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Modern Life Is Rubbish

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18 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Picked up one of the Grandkids from nursery for the first time today . I had to give a password to get access to him .  Outrageous.

It's interesting you have mentioned this.

People never needed passwords to pick up there kids, in say, the 80s, so why do they need a password now ?

That's a  rhetorical question BTW, it's because people's risk aversion has reached stratospheric levels, they're frightened of everything. Except driving, ironically, because that statistically, is actually quite dangerous.


When my lad's nursery asked me for a password I thought it was ludicrous and just used his name as the password....

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19 hours ago, francypants said:

The company is a business, a business is there to make money, it isn't a charity.  All costs were stated, you agreed to their terms and conditions and were charged exactly what you agreed to.

I don't remember seeing the cost till the check out page.

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19 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

The only hypocrite I can see in all this debacle is you.

A man notorious for huffing and puffing about bloody silly red tape and petty rules and overbearing health and safety bollix and woke nonsense curtailing people's freedoms and lack of common sense and lack of autonomy...... who is now seemingly raising lots of complaints and demanding that Google should "cancel" a legitimate and legal business organisation just because they fell victim to some clever marketing and failed to use some of that very same common sense.

You're still at it, putting words into my mouth and generally trolling. I have already answered your ludicrous inventions, here :


I have never stated the company should be banned from its dodgy, but legal, business.

All I have said is Google are hypocrites for accepting money from a company such as that, yet are the masters of virtue signalling and are prepared to censor and/or delete content from other organisations (e.g. Talk  TV) that they disagree with.


>>clever marketing<<


Selling people stuff they can get free whilst camouflaging the fact they aren't actually the Australian Govt's visa site  is "clever marketing", that an interesting use of the "term marketing".

Their camouflaged disclaimer :



  17 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

As for bragging about your own business web reviews.... 🙄.   

You bought up my business and made parallels between it and with that dodgy lot.

I simply  proved you were wrong, totally :


It's nothing like my business, you're insulting me and my staff with that one.

And you're provably wrong anyway :


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11 minutes ago, Chekhov said:



When my lad's nursery asked me for a password I thought it was ludicrous and just used his name as the password....

Did you always bring the right child home with you?😁

Seriously it’s just a reasonable safeguard for small children who may be collected by family or friends.

Also the number of single parents who have custody rights might be glad of this protection 


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5 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Did you always bring the right child home with you?😁

Seriously it’s just a reasonable safeguard for small children who may be collected by family or friends.

Also the number of single parents who have custody rights might be glad of this protection 

So why did they not use passwords that in, say, the 80s ?


I worry about the effect on my lad of all this paranoia. There a vicious circle in all this, kids are bought up amongst all this sort of "fear the world" stuff (every year my lads school practices "locking down" for a terrorist incident for Gawd's sake). The kids then develop into adults who feel the same, and their kids are then inculcated with it, only a bit more than the previous generation, and so it goes on.

Where will it all end ?

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Gods sake, lets  not pretend the 80s and the 70s were halcyon times either ffs.


When the Yorkshire Ripper was in his pomp the TV stations even broke from a STRIKE to broadcast public safety messages and police appeals. Some rose tinted specs around these parts.

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21 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

So why did they not use passwords that in, say, the 80s ?


I suppose many things have changed over the decades,mostly for the better.

Some not depending on your opinion.

I happen to think that children are more exposed to some threats than were apparent in my childhood.

The schools are responsible for your child’s welfare whilst  there and then ensure that they are passed back to the appropriate adult.

My worst nightmares have been when my children and grandchildren have gone missing .

This even continued into their teenage years when they venture further afield .You may have those joys to come.

So I would support more safeguards in very general terms


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