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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

1,2 & 3

Will be much more expensive once the nett zero zealots have their way. They may even be rationed, just like they used to be in the USSR.



We were all forced to wear masks for over a year. Some selfish sods were quite happy to force four million secondary school pupils to wear them when they were making sod all difference and pretty much all those vulnerable to Covid had been offered a vaccination. 

What really sticks in my craw is those selfish sods try to make out they're such caring people.



Have you got any kids at all ? Parents are frequently banned from taking pics of their kids at times when the vast majority of parents would very much want to, e.g. at school performances or sports days, or at swimming galas etc etc


It is the vast majority, the number of Leftie authoritarians making loads of noise from their keyboards is not reality.

1,2, 3 you just making things up as per and getting wound up over nothing that's happened.


4 everyone wore masks, not just precious secondary school kids so not sure how selfish that's being. 


5. It's not a pre-requiste of having kids to understand photography and the law around it.


Lefties must be hitting their keys really hard to be making so much noise 

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47 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

1,2 & 3

Will be much more expensive once the nett zero zealots have their way. They may even be rationed, just like they used to be in the USSR.



We were all forced to wear masks for over a year. Some selfish sods were quite happy to force four million secondary school pupils to wear them when they were making sod all difference and pretty much all those vulnerable to Covid had been offered a vaccination. 

What really sticks in my craw is those selfish sods try to make out they're such caring people.



Have you got any kids at all ? Parents are frequently banned from taking pics of their kids at times when the vast majority of parents would very much want to, e.g. at school performances or sports days, or at swimming galas etc etc


It is the vast majority, the number of Leftie authoritarians making loads of noise from their keyboards is not reality.

Are there any aspects of modern life that you think are much better than what went before?

Perhaps if you focused on some positives about modern life, the matters which you concern yourself with would seem more trivial by comparison, and would help you to be more balanced too.

For example, the ability to connect and communicate with others on the internet, the increase in the array of choices at the supermarket, longer opening times of shops, more flexible working patterns, less rigid conformity and stuffy attitudes are all changes in my lifetime that are positive.

I suppose if I were to list the negatives of modern life they would be: the anti intellectualism of many people, egged on by the establishment; the fracturing of popular culture;  the acceptance of the status quo, and culture wars.


Edited by Mister M
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Fun stuff, here! :)


Personally I wouldn't be too worried about the remote possibility of severed heads cluttering up the railroad tracks.


Toronto has been working for some 20 years on its own 'supertrams' (circa Warsaw 1950)


Now like Sheffield, netzero bicyclists, pensioners, and mothers pushing prams with kids in tow are sharing the main roads with these contraptions.  :)



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6 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Masks... [snipped, because repetition]

In your rush to restate your views, again, you didn't address my point, which was your unfortunate tendency to misrepresent and misquote others' views better to serve your own argument.    Try again.


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12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You are a liar

You quoted me as saying something I didn't say.

You have no idea what most people want.  If you want to make statements like that then prove it.


He does it frequently. He also has a nasty habit of inventing opinions for other people, so that he can rant about it.


Thats his problem though. Just rise above it and leave him to continue posting fiction.

Edited by Prettytom
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12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You are a liar

You quoted me as saying something I didn't say.

You have no idea what most people want.  If you want to make statements like that then prove it.

I certainly am not lying and you are talking rubbish.

The problem is all of your own making because you are not thinking about what you are writing.

You said :


>>I have been perfectly honest with you and told you that, I'm not the slightest bit interested in your holidays,  masks, cars, your warm house, or [your] pictures of [your] kids.

You are just a moaning minnie who thinks the world should put you first<<


By saying you have no sympathy for the fact I will have my holidays restricted, have been forced to wear masks, will have to pay more for my car, more to warm my house, and not be able to take pics of my child doing significant things in his life, you are also saying you have no sympathy for anyone else suffering these issues. And that is most people


>>You are just a moaning minnie who thinks the world should put you first<<


Err, what I am moaning about is stuff most people are unhappy about (or will be when the stuff hits the fan).

Edited by Chekhov
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3 hours ago, Prettytom said:

He does it frequently. He also has a nasty habit of inventing options for other people, so that he can rant about it.

Thats his problem though. Just rise above it and leave him to continue posting fiction.

"Fiction" ?

I don't think so.

If you seriously think nobody else, or even that just a minority, are bothered about masks, foreign holidays, warm houses, (relatively) cheap cars and being able to take pics of their kids doing significant stuff, you should spend less time behind your keyboard and get out more.

Edited by Chekhov
  • Haha 1
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11 hours ago, Mister M said:

Are there any aspects of modern life that you think are much better than what went before?

Perhaps if you focused on some positives about modern life, the matters which you concern yourself with would seem more trivial by comparison, and would help you to be more balanced too.

For example, the ability to connect and communicate with others on the internet, the increase in the array of choices at the supermarket, longer opening times of shops, more flexible working patterns, less rigid conformity and stuffy attitudes are all changes in my lifetime that are positive.

I suppose if I were to list the negatives of modern life they would be: the anti intellectualism of many people, egged on by the establishment; the fracturing of popular culture;  the acceptance of the status quo, and culture wars.

>>Are there any aspects of modern life that you think are much better than what went before?<<


Not much, medical advances would be about it.

I honestly think that, nett of the negative aspects of the internet, it is not such a wonderful thing.

I really mean it when I say I wish I was bringing my child up in the 70s, or even the 80s, rather than now. And I'll tell you something else, most parents who are old enough to remember those times (older parents I grant) think the same.


I will note you have not mentioned the increase in restrictions on all of our lives as being a big negative. That can only be because you are happy about it, i.e. you are an authoritarian and people being told what to do and having their lives micro managed, and even told what to think, comes naturally to you.


>>the acceptance of the status quo [is a negative]<<


I absolutely agree with you on that sole point.

If people think they're being asked to do BS stuff (or banned from doing other stuff) for no proportionate reason, they should ignore the little Hitlers.

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13 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

"Fiction" ?

I don't think so.

If you seriously think nobody else, or even that just a minority, are bothered about masks, foreign holidays, warm houses, (relatively) cheap cars and being able to take pics of their kids doing significant stuff, you should spend less time behind your keyboard and get out more.

There you go again…

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