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50 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Here it is in black and white: 


NOTICE: We are an agency not affiliated with the Australian Government website. The decision to grant any permit is made by the Australian Government. We provide services and assistance on a professional fee basis of $99 for. A request can be presented also on the official website for a lower fee but without our help and assistance.

I feel you are being economical with the actualité......


It's not in "Black and White", it is in hard to read white transposed over a picture of the Sydney harbour bridge.

It's also requires pressing page down 9X (that's nine times) to get to it.

And it isn't a lower fee 9from the Australian government, it's free.


4 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

"I chose to ignore the warning on the website, and went ahead and gave them my money anyway"



Trolling again, and coming from a man who told me I should expect to pay [implication, pay a lot] for an Australian visa......

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I feel you are being economical with the actualité......


It's not in "Black and White", it is in hard to read white transposed over a picture of the Sydney harbour bridge.

It's also requires pressing page down 9X (that's nine times) to get to it.

And it isn't a lower fee 9from the Australian government, it's free.

Trolling again, and coming from a man who told me I should expect to pay [implication, pay a lot] for an Australian visa......

There you are being revisionist again. Something you were asking for proof of the other day, well there you have it.


Just admit you have been duped, its nobodys fault but your own, and we can all move on.

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51 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

I mean, come on, you don't expect companies to be dumbing down by having to fill their page with brightly coloured multiple notices to stop people from accidentally buying something they don't need or charged for something they shouldn't be. Surely businesses shouldn't have to be subject to such a ridiculous administrative burden like that filled with OTT overprotective rules and regulation bollix just to protect dumb  consumers...... right? 

I do not think there should be a law to stop them, no. You are putting words into my mouth.

But do I think Google, virtue signallers extraordinaire, are bleedin' hypocrites accepting adverts from them.


Personally speaking I would never contemplate running that kind of business, but not everyone is as moral as I am I suppose.

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3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Just admit you have been duped, its nobodys fault but your own, and we can all move on.

>>Just admit you have been duped<<


I even started a thread advertising the fact I had, in an effort to prevent anyone else falling for the same swindle. And, I seem to remember, you accused me of being selfish for doing so.....


>>its nobodys [sic] fault but your own<<


I wouldn't go quite that far, I think Google had something to do with it, plus the less than moral business model of the company concerned.

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8 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I do not think there should be a law to stop them, no. You are putting words into my mouth.

But do I think Google, virtue signallers extraordinaire, are bleedin' hypocrites accepting adverts from them.


Personally speaking I would never contemplate running that kind of business, but not everyone is as moral as I am I suppose.


How are you not understanding.


The business you engaged with clearly advises they provide a service to apply for a visa on your behalf. They clearly set out the charge for that service which you agreed to. They stated on their website front page that one can go elsewhere to the government website and avoid their charge.


Upon provision of that information, people then  can either choose to use their service or not.  Nowhere on the website do they spoof or fake or otherwise mislead into pretending they are the AU Government.  Nowhere on their website do they use any sort of AU government branding, colours, logos, web address or otherwise to dupe people into giving their money to them.


Therefore, given they are not any sort of scam, fake or engaging in any suspected criminal activity, why should Google block a legitimate business from advertising through their search engine.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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10 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:


How are you not understanding.

The business you engaged with clearly advises they provide a service to apply for a visa on your behalf. They clearly set out the charge for that service which you agreed to. They stated on their website front page that one can go elsewhere to the government website and avoid their charge.

Upon provision of that information, people then  can either choose to use their service or not.  Nowhere on the website do they spoof or fake or otherwise mislead into pretending they are the AU Government.  Nowhere on their website do they use any sort of AU government branding, colours, logos, web address or otherwise to dupe people into giving their money to them.

Therefore, given they are not any sort of scam, fake or engaging in any suspected criminal activity, why should Google block a legitimate business from advertising through their search engine.

No it does not, you're trolling and coming as close to lying as it is possible to get, without actually lying.


This is the page they ask you to fill in :


No where on that page does it mention they are nothing to do with the Australian government

People can make their own minds up, yours is closed, as to what that business is trying to do.


>>why should Google block a legitimate business from advertising through their search engine<<


Because it makes out it is such a virtuous company, caring about society and the greater good etc. Doesn't it say "do no harm" or some equally puke inducing virtue signalling cobblers ?
E.g. removing Russell Brand's income stream from Youtube before he has been found guilty of anything, and banning Talk TV from Youtube in Jan 2021 because they were legitimately (and, it turned out, correctly) campaigning against lockdowns.


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