyone touting, that the use of filming and images as legitimate training tools for home viewing self enjoyment, might need a quick name check on the database below.


 you also seem quick to defend, so therefore l hope that you have done your due diligence before painting  chechov as Sheffields answer to St. Nicholas of Myra


I'm still wondering why,  he refuses to accept there is a bigger issue around filming such sporting activities like swimming, and sees  the safeguarding of children in general, as a minor issue.


a little research tool.....maybe try searching ....sports or maybe karate 



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Guest ThaBoom
6 hours ago, Mister M said:

In spite of some overarching big issues like the cost of housing etc. 

I think life in many respects has improved since I was younger in the 1980s.

Certainly the development and availability of digital technology, information technology and the WWW has made life so much more easier for many. For me, being able to learn online, and that learning being self directed has improved my life and my horizons.

I know technology can bring problems; however some problems are unavoidable due to unsavory / antisocial people.

I think things feel much more convenient now - supermarkets staying open late is a great thing for me with my working pattern being all over the place. 

It does feel like there is more flexibility so you can fit things around your life, rather than the other way round.

On a human level, I think society feels a bit more tolerant, I wonder if that is due to the declining influence of the tabloids. I know in the 1980s some newspaper editors / columnists had some really vile opinions, and used their papers as vehicle for disseminating their hate. Or perhaps people have just grown up.

I think the one thing about modern life which has definitely got worse is pop music / the charts. It is truly awful what passes for pop music nowadays. When I was growing up, particularly in the late 1970s / early 1980s the creativity and songwriting ability of musicians was streets ahead of what's on offer today. 


Yes, for some technology has been wonderful but only if used the right way.


I agree on the music side- sounds like we might be similar age. Even the so called music 'talent' shows are atrocious. 


Personally I don't listen to music nowadays but if I come across some 80s songs, I always pause and listen- brings back good memories.

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