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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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This is developing into the classic argument, which has been repeated everywhere from parents being banned from taking pics of their own kids, through Covid suppression of society, to  the proposed draconian restrictions on our lives due to "the climate emergency".


Those on the authoritarian Left say people should be happy to accept restrictions on their lives, however severe or disproportionate, if it might reduce the risk to other people (no matter how small that risk is). Despite the fact those same people who we are supposed to restrict our lives to make an infinitesimally small bit safer are quite happy to put themselves at significant risk by driving on the roads.


No, sod off.

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9 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

This is developing into the classic argument, which has been repeated everywhere from parents being banned from taking pics of their own kids, through Covid suppression of society, to  the proposed draconian restrictions on our lives due to "the climate emergency".


Those on the authoritarian Left say people should be happy to accept restrictions on their lives, however severe or disproportionate, if it might reduce the risk to other people (no matter how small that risk is). Despite the fact those same people who we are supposed to restrict our lives to make an infinitesimally small bit safer are quite happy to put themselves at significant risk by driving on the roads.


No, sod off.

Why do you keep referring to the  "authoritarian Left"  when we have the most right wing Tory government since WW2.

Whether you are happy or not makes no difference to the fact that,  you cannot expect anyone to take your posts seriously when you are making political distinctions of r something quite unrelated to politics.

Strangely enough, you also seem able to drum up at will.  diversions such as driving on the road, which has nothing to do with the discussion.

If you want your "freedom"  China, India and Russia are beckoning again as you keep claiming  that they are not going to do it.

"No, sod off"   what an uncouth way to end your post.


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39 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

This is developing into the classic argument, which has been repeated everywhere from parents being banned from taking pics of their own kids, through Covid suppression of society, to  the proposed draconian restrictions on our lives due to "the climate emergency".


Those on the authoritarian Left say people should be happy to accept restrictions on their lives, however severe or disproportionate, if it might reduce the risk to other people (no matter how small that risk is). Despite the fact those same people who we are supposed to restrict our lives to make an infinitesimally small bit safer are quite happy to put themselves at significant risk by driving on the roads.


No, sod off.

So, you’re happy to restrict my freedoms by having ridiculously slow motorway speed limits. Yet you argue in favour of removing child protection rules and also in favour of playing on the railway.


And you expect the rest of us to take you seriously.


No. Effin sod off.

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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Anyone fancy a walk alongside the ECML this afternoon?

Better on it surely ?

It might limit how long we have to put up with this authoritarian BS.

1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

"No, sod off"   what an uncouth way to end your post.

TBH I am so bloody angry about it I would have liked to use much stronger language.

1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Why do you keep referring to the  "authoritarian Left"  when we have the most right wing Tory government since WW2.

>>we have the most right wing Tory government since WW2<<


This is utter rot. What evidence have you for that statement ?

The present Tory government, even more so when Johnson was at the helm, is more left wing and authoritarian than Blair was when he was in power. And I voted for Blair more than once.

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1 hour ago, Prettytom said:

So, you’re happy to restrict my freedoms by having ridiculously slow motorway speed limits. Yet you argue in favour of removing child protection rules and also in favour of playing on the railway.

I understand you are trolling but we'll go with it anyway.
What do you consider ridiculously slow motorway speed limits ?

And what would you want them to be ?


BTW I am perfectly consistent, my signature is :


For all Health & Safety edicts we should ask : exactly how much safer will this make us ? 

And what are we sacrificing to achieve that ?


I am in favour of speed limits, and, in fact GPS stopping people from speeding because, on the one hand, (statistically speaking) the roads are a dangerous place, and therefore they make us significantly safer.

And on the other people being unable to break the speed limit does not significantly affect their rights, particularly as they can still do it on a race track should they want to do so.

It is entirely possible that motor racing will be significantly restricted sooner or later such is the historical trend of H&S, though I would not be in favour of that.


Stopping people taking pics of their kids doing significant stuff in their lives may make people safer, but it would be by such a small amount it would not be statistically quantifiable, and therefore such a ban it is totally disproportionate. It is pandering to ignorance and paranoia.


>>playing on the railway.<<


That is trolling, where have I said I am in favour of "playing" on the railway ?

Edited by Chekhov
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6 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I understand you are trolling but we'll go with it anyway.

You are the absolute epitome of a troll. You use ridiculous arguments over and over to disrupt discussions. You whine like a baby and you are unable to amend your views even when given reasonable information about your erroneous thinking.


I didn’t bother with the rest of your post, because it was the same old repetitive, supertrolling nonsense.



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3 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

You are the absolute epitome of a troll. You use ridiculous arguments over and over to disrupt discussions. You whine like a baby and you are unable to amend your views even when given reasonable information about your erroneous thinking.

I didn’t bother with the rest of your post, because it was the same old repetitive, supertrolling nonsense.

 >>given reasonable information about your erroneous thinking<<


Where is the "reasonable information" ?

And I do not define that as quoting some theoretical problem with no stats about just how dangerous it actually is.


>>I didn’t bother with the rest of your post, because it was the same old repetitive, supertrolling nonsense.<<


Trolling is this

"to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content"

How exactly does my post fulfill any of those ?

The answer is it does not.

You have not answered my points because you cannot.

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:



Trolling is this

"to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content"


That’s a pretty good working description of your entire posting history.

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