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4 minutes ago, Padders said:

Remember "Double or Drop"  but none of the others...

I can recall a pal of mine telling me about a new TV station...

He'd been to London with his parents, and he said this station has adverts on, I can vividly see him now acting out the Adverts..

The first one he did was for "Oxydoll" that washing up powder..

Back then of course it was quite unbelievable, and I was totally amazed..

2/3 months later it arrived up North, ITV.

Wonder when that was, I'm guessing 1958ish.


Granada (weekdays)/ABC North (weekends) started broadcasting in the Yorkshire area in May 1956, about 8 months after the London area got their equivalent.


Of course in the 60s the Granada area was split into Granada/Yorkshire.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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2 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Granada (weekdays)/ABC North (weekends) started broadcasting in the Yorkshire area in May 1956, about 8 months after the London area got their equivalent.


Of course in the 60s the Granada area was split into Granada/Yorkshire.

Cheers HHR.

I can remember it being a great advance in technology.

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On 22/03/2023 at 20:39, The_DADDY said:

When my daughter was 13 she had a fight on a show. The opponent was changed on fight day and in walked a girl at least 3 inches taller and a stone and a half heavier. 

It was only her 3rd fight and I was worried but filmed it anyway. I'm glad I did because from about the 30 second mark she never took a step back and stopped the other girl in the 3rd round.

I watch this and other fights I filmed regularly and I enjoy them as much now as I always have. 

In fact I'll probably watch a few tonight 👍

My lad swam his first ever Fly race today (he's only been swimming Butterfly since October.....) and he won !

I could not believe it, I was so happy. It was pretty much the best thing I'd ever seen my lad do and I was proud as hell.

How much would I have loved to have that on video ?

It made me angry.

I thought about you TD and was certain you'd know exactly how I felt.

Then I thought about all the childless virtue signallers on here with their complete lack of empathy, though, of course, one or two of them might actually have kids, but that makes their lack of sympathy even worse.


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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

My lad swam his first ever Fly race today (he's only been swimming Butterfly since October.....) and he won !

I could not believe it, I was so happy. It was pretty much the best thing I'd ever seen my lad do and I was proud as hell.

How much would I have loved to have that on video ?

It made me angry.

I thought about you TD and was certain you'd know exactly how I felt.

Then I thought about all the childless virtue signallers on here with their complete lack of empathy, though, of course, one or two of them might actually have kids, but that makes their lack of sympathy even worse.


Fantastic news about your lad. Tell him we'll done from me. But yeah, I completely understand your feelings about not being able to film it.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? It's like they are assuming people are nonces and not proud parents. 😕 

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

My lad swam his first ever Fly race today (he's only been swimming Butterfly since October.....) and he won !

I could not believe it, I was so happy. It was pretty much the best thing I'd ever seen my lad do and I was proud as hell.

How much would I have loved to have that on video ?

It made me angry.

I thought about you TD and was certain you'd know exactly how I felt.

Then I thought about all the childless virtue signallers on here with their complete lack of empathy, though, of course, one or two of them might actually have kids, but that makes their lack of sympathy even worse.


What's "unbelievable" is entitled individuals like yourself who think parents should be denied the right a right to control whether their kids are filmed by some complete stranger with no control of how the footage will be used or where it will end up.


You were there. You were embracing the moment physically.  You were part of the experience with your son and making that memory.  Yet you are self jading it by your pathetic obsession and totally unjustified anger of an obvious and commonplace rule.  A rule which you have voluntarily accepted by your continued use of the venue or organisation imposing it.


To think you have the gall to suggest its other people who have the problem. 

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5 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

What's "unbelievable" is entitled individuals like yourself who think parents should be denied the right a right to control whether their kids are filmed by some complete stranger with no control of how the footage will be used or where it will end up.


You were there. You were embracing the moment physically.  You were part of the experience with your son and making that memory.  Yet you are self jading it by your pathetic obsession and totally unjustified anger of an obvious and commonplace rule.  A rule which you have voluntarily accepted by your continued use of the venue or organisation imposing it.


To think you have the gall to suggest its other people who have the problem. 

I'm sorry but you just don't understand. 

I Always filmed my daughter's fights and much of her training too. I have a couple of TB's of footage now and it's a joy to rewatch over and over. 

And yes, I have 100's of videos with all kinds of people, including other people's kids and at no time in all the years I've done it has a single person complained. Not one. 

The only times I've been approached by other parents is when they've asked me to share it with them and I've happily done that.

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14 hours ago, Chekhov said:

My lad swam his first ever Fly race today (he's only been swimming Butterfly since October.....) and he won !

I could not believe it, I was so happy. It was pretty much the best thing I'd ever seen my lad do and I was proud as hell.

How much would I have loved to have that on video ?

It made me angry.

I thought about you TD and was certain you'd know exactly how I felt.

Then I thought about all the childless virtue signallers on here with their complete lack of empathy, though, of course, one or two of them might actually have kids, but that makes their lack of sympathy even worse.


@sibon thought my heartfelt post was "funny".

For a teacher I am appalled that he could be so ignorant of how parents think, and how much they want to record their children's achievemnents and generally the great moments in their lives.


14 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Fantastic news about your lad. Tell him we'll done from me. But yeah, I completely understand your feelings about not being able to film it.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? It's like they are assuming people are nonces and not proud parents. 😕 

Thanks TD, I passed your good wishes on to him, he said "thanks!"

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12 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

What's "unbelievable" is entitled individuals like yourself who think parents should be denied the right a right to control whether their kids are filmed by some complete stranger with no control of how the footage will be used or where it will end up.

You were there. You were embracing the moment physically.  You were part of the experience with your son and making that memory.  Yet you are self jading it by your pathetic obsession and totally unjustified anger of an obvious and commonplace rule.  A rule which you have voluntarily accepted by your continued use of the venue or organisation imposing it.

To think you have the gall to suggest its other people who have the problem. 

You are talking absolute cobblers, again. I have already exploded your arguments in this thread, any risk is more theoretical than anything and certainly very low. Far lower then the chances of harm due to their own parents driving. Why do you never talk about the rights of every parent to record their own kids and instead just bangon about a load of paranoid parents ?  But you are too blinkered to see.

Have you got any kids BTW ?

Have you ever wondered at why all parents usually take loads of pictures of their kids ? Doing even relatively "minor" stuff like playing in the park ?

Because it's important to them to have that record.

Are they weird ? You imply they are.

I think they are normal, it is you who are abnormal. And if it's normal for a parent to film their kid playing in the park (which it is) how much more normal is it for a parent to want to record their child winning his first ever Fly race ?


What makes your replies so ignorant is you do not say something more even handed like "I can understand why you find in very frustrating, even upsetting, to be banned from filming your child's swimming achievements, but society has decided there is a risk involved and there is almost no chance it will reverse its position".

But you don't, you seem completely unaware of how upsetting these "no camera" edicts are and you make it plain you have no sympathy for the effected parents anyway.

Lack of empathy.......

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Why do you never talk about the rights of every parent to record their own kids and instead just bangon about a load of paranoid parents ?  But you are too blinkered to see.

There is no such right.


Every parent is at the mercy of the venue whom can set their own rules.  Don't like it? Find another venue.

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