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6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The socialist West are like the frog in a pot of water on the stove.


Doesn't notice the temperature is warming, until it's too late.


The "new normal", with everybody clapping, and saying stop crying about it, get used to it, and move on!  :)


And,  unless somebody can turn down the heat! :)


But who want's to?


Rambling again  ???????

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9 hours ago, Beechwood_S6 said:

I cant see anyone on the forum objecting to you sticking your head out of a  train window, we can all live in hope, that you'll carry on that particular tradition.

I wouldn't get you hopes up as it really is not that risky at all, not to anyone with half a brain anyway. I, or anyone else, would be far more likely, as in several orders of magnitude more likely, to get killed in a car accident. And even far more likely to get killed falling down the stairs. It is a nothing risk (almost), it's not worth doing anything about it whatsoever. 

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10 hours ago, Hecate said:

But those aren't quite the specific questions you've been asking, are they, and you've removed the context to anticipate the desired response.


Here's what it might look like if you were being a bit more honest or, perhaps, self-aware.


Q: Do you want to wear a mask?

A: Well, I don't want to but I will to minimise risk for myself and others.


Q: Do you want to take pics of your kids doing significant things in their lives at school events?

A: Yes, but I understand that schools have regulations in place to protect vulnerable children so I'll stick to taking photos where I don't run the risk of endangering a child.


Q: Do you want to fly away on holiday with your children during term time?

A: I'd like to, because it's likely cheaper, but I don't want to take my child out of school if it will affect his/her education.


You're very fond of misrepresenting people by stating that someone's said something, or agreed with something, when they clearly haven't.  It's a really bad habit that you should knock on the head.


The great majority of people don't want to wear a mask anytime.


Taking pics of their kids doing significant stuff.

Most parents would like to take pics of their kids at school events (or swimming galas....) and only do not because the school tell them they cannot and they'd rather not have a confrontation about it. It is NOT because most they think it's a reasonable and proportionate request. Many still do take pics, I see them doing it, and it's great to see.


Fly away on holiday.

You misunderstand what I meant. Nett Zero zealots want to stop people flying away on their hols.

But, since you bought it up, there are comparatively few parents these days (after a government supported Covid seven month school shut down) who agree with  fining parents for taking their kids out of school for one week a year.

And it isn't all about it being cheaper, we're taking our lad to AUS and NZ early next year. Nobody with any sense (or knowledge of geography) would do that in our summer and their winter, nor would they go all that way for only one or two weeks.

Parents school holiday fines fits in this thread anyway. After all it's about "society" and the state ordering us all about, restricting our freedoms and regulating us.


>>it will affect his/her education<<


I can assure you 100% our lad will get more out of his holiday to SKorea, AUS & NZ than he would get out of the 2 weeks of school he'll miss, BTW, that's two weeks he'll have missed in FOUR YEARS......



Edited by Chekhov
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10 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

My Bold in red:




My words mean exactly what they say in plain English and you don't get to assign different meanings to them.

Were you the biggest cheat in your school ????????

What I said is correct.

Most people want what I want, so you saying you don't care if I get this that or the other, is you also saying you do not care if everyone else doesn't get this that or the other.

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6 hours ago, Delayed said:

Ah the old 'vast majority'. And yet this vast majority doesn't extend to Sheffield forum. 


1. To be warm. 

No one is preventing that. 


2. Fly away

Flights are still happening


3. Car

Cars are still a thing


4. No masks

No longer common place but some still wear them 


5. Photos of kids

Photography isn't banned.


So, no. I don't get my jollies out of being authoritarian. I get my jollies out of you crying about everyday normal occurrences. 


1,2 & 3

Will be much more expensive once the nett zero zealots have their way. They may even be rationed, just like they used to be in the USSR.



We were all forced to wear masks for over a year. Some selfish sods were quite happy to force four million secondary school pupils to wear them when they were making sod all difference and pretty much all those vulnerable to Covid had been offered a vaccination. 

What really sticks in my craw is those selfish sods try to make out they're such caring people.



Have you got any kids at all ? Parents are frequently banned from taking pics of their kids at times when the vast majority of parents would very much want to, e.g. at school performances or sports days, or at swimming galas etc etc


It is the vast majority, the number of Leftie authoritarians making loads of noise from their keyboards is not reality.

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11 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

What I said is correct.

Most people want what I want, so you saying you don't care if I get this that or the other, is you also saying you do not care if everyone else doesn't get this that or the other.

You are a liar

You quoted me as saying something I didn't say.

You have no idea what most people want.  If you want to make statements like that then prove it.


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