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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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Just now, Chekhov said:


People who don't want their bank accounts spammed up with poxy £1 transactions don't want it. Nor do those with business accounts who have to pay for every transaction, no matter how small. 

Nickname of Northampton Town Football Club.


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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


People who don't want their bank accounts spammed up with poxy £1 transactions don't want it. Nor do those with business accounts who have to pay for every transaction, no matter how small. 

Just to annoy you then.... 



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On 10/08/2023 at 18:27, ECCOnoob said:

All seem like perfectly valid reasons to me, but we all know you're an obtuse clown so will always find some pathetic reason to argue against.


If you are personally not engaging in the activity and passing responsibility for your child to whatever swimming instructor/coach sessions the venue/school provides, then no, you shouldn't be coaching them. If there is already an authorised (and frankly far more qualified ) instructor in charge of the activity it's damn right they don't want pushy entitlement syndrome parents barking orders at their child through an earpiece.


They didn't say that no-one is allowed poolside. They said YOU shouldn't be poolside which again, is perfectly reasonable if you are not  taking part in the activity. The venue has responsibilities for people using the pool. They have hygiene and safety responsibilities to keep. They need to control the environment . You have no reason to be there and no right to under their rules.


Same with  the electronics. The venue's equipment and radios will be checked and risk assessed and authorised for use in that environment. Your gadget wasn't.  Why on earth would you think you have some right to start using it without permission.  


Why not buy your own  private pool and teach your child in your own space. You can manage it exactly the way you want, coach him exactly the way you want and even chuck a whole stereo system in the pool if you want to.


As I said before, until such time as it happens, Get over yourself.  Their venue.  Their rules.


How would you react if someone walked into  your shop with no intention of buying any  products then wanders behind the counter or in the back room without reason or your authorisation, starts interfering and engaging  with your customers and suddenly plugging a device into your power sockets or fiddling with your equipment without permission...

I was going to answer this, but thought, this is a waste of my time, other than to point out I had paid to be in there and therefore most of what you say is irrelevant, just like the rest of what you said in fact.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.


>>If you are personally not engaging in the activity and passing responsibility for your child to whatever swimming instructor/coach sessions the venue/school provides, then no, you shouldn't be coaching them. If there is already an authorised (and frankly far more qualified ) instructor in charge of the activity it's damn right they don't want pushy entitlement syndrome parents barking orders at their child through an earpiece.<<


I couldn't resist exploding this load of cobblers though.


>>barking orders at their child through an earpiece.<<


The whole point of a Sonr is you do NOT have to shout.


>>If you are personally not engaging in the activity and passing responsibility for your child to whatever swimming instructor/coach sessions the venue/school provides<<


The great majority of parents who take their kids swimming are trying to teach them to swim or improve their stroke. You talk like someone who never goes to a pool TBH.


>>and frankly far more qualified<<


Really ?

I have been swimming 30 years, and competed for about 5. My lad would not take swimming lessons and wanted me to teach him. Which I did and he swam 25m a week before his 3rd birthday, and he was small for his age, he was about the size of the average 2 year old.....

At the age of 5 he was probably the best swimmer (for his age) in Sheff (at freestyle), but he then lost a lot of interest for about 3 years so is no longer the best. But he's still one of the best, particularly bearing in mind he is still small for his age.



But, as it happens, we are getting side tracked from my initial (far more significant) point :


What is also inescapable, and the theme of this thread, is that the number of "rules" is going up at an alarming rate.

It really will not be long before everything is banned unless specifically allowed. When I come out with that prediction I have had people tell me I am taking alarmist rubbish, but in fact this is already happening !

I bought a device, a Sonr, to enable me to talk to my son as he swam, it's brilliant BTW, it increases the efficacy of a coach by up to 100%.

However, in the pool I was using at the time, the first time I used it  the duty manager rolls up and says "you can't use that in here".

Why not ? I asked.

Well, she went through a whole load of reasons none of which stood up to any scrutiny, before she turns to me and said "well, why would you have thought you could use it in here ?"

Or, in other words, everything is banned unless specifically allowed, just as I have been predicting for years.

And it will get a lot worse, I guarantee it 100%......


Edited by Chekhov
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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I was going to answer this, but thought, this is a waste of my time, other than to point out I had paid to be in there and therefore most of what you say is irrelevant, just like the rest of what you said in fact.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.


>>If you are personally not engaging in the activity and passing responsibility for your child to whatever swimming instructor/coach sessions the venue/school provides, then no, you shouldn't be coaching them. If there is already an authorised (and frankly far more qualified ) instructor in charge of the activity it's damn right they don't want pushy entitlement syndrome parents barking orders at their child through an earpiece.<<


I couldn't resist exploding this load of cobblers though.


>>barking orders at their child through an earpiece.<<


The whole point of a Sonr is you do NOT have to shout.


>>If you are personally not engaging in the activity and passing responsibility for your child to whatever swimming instructor/coach sessions the venue/school provides<<


The great majority of parents who take their kids swimming are trying to teach them to swim or improve their stroke. You talk like someone who never goes to a pool TBH.


>>and frankly far more qualified<<


Really ?

I have been swimming 30 years, and competed for about 5. My lad would not take swimming lessons and wanted me to teach him. Which I did and he swam 25m a week before his 3rd birthday, and he was small for his age, he was about the size of the average 2 year old.....

At the age of 5 he was probably the best swimmer (for his age) in Sheff (at freestyle), but he then lost a lot of interest for about 3 years so is no longer the best, but he's still one of the best.



But, as it happens, we are getting side tracked from my initial (far more significant) point :


What is also inescapable, and the theme of this thread, is that the number of "rules" is going up at an alarming rate.

It really will not be long before everything is banned unless specifically allowed. When I come out with that prediction I have had people tell me I am taking alarmist rubbish, but in fact this is already happening !

I bought a device, a Sonr, to enable me to talk to my son as he swam, it's brilliant BTW, it increases the efficacy of a coach by up to 100%.

However, in the pool I was using at the time, the first time I used it  the duty manager rolls up and says "you can't use that in here".

Why not ? I asked.

Well, she went through a whole load of reasons none of which stood up to any scrutiny, before she turns to me and said "well, why would you have thought you could use it in here ?"

Or, in other words, everything is banned unless specifically allowed, just as I have been predicting for years.

And it will get a lot worse, I guarantee it 100%......




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