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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

No, you are !

You think people should be controlled, and the more extreme the better, "for their own good".


Presumably you also think that.


Unless you are in favour of allowing gangs of feral youth into your shop, armed with baseball bats and ready to steal your stock.


Are you ok with that? Or should the robbers be controlled and oppressed?

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8 hours ago, Chekhov said:



* And that is not always due to mental health issues. Sometimes it is entirely rational. If I knew I was going down with failing health and dementia, my faculties failing me and I'd end up in a care home, that'd be me. This is supposed to be a free country for Gawds sake : "you will not end it all no matter how sick of life you are"......

I think you're there already old chap, you keep repeating the same old tripe on a daily basis 🤣🤭😋

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11 hours ago, Chekhov said:

That seems ludicrous to me, someone is so sick of with life they just want to end it* but not being able to buy enough pills from just one shop makes them think again ?


How many of those people just topped themselves some other way ? ...

If you limit the ability to act impulsively by restricting access to something that has high lethality (like a paracetamol overdose) then you potentially minimise the number of people lost in a state of acute, and possibly resolvable, crisis.  Paracetamol overdose allows time for regret.


11 hours ago, Chekhov said:

* And that is not always due to mental health issues. Sometimes it is entirely rational. If I knew I was going down with failing health and dementia, my faculties failing me and I'd end up in a care home, that'd be me. This is supposed to be a free country for Gawds sake : "you will not end it all no matter how sick of life you are"......

That's a discussion about end of life care and assisted suicide, which is worth having.

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17 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

    A paracetamol overdose is a particularly unpleasant painful and long death.

    Paracetamol is easily obtained.

    Relatively few tablets can be taken quickly,

    Overdoses are extremely difficult to treat and mortality very high.

    This combination results in a large number of deaths amongst those-particularly amongst the young- who come in the 'cry for help' group and go too far.

     Next time you feel so angry about being  'inconvenienced' consider a person, a family, friends and colleagues. Compare your actual 'inconvenience' with the real heartbreak of others.

It's cobblers anyway, they can just get more pills from the shop next door, or are you suggesting they should be rationed, or only available on prescription.....

There are loads of ways to top yourself and almost all have very serious consequences if they fail.

What are you going to do ban high buildings ? Or cliffs ? How about ropes ?

And dying of lung cancer is pretty unpleasant but we'll sell people ciggies, and rightly so, it's supposed to be a free country.

But we come down to the essential question, which was never answered by suppressionists during Covid, how much negative impact are we going to have on the total population to avoid X deaths.  Your mate Mike Buckley would answer a hell of a lot.

Nah, it's the nanny state, no argument about it, though you may be in favour of it.

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41 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

It's cobblers anyway, they can just get more pills from the shop next door, or are you suggesting they should be rationed, or only available on prescription.....

There are loads of ways to top yourself and almost all have very serious consequences if they fail.

What are you going to do ban high buildings ? Or cliffs ? How about ropes ?

And dying of lung cancer is pretty unpleasant but we'll sell people ciggies, and rightly so, it's supposed to be a free country.

But we come down to the essential question, which was never answered by suppressionists during Covid, how much negative impact are we going to have on the total population to avoid X deaths.  Your mate Mike Buckley would answer a hell of a lot.

Nah, it's the nanny state, no argument about it, though you may be in favour of it.

Where I live you only find doctors in hospitals. Most folks rely on family and friends and the local pharmacia for most common ailments.


If the home remedies fail, he pharmacia is the local clinic, where you tell 'em your symptoms, and they'll give you a prescription.


I can't get my heart meds, or anti-biotics in Toronto without a prescription,  but down there you can get the stuff from the pharmacy, just by walking in.


And it's cheap, with different prices depending on whether you shop at the Mall, like a tourist, or go to the small pharmacia on the the corner in in the barrio, like us locals.


Primitive, by your Nanny State standards, but no drain on the economy, no endless crisis, and no complaints.


Runs on common sense, like it did before the faceless bureaucrats took your personal  health into their loving hands.  :)




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10 minutes ago, RJRB said:

There again life expectancy in the DR is about 6 years less than the UK,which may or may not be a good thing depending  on how rubbish you feel modern life to be.


There's a big difference between quality of life and quantity of life!  :)


To each his own.


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