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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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5 minutes ago, melthebell said:

The only parallel is you, you are disproportionatal, it's your way or no way, no if's no buts, what checkov wants, checkov must get or its wrong

Hmmm... :huh:

Stop it now, Mr Mel!

I've sussed you're making some of these words up just to try to catch me out! :hihi:

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Just now, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Stop it now, Mr Mel!

I've sussed you're making some of these words up just to try to catch me out! :hihi:

Prolly 😛 I've no idea how to spell it, that's what mi phone popped up to spell it tbh

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40 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Had a dream to escape the Carter Place  pigeon hole I was placed in by happenstance of birth. As a school leaver at 14, I realized the secret was education and travel, to see how the other half lived, with their nice houses, phones, cars and summer cottages by the lake. Nobody in our family had ever worked at anything but laboring jobs and university was a word we could hardly pronounce.


As an avid reader of everything I could get my hands on, I self educated, and ignored all advice (the conventional wisdom) from my peers and the status quo crowd, and the self appointed "elite" that works to "keep workers in their place"


But basically worked two jobs to barely save enough for a ticket outa there. Arrived in Canada with a tool box and $40 ($25 of which I'd won in Bingo, on the boat)


Encouraged my siblings to do the same, and they all did well.


My common sense served me well, never had to open that tool box. In semi-retirement spent 5 years in UK education by invitation. Actually taught grammar school for a year, Was Science Governor for another, Went through an OFSTED, and did education research in Lincs. If I had stayed they promised me a MBA in Political Science or BA Admin. (not to mention a Teachers Certificate and Union Membership, in less than two years, but I had plans for my dream tropical Treasure Island.


My advice, read, travel, never stop your education, and don't be limited by other folk's "narrative". of the World. :)




(But enough about ME. How do you see ME? lol)

Impressive and inspirational! (I'd like to say 'well done you!' but don't want to sound patronising..)


I see you left school at 14 which (respectfully) puts you in a certain age bracket. Do you think post war things were less regulated and therefore a bit easier then? (And I'm not saying for one minute that it was easy!)  I do think things have tightened up considerably of late, and people are less able to escape but really, what do I know?

Confidence to plough your own furrow is an amazing quality, and should be encouraged, but it isn't.

What do you think?


I do hope you've written a book, or are passing on your knowledge and experience in some way. The next generation. needs role models like you. 

Edited by Anna B
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18 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Stop it now, Mr Mel!

I've sussed you're making some of these words up just to try to catch me out! :hihi:

Well yeah. Disproportional

Edited by Resident
what edit, there was no edit. This is not the edit your are looking for. ....
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OMG ! ! ! Talking of disproportionate over cautious modern BS..... And this will probably be foisted on all houses sooner or later so read up.

A friend who is a landlord has just informed me of the requirement for an EICR inspection of the electrics in all rental properties every five years.

Seems reasonable ?

Not really.

It's about £150 a go, that's £30 a year, every year. If there are 10 million rental properties in the UK (incl Council etc) that £300 million a year. That's nearly a third of a Billion pounds, every year......

Even more ridiculous it is, apparently, also required on change of tenancy. So, even if the property has been inspected only a few months before, if a new tenant comes in that's another £150 inspection required ! ! ! ! !

My mate got stung for nearly  £1000 of work, despite the electrician admitting the installation was not dangerous it just wasn't "up to the latest regulations", it had normal fuses rather than trip switches but the former are perfectly safe, my house has fuses and I do not stay awake at night worrying about it, fuse boards have been fine for a hundred years or so.


Disproportionate big time : More of this "any amount of money (or regulation, or bans) is reasonable to potentially save one life", even if that money would save far more lives being spent in the NHS than wasted in unnecessary electrical inspections.


Maybe many people do not know this but electricity is not actually that dangerous, I am talking 240V mains here, not industrial three phase.  You would have to be incredibly unlucky to die from a domestic mains shock, and consequently very few people do. I was a TV engineer for about 15 years and had loads of shocks, and I'm still here....

Edited by Chekhov
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5 minutes ago, Resident said:

I don't know what you're talking about....

Hmmm... :huh:


I'm sorry, Mr Resident...

... I thought you'd maybe decided to make your own words up like Mr Mel does, but maybe you just made a good old spellin misteak! ;)

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