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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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10 hours ago, Mister M said:

...On a human level, I think society feels a bit more tolerant, I wonder if that is due to the declining influence of the tabloids. I know in the 1980s some newspaper editors / columnists had some really vile opinions, and used their papers as vehicle for disseminating their hate. Or perhaps people have just grown up. ...

I don't think so.  You don't even need to trudge to the newsagent now to read what malignant venom some cynical tabloid columnist has sicked up. 


The internet might not have created monsters, but it's certainly emboldened them and presented them with exciting new opportunities for monetised self-expression and massively enhanced ability to influence real-life behaviour and events.  From the everyday pockets of nastiness on Twitter, through the use of YouTube and similar platforms by truly terrible people to ensnare and cultivate the vulnerable young people who are susceptible to their influence, to the propagation of hate speech, conspiracy theories and propaganda.


The internet's a tool to be used for good or ill, and I think in terms of social influence the balance is tipping towards the latter right now.


10 hours ago, Mister M said:

I think the one thing about modern life which has definitely got worse is pop music / the charts. It is truly awful what passes for pop music nowadays. When I was growing up, particularly in the late 1970s / early 1980s the creativity and songwriting ability of musicians was streets ahead of what's on offer today.

I blame Cher's producers for turning up the autotune to 11 in 1998.  Much of it sounds like GLaDOS to me:




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7 hours ago, Beechwood_S6 said:



Let's face it there are plenty of nonces about in especially in sports coaching, I would suspect anyone touting, that the use of filming and images as legitimate training tools for home viewing self enjoyment, might need a quick name check on the database below.


 you also seem quick to defend, so therefore l hope that you have done your due diligence before painting  chechov as Sheffields answer to St. Nicholas of Myra


I'm still wondering why,  he refuses to accept there is a bigger issue around filming such sporting activities like swimming, and sees  the safeguarding of children in general, as a minor issue.


a little research tool.....maybe try searching ....sports or maybe karate 



Quick to defend?


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14 hours ago, Beechwood_S6 said:


 you also seem quick to defend, so therefore l hope that you have done your due diligence before painting  chechov as Sheffields answer to St. Nicholas of Myra


I can't believe it's taken until page 112 for St Nick of Myra to get a namecheck

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1 hour ago, Padders said:

In your case a Whirligig of Mayhem.

Hey Padders, if you can remember Whirligig the BBC children's programme with Hank the cowboy, which aired from 1950 to 56 then you're older than I imagined! 



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50 minutes ago, echo beach said:

Hey Padders, if you can remember Whirligig the BBC children's programme with Hank the cowboy, which aired from 1950 to 56 then you're older than I imagined! 



Used to love Crackerjack and Eamon Andrews.

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2 hours ago, Padders said:

Used to love Crackerjack and Eamon Andrews.

Well Padders I also used to like Crackerjack. Remember the quiz 'Double or Drop' where kids got a prize to hold if they answered a question correctly and a cabbage if they got it wrong? Drop anything at all and they were out.  Many entertainers who later became very famous started out on the show.

Two of the very early 1950s soaps (as they subsequently became known) were The Grove Family and The Appleyards. Remember them?

I take it that as you don't recall Hank the cowboy with Big Chief Dirty Face and Mexican Pete the bandit (no PC in those days) you must be a few years younger than me. 

It was a simple life back then and we were easily pleased with limited broadcasts and a few black and white programmes.




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5 hours ago, echo beach said:

Well Padders I also used to like Crackerjack. Remember the quiz 'Double or Drop' where kids got a prize to hold if they answered a question correctly and a cabbage if they got it wrong? Drop anything at all and they were out.  Many entertainers who later became very famous started out on the show.

Two of the very early 1950s soaps (as they subsequently became known) were The Grove Family and The Appleyards. Remember them?

I take it that as you don't recall Hank the cowboy with Big Chief Dirty Face and Mexican Pete the bandit (no PC in those days) you must be a few years younger than me. 

It was a simple life back then and we were easily pleased with limited broadcasts and a few black and white programmes.




Remember the grey box on top of the telly which ws used to change channels.

Remember my dad climbing up the wooden pole the aerial was fastened to and moving the aerial to improve the picture. He shouted down "is that any better " and we shouted back " a bit more " or "that's it, tighten it up at that "

Horizontal hold kept needing to be adjusted .

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10 hours ago, echo beach said:

Well Padders I also used to like Crackerjack. Remember the quiz 'Double or Drop' where kids got a prize to hold if they answered a question correctly and a cabbage if they got it wrong? Drop anything at all and they were out.  Many entertainers who later became very famous started out on the show.

Two of the very early 1950s soaps (as they subsequently became known) were The Grove Family and The Appleyards. Remember them?

I take it that as you don't recall Hank the cowboy with Big Chief Dirty Face and Mexican Pete the bandit (no PC in those days) you must be a few years younger than me. 

It was a simple life back then and we were easily pleased with limited broadcasts and a few black and white programmes.




Remember "Double or Drop"  but none of the others...

I can recall a pal of mine telling me about a new TV station...

He'd been to London with his parents, and he said this station has adverts on, I can vividly see him now acting out the Adverts..

The first one he did was for "Oxydoll" that washing up powder..

Back then of course it was quite unbelievable, and I was totally amazed..

2/3 months later it arrived up North, ITV.

Wonder when that was, I'm guessing 1958ish.


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