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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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5 hours ago, Hecate said:

Inconvenienced,  Ponder on that for a minute.

In what way ?

You are using the same argument that lockdown fans were using during Covid, and, infamously, Mike Buckley made :


(June 2021 on Mark Dolan's Talkradio show) Mike Buckley : broadcaster and Labour activist :
All secondary school pupils [all 3 million of them] wearing masks would be worth it to save one life


So, just to clarify, do you think banning 66 million people from buying how many painkillers they want would be worth it to save one life ?

If you do I take it you are in favour of reduced speed limits enforced by GPS controlled engine throttles ? That'd save 100s more lives.


2 hours ago, El Cid said:

Do you think that if the law was changed to allow you to buy multiple pain killers, would the shop sell you them?

Or would they think it best to not sell you a potential overdose?

Why should the shop staff be second guessing the motives of any of their customers ?

That isn't their job.

If it was they'd only be letting people buy one bottle of wine as excessive alcohol is bad for them. Nor would they sell them ciggies at all !

Edited by Chekhov
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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

In what way ?

You are using the same argument that lockdown fans were using during Covid, and, infamously, Mike Buckley made :


(June 2021 on Mark Dolan's Talkradio show) Mike Buckley : broadcaster and Labour activist :
All secondary school pupils [all 3 million of them] wearing masks would be worth it to save one life


So, just to clarify, do you think banning 66 million people from buying how many painkillers they want would be worth it to save one life ?

If you do I take it you are in favour of reduced speed limits enforced by GPS controlled engine throttles ? That'd save 100s more lives.


Why should the shop staff be second guessing the motives of any of their customers ?

That isn't their job.

If it was they'd only be letting people buy one bottle of wine as excessive alcohol is bad for them. Nor would they sell them ciggies at all !

My Lord , you really are a miserable bugger .

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13 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

My Lord , you really are a miserable bugger .

That's one way of putting it.


And yes, to answer our odd little selfish friend up there, I put the value of someone's life above my own slight inconvenience. 


The 'if x, therefore cabbage' logic is delightful, by the way.  Do keep that up, and the wanging on about covid.  That never gets old.

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Smaller packs of paracetamol have reduced overdose deaths by 43%




UK legislation to limit paracetamol pack sizes has seen a 43% reduction in the number of deaths due to paracetamol overdoses, a study led by Oxford University researchers has found. ...


The number of registrations at UK liver units for paracetamol-induced liver transplantation in England and Wales following the legislation was 482 fewer than expected: a 61% reduction.



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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

My Lord , you really are a miserable bugger .

No, you are !

You think people should be controlled, and the more extreme the better, "for their own good".

It appalls me just how far all this is going.

If the government were in any doubt about just how far the population could be coerced and controlled, what happened during the pandemic taught them.  And the answer is far further than anyone could ever have imagined....

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1 hour ago, Hecate said:

That seems ludicrous to me, someone is so sick of with life they just want to end it* but not being able to buy enough pills from just one shop makes them think again ?


How many of those people just topped themselves some other way ?


* And that is not always due to mental health issues. Sometimes it is entirely rational. If I knew I was going down with failing health and dementia, my faculties failing me and I'd end up in a care home, that'd be me. This is supposed to be a free country for Gawds sake : "you will not end it all no matter how sick of life you are"......

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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

No, you are !

You think people should be controlled, and the more extreme the better, "for their own good".

It appalls me just how far all this is going.

If the government were in any doubt about just how far the population could be coerced and controlled, what happened during the pandemic taught them.  And the answer is far further than anyone could ever have imagined....

Have you ever posted something nice , amusing ,funny , heartwarming ?

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33 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

That seems ludicrous to me, someone is so sick of with life they just want to end it* but not being able to buy enough pills from just one shop makes them think again ?


How many of those people just topped themselves some other way ?

* And that is not always due to mental health issues. Sometimes it is entirely rational. If I knew I was going down with failing health and dementia, my faculties failing me and I'd end up in a care home, that'd be me. This is supposed to be a free country for Gawds sake : "you will not end it all no matter how sick of life you are"......

    A paracetamol overdose is a particularly unpleasant painful and long death.

    Paracetamol is easily obtained.

    Relatively few tablets can be taken quickly,

    Overdoses are extremely difficult to treat and mortality very high.

    This combination results in a large number of deaths amongst those-particularly amongst the young- who come in the 'cry for help' group and go too far.

     Next time you feel so angry about being  'inconvenienced' consider a person, a family, friends and colleagues. Compare your actual 'inconvenience' with the real heartbreak of others.


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