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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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58 minutes ago, El Cid said:

That may or may not be the case in relation to COVID.

But one of the bigger things that affects our every day lives, obesity, very little is done and people are becoming more obese as the years pass.

This is absolutely true.

But the modern "touchy feely nobody must ever be upset" world has a problem with obesity.....


On the one hand it is killing millions of people before their time and is costing the NHS an absolute fortune. Compared to obesity Covid is (was) small beer.


BUT, in this world where anyone getting upset is considered so serious, society cannot be seen to say anything which might upset obese people. You cannot even call them fat any more, it's "large". The latter meaning nothing anyway, I always think of tall / broad people whenever anyone uses that term to me !

Basically it shows what a ludicrous contradictory world we live in, and obesity is one of the best examples of how irredeemably mad the world has become.

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12 hours ago, Chekhov said:


Stop avoiding the question, I did not mention the estimable Mr Buckley in my question to you.


>>Open another covid thread if you want to promote your covid beliefs.<<


This is not really a Covid question at all, see above.  It is a question about how much control you think it is reasonable to force on a society in order to save one life.

   Chekhov says "Stop avoiding the question, I did not mention the estimable Mr Buckley in my question to you."

   Chekhov says "BTW AB, you appear to have missed my question, do you agree with Buckley or not ? : "All secondary school pupils [all 3 million of them] wearing masks would be worth it to save one life".  #15992 Posted April 15

   You mentioned Buckley and his covid comments 59 times in the closed  covid thread- and now you have started again on this thread. 

    So it really is about Buckley, masks and covid.


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9 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   Chekhov says "Stop avoiding the question, I did not mention the estimable Mr Buckley in my question to you."

   Chekhov says "BTW AB, you appear to have missed my question, do you agree with Buckley or not ? : "All secondary school pupils [all 3 million of them] wearing masks would be worth it to save one life".  #15992 Posted April 15

   You mentioned Buckley and his covid comments 59 times in the closed  covid thread- and now you have started again on this thread. 

    So it really is about Buckley, masks and covid.

Avoiding the question, again I see ?


Forget Buckley, I am asking you a theoretical question and you are not answering it, repeatedly.

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55 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Avoiding the question, again I see ?

Forget Buckley, I am asking you a theoretical question and you are not answering it, repeatedly.

   Buckley did not have a theory-you don't have a theory, you are not asking a theoretical question.

   Buckley has a hypothesis, you have your hypothesis and the question you repeat, is to choose between your hypotheses.

   The problem with your hypothetical question is that it is not a real situation based on data or facts. It is all about opinions and beliefs. Such a question is not based on facts, just your viewpoint.

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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   Buckley did not have a theory-you don't have a theory, you are not asking a theoretical question.

   Buckley has a hypothesis, you have your hypothesis and the question you repeat, is to choose between your hypotheses.

   The problem with your hypothetical question is that it is not a real situation based on data or facts. It is all about opinions and beliefs. Such a question is not based on facts, just your viewpoint.

Avoiding the question, again I see ?

Forget Buckley, I am asking you a theoretical question and you are not answering it, repeatedly.


>> Such a question is not based on facts, just your viewpoint.<<


No it is not, I am asking you  a hypothetical question and you are refusing to answer it.

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8 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Avoiding the question, again I see ?

Forget Buckley, I am asking you a theoretical question and you are not answering it, repeatedly.

>> Such a question is not based on facts, just your viewpoint.<<

No it is not, I am asking you  a hypothetical question and you are refusing to answer it.(my underlining)


"Avoiding the question, again I see ?

Forget Buckley, I am asking you a theoretical question and you are not answering it, repeatedly.

>> Such a question is not based on facts, just your viewpoint.<<

No it is not, I am a hypothetical question and you are refusing to answer it."


   What? Make you mind up.

   There is an important distinction between a theoretical question and a hypothetical question.

   If you knew the difference between a  theoretical question and a hypothetical question you might understand why your question has been replied to several times by different posters, but not with YES/NO which you demand.

   I do not engage in hypothetical(based on made up circumstances) questioning manipulated solely to promote beliefs.


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Am I the only person to think the picture on this web page is mad crazy overkill weird ?

What exactly are they afraid of ?

What exactly do they think will happen ?

What message are they sending to those kids when they see the picture ?

It's no wonder we live in a world where so many people are afraid of pretty much everything.


I want to go back to the 70s......


4 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

   "Avoiding the question, again I see ?

Forget Buckley, I am asking you a theoretical question and you are not answering it, repeatedly.

>> Such a question is not based on facts, just your viewpoint.<<

No it is not, I am a hypothetical question and you are refusing to answer it."

   What? Make you mind up.

   There is an important distinction between a theoretical question and a hypothetical question.

   If you knew the difference between a  theoretical question and a hypothetical question you might understand why your question has been replied to several times by different posters, but not with YES/NO which you demand.

   I do not engage in hypothetical(based on made up circumstances) questioning manipulated solely to promote beliefs.

Just answer the question, what are you scared of ?

Edited by Chekhov
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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

Ha, bloody hell. Either find a better way to post a picture or dont bother at all, thats a ridiculous way to censor a photo 🤣

It's the website that has censored it, in a very amateurish way. I can't understand why it's been scribbled over.

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